
New Member
just fitted slave cylinder on clutch,all good,now really loud clunking and juddering on pick up off first and not soo bad on second,any ideas, front uj, clutch, any ideas, ta :mad:
Hello chap, I haven't looked it up, but it sounds like adjustment to me. Not dis-engaging fully, but that's only from experience on other vehicles, like with two less wheels! :eek:
This might sound a little weird, but have you adjusted the handbrake? My LR had a similar juddering in when pulling away and it seemed just like the clutch was sticky. Checked it out and no probs, but still getting a really bad judder. Turned out to be the handbrake - it was catching on the insude of the drum. Took 5 minutes to fix - just loosened the adjuster off a couple of turns to free it completely, pulled hard on the handbrake lever 2 or 3 times and then adjusted it back in the usual way. Spoke to my mechanic and he said the shoes can sometimes get out of line and this causes them to catch sometimes and cause the judder. It's only at low speeds that you notice it though

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