Very nice, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you need to empty the front storage locker, shine everything up and put it back neatly, anyone would think there was an engine in there somewhere.
Isn't that what someone said to a bishop somewhere in some dark room in the back of a church were small boys get changed for chorus practice :eek:
Nope, I never was at a catholic school ran by priests :(
mate of mine from my pit days who had come from Ireland told me of some horrific tales of what some of the priests did to them. Reason he and his brothers came to England
Definitely not They were evil barstewards

Yes. And it all stems from entitlement and power. They believed they were entitled to our respect because they wore a black dress. Our MPs think they deserve respect because they are MPs. The organisations want the power that respect gives them but forget respect is earnt. As soon as they start to cover up where people don't deserve that respect the rot sets in. Now the only respect is for wearing a dress (or a rosette) regardless of your actions so the individuals do as they please. I am sure there are some priests that are horrified but they need to take a good long look at their own actions and ask if they allowed it to continue by inaction and if they still deserve that respect. Similarly, lying to the public and even in parliament itself is endemic. Until they sort that out then they deserve no more respect than you'd reserve for a stranger until they have proved otherwise. In the end they'll have no respect and no power. I doubt many people respect the church now. Certainly MPs get little respect - they're consistently low down on public polls. Look at the current situation where they're having to pass laws and use the Police like a private army. Unbelievable. And only necessary because at least one section of society doesn't trust what they say and has no respect for them.
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1. Considering the above, where would you start with the air ride?
Here -
Height sensors can be checked for resistance and that the reading is smooth throughout the action, ideally you would need EAS diagnostics to be sure.

2. The engine loom is just chucked to the side and floating in the wind, would this have any bearing on any other component? I should mention that it was originally a disease-el car.
Depends what’s left of the original setup and how it’s been butchered together or if it’s even needed now, but probably not.

3. There is an orange light on the dash (actually, there are many orange lights on the dash) which looks like a 2 pronged fork sticking up, never seen this before, any ideas?
This one?

4. Should I delete my account and stop asking stupid questions?
No you are most welcome

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