Took her for a run out yesterday, suffered slipping when it selected second gear... Pulled over with the engine running after hunted out of second and it was fine after that😵
Time for an oil & filter change plus bolt tightening on the valve block perhaps?
Well i got the body fuse junction box controller out from behind the glove box.
Pretty sure this car will never. ever
run. again.
At least not without some unholy rituals!!.
I also think i need to start smoking some magic jellybeans because I'm pretty sure my construction worker neighbour has learned a few new words today!!!
Time for an oil & filter change plus bolt tightening on the valve block perhaps?
I had done the oil mid last year, it's always clean when I drain it😩 it's possible it's a touch worn at 260k+ mls .. It's been doing the clunk as it slowns down to walking pace for a a year or two and I think it's telling it's nearly time to thrown in the hat🤔
I have an HP24
I had done the oil mid last year, it's always clean when I drain it😩 it's possible it's a touch worn at 260k+ mls .. It's been doing the clunk as it slowns down to walking pace for a a year or two and I think it's telling it's nearly time to thrown in the hat🤔
I have an HP24 if you want it, came from a low mileage V8 said to be OK but no guarantee.
Even though the connectors on the fuse box all looked good, I'm wondering if i should give each connector a spray with contact cleaner and refit?
I'm betting it doesn't take much for diagnostics to decide it sometimes can't communicate..
Refitting the fusebox have same results.. 4 out of 5 times doesn't respond.
I did find a small black plug in the vicinity not plugged into anything though! No clue what that is for. Maybe a module i don't have eg the companion camera
i've found.. i think.. its repeatable..
if i press the start button and recheck that module within a few seconds, it responds. any longer and it doesnt respond.

definitely sounds like its dead/dying to me. new/used arrives tomorrow.. lets see if/how that changes anything

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