
New Member
happy new year to all the land rover people,hope you all had a good one,nice little journey to kent from brightonon nye and have now developed a lovely little throaty rasp,have checked manifold studs as the buggers were loose as hell last time ,they are fine, no holes in exhaust but the rubber grommety thing on the mid pipe section bracket has broken in two,anyone know the part no. plus throaty rasp is def from manifold area not mid pipe any ideas????ta
Have a look at the first joint - between manifold and downpipe. The downpipe is quite long and there is quite a bit of unsupported pipe between the manifold and the next support. Essential to take up engine movements on starting and taking up drive.

My S3 has brass nuts (!) which come loose - aided by the fact that the studs have rusted a bit. This causes the downpipe to loosen and this generates a rasping noise from the exhaust.

I bought a complete stainless steel exhaust system believing the existing system to be life expired, but tightned the bolts up on the first flange instead and its been fine for the last 2 years. However, over the last few weeks some holes have appeared in the taile pipe, silencer and upstream - patched with gun-gum for now, complete replacement is inevitable.

Do however look for holes in the exhaust pipe as the holes only need to be 2 or 3mm dia to make a lot of noise....
when i read yer man's post he said he had checked manifold studs and that the exhaust had no holes in it which is why i sugested a cracked manifold rather than sugest he rechecks wot he says he has checked

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