
Went off roading for the first time and really really enjoyed it.
Started taking my handbrake to pieces before it got dark. No wonder it wasn't working too well. It's full of grease. Or rather congealed transmission oil from the seal. I need to clean it up and put the new bits on, but that's a job for tomorrow when it gets light.
Started taking my handbrake to pieces before it got dark. No wonder it wasn't working too well. It's full of grease. Or rather congealed transmission oil from the seal. I need to clean it up and put the new bits on, but that's a job for tomorrow when it gets light.

Heheheh, the job from the pit .. ;)

I bought a disc brake after having regular problems.
Right, finished it before I had to go into work. New seal, new shoes and new springs, with the usual struggle getting the springs on. I find it's easier to put the shoes on the backplate and then put the backplate on the gearbox, so you can push the shoe locating pins while attempting to get the spring on the other end.
I'd like to propose myself for the 'Oiliest brake shoes award':

That's just built up over the summer. It was OK for the MOT in May.
Does anyone know if companies that change windscreens for insurance companies still have heated screens for the d1?
Can't imagine there's a big demand for them, so there's probably a matched urgency to make them. No idea if any other marques use the same screen.
Hmm cheers, mines heated but failing more and more, that post just made me wonder wot my chances of a heated screen would be if I ever needed to get another fitted thru the insurance
Yeah it's a safari and all the ones I've seen had them from new along with the air con and external differences they had, I believe that cruise control was an option tho
Well, I've learned something there. Thought BMW sold Land Rover to Ford in 2000, so didn't think the heated screens went in to LR vehicles until then. Obviously wrong :)

Which means they may be more available than I thought :cool:
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Although I know from experience that ford liked fitting heated screens in their cars a long time ago (my and my mates sierra cosworths had them among others) I have come across 300/v8 d1's with them but I do believe they were largely an optional extra

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