How about a BoB effigy making competition with ceremonial burning of said effigies at the sat night disco.
What about a build a cardboard freelander. Prizes for those whose doors fall orf most realistically when sprayed with water.
How about a BoB effigy making competition with ceremonial burning of said effigies at the sat night disco.
What about a build a cardboard freelander. Prizes for those whose doors fall orf most realistically when sprayed with water.
troll burning or scarecrow comp
how about hunt the chips, big bag of chips hidden winner gets to eat them, or dwarf throwing contest (is pikey coming) we could even do a lecture on fixing ghd's as we welcome all landy owners. How about best dressed butler??? then to finish the week place a load of tyres in a pile and ask which ones fit my landy???
Get one of the organisers LR's weighed at the beginning of the weekend , best if it's on static display , "and do a guess the weight ".........(by no means let ratty anywhere near it tho ) book of raffle tickets and a handy prize ( Maybe LZ hoodie or a laning picnic set , road atlas , torch set ...the possibilities are endless.)
I'll donate a prize if it helps.
Get one of the organisers LR's weighed at the beginning of the weekend , best if it's on static display , "and do a guess the weight ".........(by no means let ratty anywhere near it tho ) book of raffle tickets and a handy prize ( Maybe LZ hoodie or a laning picnic set , road atlas , torch set ...the possibilities are endless.)
I'll donate a prize if it helps.

I like that :)

Mine would be quite difficult to guess.....then again I'm not sure I want to know! :eek:
Get one of the organisers LR's weighed at the beginning of the weekend , best if it's on static display , "and do a guess the weight ".........(by no means let ratty anywhere near it tho ) book of raffle tickets and a handy prize ( Maybe LZ hoodie or a laning picnic set , road atlas , torch set ...the possibilities are endless.)
I'll donate a prize if it helps.

good idea muds.I will donate a prize as well.:)
Has Accy got any LZ branded hoodies, t-shirts or hats etc to bring along and flog?
I'll take a 'secure unit' t-shirt in XL please.
Another good idea muds... :D

Why thank you miss minty..:D
Although in hindsight , guess the weight of the Landy may just be a bit OTT ...a box of sockets 'n' spanners and maybe a jack thrown in , would be more guessable .... Or less guessable if you happen to be James Martin...:)

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