Dave Smith


Not directly aimed at Land Rovers, but as usual we're all tarred with
the same brush, I just tuned in today half way through Jeremy Vine's
show to catch a 4x4 debate but it was full of the usual broad statements
and wild pollution claims with some lady campaigning for congestion
charge to be £20 for all 4x4's and much higher road tax for 4x4's
because of all the pollution. Some of you might like to listen to the
debate. You should be able to get it later today some time on the
'Listen Again' Radio 2 web site http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2 (Listen
Again | Jeremy Vine Thursday)


Unfortunately I've just listened to this idiot and have suggested to the BBC
that they might help the ozone layer by fitting this woman with a gag to
stop hot air escaping!

Why can't these morons do something constructive like targeting the pillocks
of boy racers which plague everywhere in the UK.
Cheers, John

What I want to know is when is JY coming back. He would never entertain
these worthless twerps and their nonsensical arguments.

In message <4385c9e7$1_2@mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com>
"John Stokes" <wildlifeincamera@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

> Unfortunately I've just listened to this idiot and have suggested to the BBC
> that they might help the ozone layer by fitting this woman with a gag to
> stop hot air escaping!
> Why can't these morons do something constructive like targeting the pillocks
> of boy racers which plague everywhere in the UK.
> Cheers, John

In reponse to his jibe (I'm getting more and more fed up with his
personal predjudices being aired on the show) at the end, I sent
this mail. It at least made me feel better after listening to all
that tosh....

"Some people still have bull bars as a macho accessory. However, many have
them for practical purposes. When driving off-road, they provide
protection for vehicles, which where vehicles are used competetively
in RTV trials etc, can be considered necessary. Many users also use them,
and their vehicle, as temporary fencing for animals, pushing plant
and equipment, and even carrying equipment on when on-site.
Quite how they are supposed to be more dangerous that a low sports
car the will knock your feet from under you and crack your head on
the bonnet and/or windscreen just goes to show how little thought and how
much prejudice is involved in such a debate.
For certain, "the media" have no idea what uses 4x4 vehicles are put to,
not least as their entire point of view is expressed in terms of city
dwellers, usually London based.

The original TRRL report only indicated a slight increase in the dangers
represented by bull bars - the statistics have been manipulated by some
so-called "experts" (as they always are) to obtain a desired result to
support a particular point of view. As I recall, not mention of vans
has been made - should they be banned too?

On another topic, I notice on todays programme, in a style which is
becomming increaseingly evident on the Jeremy Vine show, that no one
was in the studio to argue the opposite case. It is noticable that
this happens when the subject it is a personal hobby-horse of the

Don't suppose it'll do any good - some just don't want to hear the
full story.


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We got a plug (as in mud-club!) hehe.

I was tempted to call in, but it might temper my TV appearance ;-)


No mater how hopeless they are or how stupid the topic if its controversial
it makes for listings and people ringing in and ranting, that's what the
producers want, what a sad state of affaires !!!!!


To reply remove " spam "
"Peter" <peterf.zipcaplen@homecall.co.uk> wrote in message
> What I want to know is when is JY coming back. He would never entertain
> these worthless twerps and their nonsensical arguments.


"Rich" <r3engineering@ntlworldspam.com> wrote in message
> No mater how hopeless they are or how stupid the topic if its

> it makes for listings and people ringing in and ranting, that's what the
> producers want, what a sad state of affaires !!!!!
> Rich

I think the brigade that knock 4x4 are the same people who were happily
driving around in them a little while ago when it was "fashionable" to have
one. If we ignore them for long enough they'll go away, there's no basis in
fact for the claims being made as many cars guzzle more juice, are longer
and kill people just the same.

My mate has a Honda Legend with a 3.7 litre engine ( or 3. something ) which
does around 10-12 round town and is longer than my 30+mpg diesel disco.

Have a look at the website these idiots have put up!
I'm sure if you cross matched the pictures with an animal rights site you'd
find the same prats present! I'm getting more than a little fed up with
some sanctimonious little pillock telling me how I should run my life,
whether from this sort of organisation or from Tony Blur's alleged
government. This organisation encourages people to vandalises 4x4's and as
such should be classed as a terrorist organisation alongside the Animal
Rights groups.
Cheers, John

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 13:57:10 +0000, Dave Smith
<dave.afl@netjump.co.uk> wrote:

I must say that I am getting rather tired of these rants. I have a
300tdi disco and I typically get about 900km's on a tank (I drive like
a bit of an old git). I have just recently read about the launch of
the bugatti veryon (spelling??) which can apparently dispose of a full
tank of go go juice in 15 mins at full chat. There are also plenty of
cars, 540, M5, M6, 760iL, S600, etc all of which I am sure would
comfortably consume more than even a v8 landy.

