Was Out Sunday with 4 motors in the group. We only covered about 70 miles in 7 hours. Ran out of time for the full tour. Lovely scenery.drove Some new lanes as they did not look inviting to be driven alone ;)
Encounter a few motorbikes.
1 unhappy dog walker
Blackberry pickers

But most of the day was quiet no 4x4 around.

A bit of rain & some of these tracks will be fun as chalk climbs/drops

Best Bit is there are still lanes the group still have not drove. :)

Another day out.
5 motors round swindon,Avebury.
80 miles door to door & the
lanes start straight away.

Lovely dry day


Over the ridgeway.

No traffic to report. A few bikes out but as these lanes are covered with long grass they don't like them all.
Plenty of walkers on the ridgeway which is expected on a bank holiday.
Day out 26 August. More Wiltshire miles. This was over barbury to chiseldon & beyond. Rain started so some of the climbs were slippy.

Few ruts around but these are used by the tractors & have winter closures.

Another 5 motors on this different route.
Drove some lanes I have not viewed/drove or even rode down it on my bike. We have drove past this on occasions & decided to have a look. It was tight fit for the discos but intresting. Like driving through a tree

We did encounter a padlocked gate which is normally open. This has been reported as it's normally closed for the winter.

Saw a few motors out & they were lost asking for directions.
Now if you can show me where you are on a map I do help.
They had no clue where they were & sat right next to 5 ROW.
Explained to them road miles to where they wanted.

Plenty of motorbikes out but not spotted on lanes as they just parked up waiting for the rain to stop.

Good few weekends green laning with different groups of friends.
Getting lanes in before closures end of September
How many people would be keen for a Wiltshire gathering?

There are pubs with real estate that would no doubt accommodate us, and byways galore from Warminster to Tidworth- I'm thinking the George at Longbridge Deveril.

We need to go firm on a date and then everyone would pull towards it.

If there is interest I can pull something together....
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You don't need vast quantities of people on lanes that may not cope.

I have been with a few groups & 6 is the max. Any more than that we split into 2 groups & give each other 30 mins gap.

Most people camp/wild camp & pubs don't appeal to us all.
Yes you could have various routes round the plain but making sure everyone enjoys the day can be a chore. I do organise odd days & finding routes that all people will be happy is a nice challenge.

Good thoughts though & hope all goes well.
Theres no reason why we couldn't set up a navigation challenge around the plain. 20 or so miles of decent on and off road driving.

The main focus of the weekend would be camping and meeting like minded people. And then set off small groups at staggered intervals for the lanes.
The pics are amazing... well jel... I'd love to go laning, sadly my freelander wouldn't cope... kinda wishing I'd kept the disco shed that I brought now just for laning:(
The pics are amazing... well jel... I'd love to go laning, sadly my freelander wouldn't cope... kinda wishing I'd kept the disco shed that I brought now just for laning:(

Why wouldn’t a freebie cope? Would be fine I reckon, and if it’s a bit muddy someone could just pull you through.

Give it a go, you might be surprised. One of the Surrey guys goes out in a freelancer from
Time to time and does just fine!
I have taken freelanders out before & not got stuck. A D1 got stuck(beached) in tractor rutts.
You can get some freelanders into places that some Landrovers won't go.
I used to race(comp safari) a freelander & never worried about traction
Before that I used to annoy all the special Landrovers with a 4x4 panda :oops:
Also need to get power lag sorted on the FL too.... severly struggled on a 16 incline road! So glad I didn' have to go back up cheddar gorge road don' think we'd have made it!

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