You obviously don't have a clue.
for someone that thinks that Landrover transfer boxes all have VCUs and by fitting a VCU, it gives vehicles 4wd, that is laughable..
Having said that - I have never known you admit to an error, so you may have the last word. I just hope newbies dont accept your claptrap for facts.
for someone that thinks that Landrover transfer boxes all have VCUs and by fitting a VCU, it gives vehicles 4wd, that is laughable..
Having said that - I have never known you admit to an error, so you may have the last word. I just hope newbies dont accept your claptrap for facts.
talk about hypocritical and twisting a point to create a fight
for someone that thinks that Landrover transfer boxes all have VCUs and by fitting a VCU, it gives vehicles 4wd, that is laughable..
Having said that - I have never known you admit to an error, so you may have the last word. I just hope newbies dont accept your claptrap for facts.

God forbid any listen to you. I have made no error. I never stated that all transfer boxes had VCUs that is your misguided interpretation. You obviously have no idea about the way the Freelander one system operates. There is no true four wheel drive on a Freelander until the front wheel lose traction, only then are the rear wheels properly driven. What part of that statement do you not understand?
God forbid any listen to you. I have made no error. I never stated that all transfer boxes had VCUs that is your misguided interpretation. You obviously have no idea about the way the Freelander one system operates. There is no true four wheel drive on a Freelander until the front wheel lose traction, only then are the rear wheels properly driven. What part of that statement do you not understand?

You forgot to list your work history and call him a glow worm.

Not like you to let standards slip :p
I am doing nothing other than trying to get a simple explanation over to a simple recipient. :D:D

What your doing is using a arrogant noobs posts as a way back in to your favourite hobby of pointlessly disrupting FL tech threads with endless pedantry....

Have you tried taking up crochet? :D
What your doing is using a arrogant noobs posts as a way back in to your favourite hobby of pointlessly disrupting FL tech threads with endless pedantry....

Have you tried taking up crochet? :D

Are you having a laugh? I am trying to give useful information, if they don't want to listen and take it in, that is their problem. I am not trying to disrupt anything. Either take in the correct info or disregard it that is up to you.
Are you having a laugh? I am trying to give useful information, if they don't want to listen and take it in, that is their problem. I am not trying to disrupt anything. Either take in the correct info or disregard it that is up to you.

As I said it's a pointless argument about terminology and about as useful as potato/potato (that doesn't quite work in type :p )......BTW it's potato :D
@wammers I presume that the Man With Hats is deliberately pulling you up here because of your attitude towards most people on most threads. You keep referencing the need for people to be educated by you - he knows what he is talking about on this subject - just as you do. There is a point of difference here, and both the VCU and IRD serve their purpose in Freelander's potato/potato/4WD/AWD system. The way I see it, is that a potato needs some form of distributing power to 4 wheels not 2 - the only component I can see in the Freelander that does this is the IRD. The VCU will stop/lessen distribution to 2 of those wheels in some circumstances.

As I've said before, you do know an awful lot of stuff - and I'm sure you have helped a lot of people on this forum - but you not perfect - nobody can be - and you do make errors yourself that need educating...

God forbid any listen to you. I have made no error.

ONLY when the front wheels lose traction is the rear axle properly driven.

This last statement is categorically wrong. It may be the generally accepted spiel on how the VCU works in Freelander, and it is true that if the fronts lose traction the VCU will drive the rears 'properly' (what ever that means) - but at motorway speeds with no loss of traction the VCU will also be providing that same 'proper' locked (ish) connection to the rears. The VCU will only be 'loose' at slow speeds and in a straight line and if the tyres are all pretty well matched.

This was pointed out by @jamesmartin a few days ago.
ive give up on this site as i load grief of wammers and grumpy..from being called twunt ..we all know what that meant to ars...e of the week ..why i put over a good strong point view and these 2 children hate anyone who does that, lot of grief on this site, even a newbie on his first post was told...shouldnt buy a fancy all toys model//what a way to treat people. ...outside this site..landy zone is hated...whats admin do about nowt..even own members are keeping off as stated other day..these 2 are proper idiots and babies , ill disapear again ...just looked thru some posts...argue..argue..rename this site..prattzone
ive give up on this site as i load grief of wammers and grumpy..from being called twunt ..we all know what that meant to ars...e of the week ..why i put over a good strong point view and these 2 children hate anyone who does that, lot of grief on this site, even a newbie on his first post was told...shouldnt buy a fancy all toys model//what a way to treat people. ...outside this site..landy zone is hated...whats admin do about nowt..even own members are keeping off as stated other day..these 2 are proper idiots and babies , ill disapear again ...just looked thru some posts...argue..argue..rename this site..prattzone

You've repeatedly said, and tried to convince others how rubbish it is here.

A thick skin is useful, a sense of humour essential.

If you don't like it why are you here?
ive give up on this site as i load grief of wammers and grumpy..from being called twunt ..we all know what that meant to ars...e of the week ..why i put over a good strong point view and these 2 children hate anyone who does that, lot of grief on this site, even a newbie on his first post was told...shouldnt buy a fancy all toys model//what a way to treat people. ...outside this site..landy zone is hated...whats admin do about nowt..even own members are keeping off as stated other day..these 2 are proper idiots and babies , ill disapear again ...just looked thru some posts...argue..argue..rename this site..prattzone
That is your right mate. Just to let you know though - the vast majority of people who come onto this site get great help and community assistance from it. Some end up hanging around. A few come on and call the communities efforts c**p, then wonder why they are shot to pieces.
ive monitored this site in 2 days..17 complaints from members over the answers they at war with wammer and grumygit...4 topics ive tried to get into but havent has there arguing...soo ill disappear and let the babies play with the dummies, take a look at your transcript...and be ashamed how childish you are trying to outpoint like out of this had a lot of messages supporting my view you three are a load of children and should be banned
That is your right mate. Just to let you know though - the vast majority of people who come onto this site get great help and community assistance from it. Some end up hanging around. A few come on and call the communities efforts c**p, then wonder why they are shot to pieces.
i got shot to pieces to start with ....called a twunt cause i said you god ..bye ****ters
God Almighty, The dummies are ricocheting all over the place.

How the hell did this crap start in the first place? .....No no no don't start again I take that back!

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