Secret Santa

Now those who have met me know I have 2 children and am protective of anything I see as disrupting children's innocence.

Maybe we can luck dip presents or something:D
how many people booked so far??cos it matters to whats to be arranged...
Now those who have met me know I have 2 children and am protective of anything I see as disrupting children's innocence.

Maybe we can luck dip presents or something:D

:confused: , i meant where you pick a name out of a hat and you have to buy them a present.

You only know who you are buying for. :)
Depends on ages of kids but I could probably borrow a load of gear from school, hoops, balls, rounders bats etc so they can just play .. It's an infants school so aimed at up to 7 year old sized gear, If enough are interested I'll borrow 'stuff'.
Depends on ages of kids but I could probably borrow a load of gear from school, hoops, balls, rounders bats etc so they can just play .. It's an infants school so aimed at up to 7 year old sized gear, If enough are interested I'll borrow 'stuff'.

Good man, can we stick to less risky stuff as we looked at bouncy castles and it's a world of greif.
Yeah, it'll all be stuff we have in the playground shed .. kids just wade in and fight for what they want!!

A few bouncy balls, footballs, softballs, hoops, rounders balls, it's mostly balls ... but there's other stuff too, like cones and targets for soft darts, foam javelins (totally safe). I'll arrange for an LSA to suggest a good/suitable selection.

Lots of input from people and the faster confirmed ticket sales the faster we can publically confirm further attractions.
The head has confirmed I can borrow equipment, the sports teacher is going to work out what might go down well, but whatever we bring it's likely to be 6 of whatever .. 6 hoops, 6 footballs, 6 foam javelins, 6 skipping rings/balls, 6 sets of softbats and softballs etc ...

I'm also gonna bring some rebar 'stakes' and hazard tape so we can mark out a 'kiddies corner' sort of thing where they can play, looked over by adults .. it won't be a creche though!

The head suggested I take no responsibility other than supply of equipment and that all children, or groups/family units must be accompanied by an adult or guardian who continues their usual responsibilities .. dunno what people will think about that?

Apparently that's how we can get around red tape when doing 'unofficial' stuff like this.
The head has confirmed I can borrow equipment, the sports teacher is going to work out what might go down well, but whatever we bring it's likely to be 6 of whatever .. 6 hoops, 6 footballs, 6 foam javelins, 6 skipping rings/balls, 6 sets of softbats and softballs etc ...

I'm also gonna bring some rebar 'stakes' and hazard tape so we can mark out a 'kiddies corner' sort of thing where they can play, looked over by adults .. it won't be a creche though!

The head suggested I take no responsibility other than supply of equipment and that all children, or groups/family units must be accompanied by an adult or guardian who continues their usual responsibilities .. dunno what people will think about that?

Apparently that's how we can get around red tape when doing 'unofficial' stuff like this.

Of course children accompanied by adult.
I wouldn't leave my sprogs wiv any of you lot.....

They'd likely learn doobiusness like how to strip a landy in plain view or the dark arts of those welderizing magizmos.
I wouldn't leave my sprogs wiv any of you lot.....

They'd likely learn doobiusness like how to strip a landy in plain view or the dark arts of those welderizing magizmos.

;) that is why we offer activities for children with parent or guardian present.

Also there are plans afoot to provide a marquee area for children so in the evening or if we have rain
How bout different sections to replicate the forum sections , I.e mechanical tent , green laning tent , AG(brawling area ) and introduce yourself (table and chair with interrogation lamp and small group of hecklers?)
Just another random thought :D

I like the idea of a maintainence tent, people are bound to have little things they need doing, especially those who have little experience of diy, would be good for the more experienced folks to show the whipper snappers how it's done.

I vote for the dwarf tossing :D How about a climbing wall? Obviously with helmet and safety ropes, something a bit different?

I like the idea of a maintainence tent, people are bound to have little things they need doing, especially those who have little experience of diy, would be good for the more experienced folks to show the whipper snappers how it's done.

I vote for the dwarf tossing :D How about a climbing wall? Obviously with helmet and safety ropes, something a bit different?


We did maintenance at the shows last year but it takes a bit of organising. We nominated vehicles and then organised parts, tools, equipement etc. A few folk bringing alone diagnostics kit might be a good idea for code clearing/advice

I like the idea of a climbing wall but it would mean hiring one in with instructors and risk assessments so it would be a pay for a go type thing
What about the arty drawing folk among us charge to draw landies for their owners and the money goes in the charity pot?

I wouldn't mind sketching up a few for people if they sent their fav piccies of their landies or even a few animal portraits. I'm only popping in for one day but can do before hand and drop sketches in for owners to pic up

Just a thought
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What about the arty drawing folk among us charge to draw landies for their owners and the money goes in the charity pot?

I wouldn't mind sketching up a few for people if they sent their fav piccies of their landies or even a few animal portraits. I'm only popping in for one day but can do before hand and drop sketches in for owners to pic up

Just a thought

Great idea!

Will ya do Florrie? Will ya huh? Please will ya? Pleasepleaseplease :)

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