should have gone out to count, cause actually its 11
5 wheel caps + 2 B-pillars + tailgate handle + rear bumper + front grille + bonnet

what about the high brake light lens? :p

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What I do hate is when I'm parking up and I leave plenty of room between me and the vehicle in front or the vehicle behind (fender so I've got the turning circle of a train). Almost every single time someone will park as close to my back end as they can possible get or as close to the front. Why oh ####ing why do they do this? I don't care about my landy getting a little bit scuffed but no doubt the thick owner of the badly parked vehicle would come out ranting and raving if, after performing my 3 million point turn, I had accidentally hit their shed.

And people who don't realise a 22 year old Land Rover will not comfortably pull away as fast as their modern car.

Also those blonde women always with sunglasses who drive those SUV-type Merc/BMW/Audi monsters like go-karts.
i don't like people who drive beetles especially the new shape, i shouldn't have to look at it.
People telling me I shouldnt have bought an 'old banger' its 10 years old! That I should have bought a new car with the money ive spent on it, people do not understand bits!

Biggest thing is 'why did you spend so much on a new seat' I wanted bucket seats...

Getting tooted by ****s in posh BMWs and Porches for driving too slow, when im doing to fecking speed limit!
Logic dictates more traffic equals less room to move. She could have gone in front or behind you. But you could have moved, sped up or slowed down. Then the whole thing would have been a non event

i often wonder how you manage to tie your shoe laces or do you were slip ons to be safe?
i often wonder how you manage to tie your shoe laces or do you were slip ons to be safe?

I wear slip ones and laces as they are called for. And i moved for traffic as required too. Come on lames. Tell me why im wrong.
People in diesel audi's and bmw's who sit up my arse and then overtake on a blind corner only to run out of steam when they see the lorry on the other side and then have to swerve in front of me
middle lane hoggers :mad:

gets my feathers proper ruffled that does! especially when they're doing 50 mph and i'm plodding along at 55/60 in the inside lane! If the roads quiet enough i'll swing right out into the outside lane, pass them, then swing right back into the inside lane again!
any of the impatient bastids that wont wait while im reversing me trailer onto me driveway ( narrow street with no power steering ) they either sit there and blast the horn fer ages or force their way past with less than an inch to spare

normally its twots in BMW's and audis that work in the fekkin hospital and park on our road just to avoid the carpark charges :mad:
For me, what ruffles my feathers is those smart asses who cut me off on the highway so I have to slow down... They don't appreciate the fact that it takes a while to get these old landies up to speed, therefore costing me speed is just 'rude'
People who, sitting at a junction, see me tooting(!) along at 50/55 and then pull out to get in front 'cause i'm a slow landy - then of course i have to brake 'cause theycan't pull away fast enough.
any of the impatient bastids that wont wait while im reversing me trailer onto me driveway ( narrow street with no power steering ) they either sit there and blast the horn fer ages or force their way past with less than an inch to spare

normally its twots in BMW's and audis that work in the fekkin hospital and park on our road just to avoid the carpark charges :mad:
brick their windows while they're at work, word will soon get round and they'll stop parking there......simples :)

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