Jet washed it yesterday, cleaned a load of crap off the insides, let it dry then Fertanned it to preserve the rust in good order.

Primer and paint will soon follow.
Swapped a few parts over from my nackered (original 90 box) transfer box to my reasonable one (my old Disco T-box) .. X-eng brake, all the linkages, removed props ready for new UJ's (Not totally necessary, but while they're off ..) and setting up a mudstuff console (bought cheap on here) with a set of six switches a decent fuse box and sundry things ... Soon be time to transfer the transfer boxes ... The nackered t-box has new flanges on it and other bits but I don't think they're worth swapping over as the reasonable t-box seems fine.
Meanwhile, I've also made a couple of pieces to repair the nackered aluminium seat bulkhead back parts, side parts and other parts, jacked the whole thing up and took the wheels off (because) and tomorrow I'll be dismantling the heater box and attempting to fix the bodge I did last time that never really worked!! Started to clean off the seatbox ready for a re-paint. I've ordered a 'Landrover Beige', we'll see .. but it's inside so as long as it's summat like ...
Lovely day for it mind, not too hot, and plenty to drink, water mind, I have to go to work in a bit ..