
I'm just really confused..!!..
Is this a mid-life crisis?? I was 50 last month and bought my first Land Rover last month...and really enjoying ownership and sorting out few niggles
My problem is that I had my mid-life crisis just over 20 years ago - or that's what everyone told me when I bought my first 'proper' sports car when I was coming up 30
So what is middle aged and how many mid-life crisis are we meant to go through..??..

Off out for a beer to contemplate...
I've come to the conclusion life is one long string of crisis.

Occasionally one may be fairly enjoyable
I was told 10 years ago by some that at 37 I was middle aged? Didn't feel middle aged in fact felt quite young! Still do 10 years later? NOT experienced any so called mid life crisis to date BUT for some I believe it does exist! It just depends how you view life? Maybe fear of getting old and years passing by can
Make your mood change or spur you on to make uncharacteristic decisions? Who knows but the thing is to be content and appreciate the little things in life like your Landrover we are all different .....THANKFULLY:D
I've come to the conclusion life is one long string of crisis.

Occasionally one may be fairly enjoyable

Tremendous! Although, I think the odd enjoyable one is just the odd one that's a bit less tedious than the others. ;)
I'm just really confused..!!..
Is this a mid-life crisis?? I was 50 last month and bought my first Land Rover last month...and really enjoying ownership and sorting out few niggles
My problem is that I had my mid-life crisis just over 20 years ago - or that's what everyone told me when I bought my first 'proper' sports car when I was coming up 30
So what is middle aged and how many mid-life crisis are we meant to go through..??..

Off out for a beer to contemplate...
Its "contemplating death" crisis..

I have had those since in school a science teacher said statistically more than half of you have already lived 1/4 of your lives... I mean man alive how to de-moralise people.
Its "contemplating death" crisis..

I have had those since in school a science teacher said statistically more than half of you have already lived 1/4 of your lives... I mean man alive how to de-moralise people.

That's a mint quote! That teacher must have been a happy character :eek: Must have loved your class. :D
Don't worry about it, statistics can prove anything. That'll be true based on some unfortunate souls who die at birth, before they're one or get run over playing in the road when they are five. You'll probably live to 100 ! By which time you'll be wishing you were dead. Funny old life, isn't it! ;):D
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I felt middle aged when I got to 50, 8 years later I'm diabetic, have pain in most of my joints, all my old sports injuries are coming back to haunt me, now I'm now feeling decidedly old aged.
they reckon the 50s are critical for males , if you live thru it good chance youll get to ya 70s plus,,,so be same age as you and so far thanks to me cycling, kick boxing , bit running and healthy eating im not suffering from any of your
I reckon I am now middleaged, when I took the roof off of my 90 and turned it into a full soft top , My father said i was having a mid life crisis. 2 Years later at 44 I had a heart attack reckon that is a good reason to say I am at mid life. LOL.
This is a great thread, deeply philosophical.
I subscribe to the fact that work it a distraction from death.
Totally agree with this, but in a positive way. If you are lucky enough to have a job you enjoy then great. Main thing is you have to keep busy. I reckon we are designed to be active and thinking. Not sat watching the TV!
Those of us who work on our Landies, or have other similarly complex and time consuming hobbies, are on a winner.

I reckon I am now middleaged, when I took the roof off of my 90 and turned it into a full soft top , My father said i was having a mid life crisis. 2 Years later at 44 I had a heart attack reckon that is a good reason to say I am at mid life. LOL.

Hope you are on top of that, mate. These days, that's a warning you can work with to totally sort yourself out. Good luck with it.
I will be 70 in February, had a heart valve replaced in July (congenital, not diseased) had arrthymia due to the valve problem but have just had a Cardioversion, so that's out of the way.

Now I have breast cancer, so taking hormone drugs and waiting for my heart drugs to be reduced so I can have an operation.

I'm still looking at projects such as the Mercedes bus conversion and Philip's Sankey Widetrack conversion, so as long as I don't feel too bad, life goes on.

Better be active and do something than sit in front of the box all day, and I am still working full time as well. You youngsters think you have it bad?? :D:D

That's the way, Peter. Tremendous attitude. :)
Great projects lined up too. :D
"a few niggles" doesn't sound like much of a crisis. Just pick the fiats out of your steering gear and carry on :cool:
I subscribe to the fact that work is a distraction from death.

I'd agree with that, well it's definitely a distraction from something that's for sure.
I have been a much happier person in general since I managed to get a full time job again, I just wish I was a different person to make it easier.
Well anything that keeps you busy is good, that's why I like tinkering with lr's in any spare time, stops the mind from wondering to darker places.
(Oops! sorry slightly off topic :oops:)
I'd agree with that, well it's definitely a distraction from something that's for sure.
I have been a much happier person in general since I managed to get a full time job again, I just wish I was a different person to make it easier.
Well anything that keeps you busy is good, that's why I like tinkering with lr's in any spare time, stops the mind from wondering to darker places.
(Oops! sorry slightly off topic :oops:)

Well Aaron, I wouldn't mind being you for a while. You seem to have lots of toys to play with, and lovingly wire brush and paint. Fancy swapping for a bit?

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