As for hitting people. While any of the above vehicles would be
hitting a cracking pace within meters of a traffic light, my landy
would still be spluttering its way off the mark at a regally sedate

And finally how much more conjestion does a landy cause than a 7

I wish these pillocks would just get a grip and focus on facts instead
of wild hyperbole.

Brief rant over

PS: I am in South Africa but we have a similar nutter lobby although
not quite a vociforous yet.

"John Stokes" <wildlifeincamera@tiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
> Have a look at the website these idiots have put up!
> http://www.stopurban4x4s.org.uk/news.htm
> I'm sure if you cross matched the pictures with an animal rights site
> you'd find the same prats present! I'm getting more than a little fed up
> with some sanctimonious little pillock telling me how I should run my
> life, whether from this sort of organisation or from Tony Blur's alleged
> government. This organisation encourages people to vandalises 4x4's and
> as such should be classed as a terrorist organisation alongside the Animal
> Rights groups.
> Cheers, John

Just had a look. What a disgrace! It does say on the site that they are not
targeting people with a genuine use for a 4x4. They also don't condone any
sort of physical abuse of 4x4's or their owners. Having said that, what a
bunch of self-righteous w**kers!!! It's always easy to target the 4x4
1990 Ninety 2.5 n/a D (Jasmine) - the off-road toy
Ex- Freelander Td4 5dr owner - the worst vehicle I have ever had!!!
New Jeep Cherokee Ltd 2.8CRD Auto - freelander replacement.

Just as a matter of interest, the woman on the radio said she didn't own a
car, but rode a bike. Has anyone ever actually seen a bike on these stupid
boxes that seem to be appearing at traffic lights? Im my experience they
are usually on the pavement dodging pedestrians!
Cheers, John

In message <d1adece4d%beamendsltd@btconnect.com>, beamendsltd
<beamendsltd@btconnect.com> writes
>In message <4385c9e7$1_2@mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com>
> "John Stokes" <wildlifeincamera@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>> Unfortunately I've just listened to this idiot and have suggested to the BBC
>> that they might help the ozone layer by fitting this woman with a gag to
>> stop hot air escaping!
>> Why can't these morons do something constructive like targeting the pillocks
>> of boy racers which plague everywhere in the UK.
>> Cheers, John

>In reponse to his jibe (I'm getting more and more fed up with his
>personal predjudices being aired on the show) at the end, I sent
>this mail. It at least made me feel better after listening to all
>that tosh....
>"Some people still have bull bars as a macho accessory. However, many have
>them for practical purposes. When driving off-road, they provide
>protection for vehicles, which where vehicles are used competetively
>in RTV trials etc, can be considered necessary. Many users also use them,
>and their vehicle, as temporary fencing for animals, pushing plant
>and equipment, and even carrying equipment on when on-site.
>Quite how they are supposed to be more dangerous that a low sports
>car the will knock your feet from under you and crack your head on
>the bonnet and/or windscreen just goes to show how little thought and how
>much prejudice is involved in such a debate.
>For certain, "the media" have no idea what uses 4x4 vehicles are put to,
>not least as their entire point of view is expressed in terms of city
>dwellers, usually London based.
>The original TRRL report only indicated a slight increase in the dangers
>represented by bull bars - the statistics have been manipulated by some
>so-called "experts" (as they always are) to obtain a desired result to
>support a particular point of view. As I recall, not mention of vans
>has been made - should they be banned too?
>On another topic, I notice on todays programme, in a style which is
>becomming increaseingly evident on the Jeremy Vine show, that no one
>was in the studio to argue the opposite case. It is noticable that
>this happens when the subject it is a personal hobby-horse of the
>Don't suppose it'll do any good - some just don't want to hear the
>full story.

Well done Richard - you can't guarantee instant success but every little
bit helps.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
John Stokes wrote:
> Just as a matter of interest, the woman on the radio said she didn't own a
> car, but rode a bike. Has anyone ever actually seen a bike on these stupid
> boxes that seem to be appearing at traffic lights? Im my experience they
> are usually on the pavement dodging pedestrians!
> Cheers, John

They would need to stop at red lights to actually use them. I use them
occasionaly on the motorbike, quite illegal, but handy none the less.

k12rs r80g/s sIIa
agree with most comments so far people,living in brighton the traffic is pretty awful most of the time so i use my push bike,riding legally the biggest problems are the local bus drivers!!!now when i need to pick up firewood,play silly buggers in the woods or take the hounds out for a stroll,my 109 is perfect,in fact sometimes the bike goes in the back of the landy as well, basically any form of transport is valid, if used to the best of its abilities, even though its bloody crap having freezing rain running down your arse crack on a winters morning,for me it makes more sense then waiting in gridlock traffic taking up to four times as long!!

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