Had a couple of attempts (in between interruptions) at getting the viscous an off to make it easier to get to the power steering pump.

Miserable fail :(

The only think I could find thin enough to brace the pulley just bent - everything else I've found so far is too thick. More searching through old tools needed.

Though I may just leave it on and work round it.....
well done dragon, nice feeling..
Cheers, J, it's certainly a load off to have got it through with minimal extra effort. Now I've managed to get my hands on the parts DHL lost prior to the MOT I can get them done too, and relax in the knowledge that it's in pretty good nic for another year, and concentrate on the mods I want to make.
sprayed the complete underside, and arches with underseal, compressor wasn't man enough to use the tuby thing for inside the chassis legs ) : got to try (if weather holds out) to fit my new front & rear springs, dampers, and other suspension components tomorrow
Yesterday replaced the rear brakes again, but with genuine components....much much better. can make the rear wheels lock up now!
Fitted new headlight switch, now have working lights again.
Fitted speakers and and amp so I can now hear music above the engine!
Dont like it tho.................
Need to catch up here... in the last week I changed the steering damper (amazing difference to steering) and replaced the front left wheel bearing. Going off now to bleed the brakes and top up the oil levels on the axels, diffs, gearbox, and transfer box.

- Andrew
Pics of me fitting me snorkel yersterday

Yu sure it should go ere??

Well that covered up well.


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