new filters, cleaned sedimentor and attempted to fix the cruise control just for the hell of it.

Took drivers carpet out to try and find water leak, nice surprise very little rust & no holes but soaking wet soundproofing. No leaks from heater, no sunroofs so clueless as to where water coming from :confused: (clean water with no smell or stickyness)
Finished welding in the drivers side sill/rockslider box section, and ran out of gas again as I'd only got a small bottle. Something wrong here 'cos it should have lasted much longer i think and I can't get the time or a vehicle to get more welding gas for a few days ...

So I removed the front and rear ARB's, undid and checked and re-greased all wheel bearings, 'cept the one i've just changed. Bought some more oil for the diffs, gearboxes and engine, filters and service stuff for a full service, oil/filter change when i get more time. Removed the under bonnet mud/water soakaway (sound insulator), generally cleaned things up a bit and oiled/greased where necessary.

Greased alll UJ's, prop slides, noticed the front diff input is leaking so want to do that before Wales trip, but it shouldn't take long. Squirted some lithiumm grease onto all bushes, suspension etc etc.

Drove round the car park and can't believe how noisy it is without carpets, door seals, sound matting or seats! Might have to get some stick on insulation, but that's for later.

had a shower and now getting ready to go back to work ...;)
Finished welding in the drivers side sill/rockslider box section, and ran out of gas again as I'd only got a small bottle. Something wrong here 'cos it should have lasted much longer i think and I can't get the time or a vehicle to get more welding gas for a few days ...

what size bottle ?
what size bottle ?

Dunno .. same size as a Large paint spray can .. thrown away now as it was disposable. I wouldn't have had it normally but was given it to try till I can get my real bottle re-filled.
Ah, right .. I was told it'd last about an hours worth of welding ... ;)

As you might tell, I'm all new to welding. Me bro is time-served welder, and gives me good advice, but lives in a different village and works for a small firm so can't help with bottles etc, more's the pity.
why you selling her bud??

Just not getting time to use it really and the time situation will only get worse. I just lost the storage space for an MG Midget that I started restoring about 5 years ago so that is back in my garage and I need to get to work on it again. I'll also have a baby to contend with in a few weeks time which I'm sure will severely limit my garage/playing time!!!

A real pity after all the work that has gone into the Landy and I already know I'll miss it but unfortunately I have to sensible at the moment :( I'm sure I'll be back sometime in the long distant future :)


Pinched the rear diff guard of Robins Disco and fitted it to me disco. & the bastid diff has sprung a leak. :mad:
Welded diff last nite & the fooker just kep leaking thru the welds :mad: Finally got sealed, after 4 attempts. & left it overnight to make sure it was sealed. Had a look an hr ago and the fookers still weeping Albeit a tiny amount. So packed a full tube of Plumbers Mait Leakstop. epoxyresin Tis desgined for plugging leaky CH rads & boilers. & I've sealed Eggsauces wiv it before. SO hopefully that will cure it. :D :D

This is the stuff. Evo Stik Plumber's Mait Quick Leak Repair Putty 455993 Copper Effect 50g, 455993 except mine is grey??
Might have to swap a few more bits now though, thanks to missus driving it for 6 miles with the diff locked and the starter motor running and engaged!:doh:
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So packed a full tube of Plumbers Mait Leakstop. epoxyresin Tis desgined for plugging leaky CH rads & boilers. & I've sealed Eggsauces wiv it before. SO hopefully that will cure it.

Don't forget to let us know if it work's, I could do with patching a small diff leak until end of summer, other's jobs have got priority before I fit a new diff pan...
Don't forget to let us know if it work's, I could do with patching a small diff leak until end of summer, other's jobs have got priority before I fit a new diff pan...

Well It's not leaking at the mo :rolleyes: just have to keep checking it if it leaKS i'll top it up as required. Gonna get another axle & HD diff pan and weld it in place. & fir noo springs & shocks then do same for this axle and keep it as a spare. for when the inevitable happens. :(

If ya gonna use the epoxy resin metal mend type ****. Ya need to degrease the area completely or it won't stick. the weep on mine was minute so cleaned & degreased the area before applying it in 3 coats each one covering a bigger area than the previous layer. Use a wet finger or small paint brush to smooth it down as you're applying it.

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