I've gone a little further with my assault on stiffness and uneveness in the steering. I've put a new flexible section of steering column on.

Although the old one felt OK when it was on the car, once it was off the problem became apparent. If it is flexed to full extent the bottom joint can be made to lock up solid. Feels a bit like the effect you get if a roller has broken up. Once the new one was on it all felt better, so I've got rid of the grunchiness (which seems to have been in the top bearing of the steering column) and the uneven feeling, which must have been the bottom universal joint. Plus the flexible rubber joint was looking a bit perished, so it is better to have a new one on. I think I'm nearly MOT ready now.
I've taken the spare wheel off the bonnet and chucked it in the back in the hope that the reduced weight at the front will make the steering a bit lighter. Every mickle makes a muckle and all that.
Been over to Wales at the weekend:
Had a bit of a drive around once I was there:

And saw some derelict buildings:

Or rather, we went for a walk and admired the countryside with everything just coming into leaf, babbling brooks and mossy branches
Off to the MOT this morning. It passed with no advisories. It's not due 'til the 5th of June but I thought I'd try and squeeze it in before the rules changed. It'll probably be OK under the new regime, but it's easiest to work to rules you're familiar with.
Replaced the water pump. Though it started raining and I had a table booked for a curry so had to hurry up. So I’ll stick the fan and belt back on thursday
MOT next week :eek: just giving it a service
Whoever put the oil filter on last is a complete and utter w***ker...
As I was draining the sump yesterday I thought I'd have a look behind the inspection nut next door in the bell housing
Poked my finger up there :rolleyes: and found these..


Whatever it was I think used to be around 25mm dia. One side smooth, the other sheared.

Any ideas? Everything seems to be working fine.
Took some pics of where I am (still) with it, and one small reason why it's taking so long .. ;)
Not uploading pics ....

... It is now ... ;)



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