1. P

    Petrol Diesel Tesco Problem

    eh up marcus, long time no hear, been off forum for a bit, nice to see you have gone the way of the devil with the v8, you gonna lpg the baby?
  2. P

    Recommended garages.

    i have used cr allen in peacehaven about 8 miles east of brighton and a couple of miles from newhaven which is dead handy for the dieppe ferry a good independent landie and farm machinery garage phone no. 01273 584987, have used them on 3 occasions and work is bang on, hope this helps,paul
  3. P

    Anyone Got A 110 Soft Top?

    that would be great, cheers rob.
  4. P

    Anyone Got A 110 Soft Top?

    is it up for sale, soory to butt in but am after one at the mo!:D
  5. P

    Another newbie, from East Sussex

    welcome from another east sussex member, you far from brighton then ?
  6. P

    independent land rover garage, cambridge

    mornin people, just popped over from the series forum for a quick bit of advice, the sister in law has just bought a luvly w reg disco for towing the kids and horsebox and before she sticks it in to a main dealer, can anyone recommend a good inde garage, much thanks
  7. P

    starting issues

    also should the spring be showing or compressed enough to be hardly noticable?
  8. P

    starting issues

    makes sense as when the nuts were loose i was turning the motor over, will try and slacken them off and try again, one thing though, local chap ,mentioned that when the engine was warm,i.e. after i had bumped it, the reason she started on the button COULD be that the brushes are worn . when...
  9. P

    starting issues

    landy turns over first thing in the morning very sluggish, if i bump it and run it for about 20 mins it will start on the button for the rest of the day, have checked cleaned and tightened all earth straps and had a look at the starter motor today, the first nut holding the live feed on the...
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    halogen doo dahs

    f**k me, these new fangled halogen headlights are a bit good, i can now see at night down these nice country lanes, beats the buggery of having the equivalent of a small boy running in front of the landy with a gloworm under each arm!!!!! sorry a bit excited over a little thing like seeing at...
  11. P

    Greenpeace Bank Cock Up!

    sorry to **** you guys off, but a camerman was murdered in the greenpeace ship explosion,in new zealand waters by the the french special services,they were protesting about nuclear testing in the pacific,i will :mad: agree the current anti 4x4 campaign is well off tack, but remember this was the...
  12. P

    blowing series 111

    bloody hope not,will check in the morning,oh the joy of landies eh!!
  13. P

    blowing series 111

    happy new year to all the land rover people,hope you all had a good one,nice little journey to kent from brightonon nye and have now developed a lovely little throaty rasp,have checked manifold studs as the buggers were loose as hell last time ,they are fine, no holes in exhaust but the rubber...
  14. P

    Slightly OT: Radio 2 debate on 4x4 use in London

    agree with most comments so far people,living in brighton the traffic is pretty awful most of the time so i use my push bike,riding legally the biggest problems are the local bus drivers!!!now when i need to pick up firewood,play silly buggers in the woods or take the hounds out for a stroll,my...
  15. P

    101 Trouble by Sledgehammerdog

    correction alt fan landrover :eek:
  16. P

    101 Trouble by Sledgehammerdog

    if you check out the news group on this forum, alt land rover,seems to be a lot of people well into their 101,s check it out and welcome:D
  17. P

    quote for new clutch!

    ok people,finally admitting defeat and its time for a new clutch!!!!:eek: trouble is , i am getting quotes of £400 upwards,i know its a big job but jeez,thats bedwetting amounts of money!!!!! anyone know of any mechanics in the brighton area that could give me a hand!!!! bugger, bugger, whinge...
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    cheers gareth will give it a go!!:D
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    just fitted slave cylinder on clutch,all good,now really loud clunking and juddering on pick up off first and not soo bad on second,any ideas, front uj, clutch, any ideas, ta :mad:
  20. P

    bugger no clutch!!!

    clutch has packed up big time,no resistance on the peddle at all, cant get in to gear and had to push:mad: the 109 uphill, with some willing helpers,where do i start guys, advice please!!!!