wrong . you should adjust your speed on slipway to join motorway or dont people read highway code anymore;)

Thats for the person joining. Who has only a slip road to acheive this. So three lorries bumper to bumper could easily block the slip road if its were short enough. Moving or adjusting speed is the sensible thing to do, with the choice of several lanes and good line of site, all of which is not afforded to the joining vehicle.
Don't think so, you need to re read the Highway Code and stop making your own rules up.

Taken from the Highway Code:

Joining the motorway (259)
Joining the motorway. When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway. You should

give priority to traffic already on the motorway
check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane
not cross solid white lines that separate lanes or use the hard shoulder
stay on the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway
remain in the left-hand lane long enough to adjust to the speed of traffic before considering overtaking.

I understand and on occasion follow the rules. However what ive sed is about being a good driver.
I was waiting in a queue to get onto the slipway off the A34 onto the newbury showground queue went all the way back to services. Only 2 vehicles to drive down the outside and cut back in right at the end of the sliproad and drive along the Hashed lines. Fooking L200 slitty driving ****ers. shame I weren't at the end. of the line cos I'd have run the fooker back out onto the A34 or forced em to drive into the side of me. :mad: fooking hate peeps who do that or stay in the outside lane right upto the bollards on a road that's marked with a lane closure I block them fookers anorl.. :D
nice piccie, but I`m a bit worried about pedestrians though.

It sez they are to use your snorkal intake,
and thats takin the ****,
I mean, Its not even a V 8 is it.

anuvver thing, your taking the **** to by parking that way.
If you`d have used yer loaf, you would have paked the other way round, with the driver door opening next to the railings, passenger side touching the beemer.
was it you backing off a bit, or do ya love ya manager :rolleyes:

Although I like your way of thinking, what you can't see is the layout of the car park and the fact you wouldn't wanna be reversing out of that spot due to the flow of trucks coming out of the main gates just in front of the vehicle.

And as for the snorkel comment... Any chance of a translation...? :confused:
Thats for the person joining. Who has only a slip road to acheive this. So three lorries bumper to bumper could easily block the slip road if its were short enough. Moving or adjusting speed is the sensible thing to do, with the choice of several lanes and good line of site, all of which is not afforded to the joining vehicle.

There should be adequate stopping distance, but in my case there was ample room, hardly anyone on the motorway, we had no reason or legal obligation to move, I know she was a tit and she was in the wrong but then blamed me for her incompetence. Undeniable and undefendable.

It annoys the crap out of me!
you were too kind Mark. I tend to park right next to them so they can't open their door :D (but still within the space)

Boot was full of crap. Couldn't be arsed to wade through it all and climb out of it. :D
I tend to find that people don't argue with me on the road as I'm always bigger than them. They get impatient and overtake but that doesn't bother me.

What I do hate is when I'm parking up and I leave plenty of room between me and the vehicle in front or the vehicle behind (fender so I've got the turning circle of a train). Almost every single time someone will park as close to my back end as they can possible get or as close to the front. Why oh ####ing why do they do this? I don't care about my landy getting a little bit scuffed but no doubt the thick owner of the badly parked vehicle would come out ranting and raving if, after performing my 3 million point turn, I had accidentally hit their shed.
There should be adequate stopping distance, but in my case there was ample room, hardly anyone on the motorway, we had no reason or legal obligation to move, I know she was a tit and she was in the wrong but then blamed me for her incompetence. Undeniable and undefendable.

It annoys the crap out of me!

But an accident resulting from the tit and ya self coming together couldnt be defended by i didnt have to move, i could have but chose not to.
I agree with dr evils if im not in the inside lane i dont have to pull out so much theory but dont make it right.
Maybe she would have been stupid enough to collide with 1 ton of horse, 2.5 ton of discovery and maybe a ton of trailer, who knows but I can guarantee her saying that I should have moved over would not win her claim in a court of law, the Highway Code is the general rule book and is used to define the way we should drive. You can't have a set of rules and then make up your own if if suits or is convenient.

