Hi. I am new to this. I have only owned a Landrover 08 for about 8 weeks & although I love it, it has a few 'strange' issues that have made me late to work and other places a few times. I got the car after much research and seeing a lot of Freelanders in my price bracket and am sold on it. However issues with the tailgate being open - when shut, the sun roof opening on its own, the petrol gage dropping to empty as soon as the needle reaches half way then I can only put £38 worth in, and the sat nav taking me anywhere but where I need to go are spoiling my fun! (That is scary - lucky I had google maps). Any experiences with Sat nav's I would be grateful to know about. I am not given to flights of fancy but I beginning to think the car is possessed!!!
welcome to the forum, serves you right for buying a vehicle with so much electrical jiggery pokery on it :D
firstly whats ya model freelander , regards sat nav ..forget it get a stand alone with life time updates, sun roofs are a known prob..close it..take fuse out..forget it...fuel gauge sounds like faulty sensor maybe, check battery earths clean and tight and showing a healthy 14,2 v running , best luck on here..lol..there are some good guys here
firstly whats ya model freelander , regards sat nav ..forget it get a stand alone with life time updates, sun roofs are a known prob..close it..take fuse out..forget it...fuel gauge sounds like faulty sensor maybe, check battery earths clean and tight and showing a healthy 14,2 v running , best luck on here..lol..there are some good guys here
regards sat nav..is it fully upto date
thats sums up the people on here mate .sarky waste of space ..

Not the correct place for this. Especially if you're going to spread lies!
You've only arrived yourself so wind your neck in.
If you wish to carry this discussion on, start a new thread in anything Goes

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