New pollen filter arrived in the post yesterday. I fitted it this morning then took it to Kwik-Fit for an air-con re-gas.
Now the air-con works like it was supposed to! Even with the windows down it was freezing cold!
The guy at the garage told me the air-con pipes were empty so someone must have had the system apart sometime in the past.
New pollen filter arrived in the post yesterday. I fitted it this morning then took it to Kwik-Fit for an air-con re-gas.
Now the air-con works like it was supposed to! Even with the windows down it was freezing cold!
The guy at the garage told me the air-con pipes were empty so someone must have had the system apart sometime in the past.
how much did they charge.
also did they tell you, you needed new tyres?
how much did they charge.
also did they tell you, you needed new tyres?

£49 to re-gas.
They don't charge if it doesn't work though. They spent 40min gassing my grandparents Toyota Picnic onto to find the compressor isn't working. According to their machine the re-gas process worked fine & it retained the gas. They didn't charge my grandparents though as there's no way of proving it worked.
My air-con did nothing before the re-gas & is ice cold now it's been done.

Nope, they didn't mention any tyres! I thought about asking for a price on some A/T tyres but I've always found Kwik-Fit to be pricey!
Did a compression test. Not good results. Cyl 2 considerably down on the other 5. Explains the misfire. Doesn't help with what to do next!

Went bare back!!
fitted the new painted drums on the back


they look loads better as you can see they are black.
also filled the tank and put some 2stroke in, see how it goes. not going to be filling it too many times, 60Lts my credit card is sobbing. but the fuel light had come on and I'm off to north wales next weekend.
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If its not the hippo thats always got something wrong with my rav has decided it wants a new DMF........Between the 2 of them they are slowly grinding me down..:(
Fitted new air filter vacuum pipe that was split and fuel filter tomorrow's job if not raining is the oil and filter change

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