@The Mad Hat Man @flat

So planning routes not far from sunny swindon again for May BH Monday.
5 motors to the group & some different lanes to what MHM & DD have drove before. Mostly non scratchy.
Start 09.30 till you want to finish if it's dry.

(Just waiting on the young German lady to confirm the dates.)

If you can't make it I can still sort GPX files out for your own driving ;)

Which one? 6th May or 27th May? I am up for either. Sounds great :)
@Hicap phill
Great, I'm +50% done welding so the Disco will be ready :)

Will be good to see that big Ol' lux flexing through the twisty bits :D

Also good to catch up with old friends, will your wife be bringing the series 1 out to play?
It was the sister in laws S1. Mrs don't off road hers as the diff hits the front pully :eek::oops:

Should be the 6th. A Hilux comes over from Germany for badmington horse trials so we fit some lanes in for her.

Perfect - have put it in my diary, would be ace to come just let me know where to meet and what time.

I don’t mind a Hilux coming, I once went laning with a guy in a jeep!!
@dieseldog69 you gonna be out to play?

Maybe see if Andy is free? He was taking about Wiltshire last time we went out

download (28).jpeg

That section is only about 3miles long.
2 other sections may be affected as they link up. But wilts ROW update changes quick.
Most of the ridgeway towards Oxford is now closed to motors.

Think last year when this section was closed we still had 52miles of green laning between broad town & malbourgh.

the sun is shining & May will be here soon this is when I start going out as most restrictions cease.
Good dry day out. Plenty of lanes.
Wiltshire council have repaired some of the lanes with old road scalpings by filling in holes & removing ruts then back filling.
Few bikes out & 2 motors tagged on to us down 1 lane.
Some new sign post have appeared

I blame the cyclist/MTB. Lazy freaks are not using it often enough.

Used to be able to fly down there. Now you ride so close to the barb wire fence it's scary st speed

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