A mobile garage? Like the marques they have outside Halfords but with a better colour scheme and people who actually have some knowledge of some motors?

Thought it might be useful as someone is bound to break down!
A mobile garage? Like the marques they have outside Halfords but with a better colour scheme and people who actually have some knowledge of some motors?

Thought it might be useful as someone is bound to break down!


Have you bought a ticket
Hi everyone, I am considering joining you all there, is there a page/thread that has all the information for the event in it? I did have a look but could only find the details regarding the camping and that there would be cake :D - so any guidance would be nice. I am sure its there somewhere but I've just not used my eyes again...

As for a suggestion, erm, if it hasn't been mentioned already (bit of a laugh too) stickers with our LZ names on them :). Also, what might be good is some custom made t-shirts with 'LandyZone 10th Anniversary 2014' on it which could be bought and a percentage goes to the charity?
Hi everyone, I am considering joining you all there, is there a page/thread that has all the information for the event in it? I did have a look but could only find the details regarding the camping and that there would be cake :D - so any guidance would be nice. I am sure its there somewhere but I've just not used my eyes again...

As for a suggestion, erm, if it hasn't been mentioned already (bit of a laugh too) stickers with our LZ names on them :). Also, what might be good is some custom made t-shirts with 'LandyZone 10th Anniversary 2014' on it which could be bought and a percentage goes to the charity?

Tis all here somewhere.... http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/l...bratory-meet-9-10-11th-may-2014-a-247099.html

I'll update the OP with what's lined up for certain
I am happy to make a video of the event as I am there for the full weekend now. So if you see someone pointing a camera your way, its most likely us :D. Should make a good vid, i'll be sure to get a bit of everything. If other people are planning on getting some video too, I would appreciate it if they sent me their best footage so I can get in some other perspectives etc.

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