What do ya do on a slip road when you cannot speed up or slow down to join the motorway? stop? I dunno in asking, i just carry on to the hard should then join.
What do ya do on a slip road when you cannot speed up or slow down to join the motorway? stop? I dunno in asking, i just carry on to the hard should then join.

According to the woman I came I to contact with I think the answer is shout out of the window

Or if your name is goonarmy

Hug some trees and all sit around a camp fire happy clapping until someone comes up with a better mode of transport!:hippie:
According to the woman I came I to contact with I think the answer is shout out of the window

Or if your name is goonarmy

Hug some trees and all sit around a camp fire happy clapping until someone comes up with a better mode of transport!:hippie:

1, you can always slow down unless stopped
2, end of slip dotted line = give way
3, hard shoulder emergency use only
4, cant stand heat keep off M way
According to the woman I came I to contact with I think the answer is shout out of the window

Or if your name is goonarmy

Hug some trees and all sit around a camp fire happy clapping until someone comes up with a better mode of transport!:hippie:

Ah bless. Just cos your not very good at this no need to get angry. Ever consider you might have been in her blind spot? Speeding slowing or moving were all options but plowing on is the one you chose resulting in the anocdote above. Easily avoided
What do ya do on a slip road when you cannot speed up or slow down to join the motorway? stop? I dunno in asking, i just carry on to the hard should then join.

Pretty sure thats three points but my google fu is weak today
1, Then what? See below

Then pullaway building up speed to join motorway?

Yes. If you can't get in by adjusting your speed then to continue would be to crash.

Or use the hard shoulder, which is dangerous because it is covered in debris and every other driver on the road thinks... woah what's going on..has that guy broken down, what the flip is he doing!

Worst case scenario is they flap and panic and cause an accident.
Got to say, unless it's a traffic jam, then I've never had an issue. Drive down and indicate, if someone lets you in.. fine, else go in front or behind the traffic.
It's not really rocket science :s if its busy and there's moderately fast moving traffic then stop at the end of the slip road and wait to join safely

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