Thanks for that @pwood999 - you've made it much clearer what my issues are. I suspect that whatever traditional tool is intended for use, it will no longer work on rusted and rounded heatshield bolts / nuts to get them off. I think I may be spending some time covered in crud while carefully applying a Dremel or multitool blade to cut the old bolts.
I will try mole grips on the central ones first as they look most critical for security. I am sure I can invent an alternative, preferably non-seizing method of securing the peripheral points for reassembly / any future disassembly. If so I will of course share it here for everyone's benefit.
From your photos it looks as though manifold removal is necessary to get to the head bolts too. Not just a case of sliding / easing the heads up past their joint with the manifold. I presume that with the manifolds off it is necessary / best practice to support the exhausts / cats in some manner to avoid strain on the system?

I seem to recall MrGorsky just chiselled them off in the end and used heatwrap on reassembly.
Replaced the cheapo front height sensor I fitted last year for a f@@king eggspensive one then spent 2 hours fighting my Foxwell to callibrate it correctly :mad:
Need to go for a long drive now to see if it's sorted :D

Test drive complete, motorway height activated twice and returned to standard height with no faults showing up . Let's see how long it lasts :)
That is the clip type. As on here.

Only way I can see to remove them is to lever / ping the clip off the connector? Hope it doesn't go anywhere vital and can be found again. Fuel temp and this one (water temp? front of left head) are easy enough to get at, but the injector ones the open ends are hidden by the injector securing clips.
I used a small hook to unclip the small ends and a pair of long nosed pliers to hold the clip so it didn't fly off. If you loose one or five don't worry you can have mine.;):D
Got stuck in this evening - managed to get a suitable socket on the remaining rocker cover bolts except the one with the loom bracket where the bolt has seized and buggered the head up. It is a dome head Allen one someone has fitted, so someone has already been at least this far into the motor before. Plus the snapped off short one on the adjacent one, r/h bank middle injectors point. At least once everything is off we can try to get that out / sorted too. I think tomorrow may be Dremel cutting wheel to slot that bolt for judicious impact driver extraction work. Easier with the wires out of the way a bit, which @tomcat59alan's explanation should make possible tomorrow.
Got the L/H rocker cover off, half the fuel hoses, etc so steady progress. All the fuel rail / coil pack nuts seem to be sweet and free which will be a bonus.
Got to be something to counteract the insane mix of metric and imperial fasteners.

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