Easiest way is to learn the rules and then apply them, not ignore the rules and then shout at others for following them.

If I had been in more traffic and not towing I would have moved over but there was no need to as there was ample space.
And as for the snorkel comment... Any chance of a translation...? :confused:

he's referring to the pedestrian access sign on the building which is perfectly in line with the top of your snorkel :D
Maybe she would have been stupid enough to collide with 1 ton of horse, 2.5 ton of discovery and maybe a ton of trailer, who knows but I can guarantee her saying that I should have moved over would not win her claim in a court of law, the Highway Code is the general rule book and is used to define the way we should drive. You can't have a set of rules and then make up your own if if suits or is convenient.

Easiest way is to learn the rules and then apply them, not ignore the rules and then shout at others for following them.

If I had been in more traffic and not towing I would have moved over but there was no need to as there was ample space.

I dont get the logic of moving if theres more traffic but not if theres less. Remember the majority of the vehicles driving on the motorway are being driven by somone with no training to do so.
The logic is there was a vast expanse of space for this idiot to occupy but in true Dosey air brained female style she wanted the space I was in, contrary to the Highway Code she wanted me to move a vehicle travelling at 57 mph with a trailer containing livestock, one of whom was having a paddy at the time although I wouldn't expect her to know that, so that she could join the motorway.

If there was a long line of traffic in the left lane and wasn't a gap I would have attempted to move over to allow the car on to the motorway.

Point is she should and could have gone in behind or in front of me with less effort or hassle AND this is what I expected as per the Highway Code and logical safe driving.
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The logic is there was a vast expanse of space for this idiot to occupy but in true Dosey air brained female style she wanted the space I was in, contrary to the Highway Code she wanted me to move a vehicle travelling at 57 mph with a trailer containing livestock, one of whom was having a paddy at the time although I wouldn't expect her to know that, so that she could join the motorway.

If there was a long line of traffic in the left lane and wasn't a gap I would have attempted to move over to allow the car on to the motorway.

Point is she should and could have gone in behind or in front of me with less effort or hassle AND this is what I expected as per the Highway Code and logical safe driving.

Logic dictates more traffic equals less room to move. She could have gone in front or behind you. But you could have moved, sped up or slowed down. Then the whole thing would have been a non event
Have to agree with you, when there's space either side of you why oh why didn't she speed up or slow down and use the f***ing space????

Reason: typical bloody single minded driver who obviously has more right on the road than anyone else, I bet she's one of those idiots who park any where including hashed lines, double yellow and across drives to collect their little angles out of school because heaven forbid they Park up a little bit further away and walk (use of you own legs as a means to get somewhere, this is for all who this applies to) to the school to collect them??? Can't express my anger at this as I live opposite a school for 8 years and one of these idiots managed to back a crappy jap 4x4 into my dads rangie!
Although I like your way of thinking, what you can't see is the layout of the car park and the fact you wouldn't wanna be reversing out of that spot due to the flow of trucks coming out of the main gates just in front of the vehicle.

And as for the snorkel comment... Any chance of a translation...? :confused:

as the op sez,
but, every picture tells a story WHEN you look at it.
I guess you only saw the prized landie,
but i see lotsa stuff around the landie too.
My biggest gripe on the roads comes more from my VW camper driving experience but relates to modded landrover and any other slow moving vehicles, people who pull right infront of you when on a motorway! I purposely leave a nice big braking distance as I am driving a heavy vehicle with either old brakes or not ideal tyres, I am trying to be responsible and there's always a cock who thinks 'yeh that gaps just right for me' without even thinking, use to really **** me off in the VW as a sharp stop means your weekends equipment/food/drink gets thrown around everywhere in the back!
what annoys me the most? people calling it a jeep even when it has LAND ROVER written 10 times all over it

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