I was about to start a thread about waving etiquette, being a recent 90 owner. In my (limited) experience, newer defenders/ discoveries don't wave, or even glance in your direction. My first waver was an old disco, kind of a respectful, serious 'yep. We are indeed the chosen.' Some waves are more enthusiastic than others. The most animated, cheery ones are from older vehicles, I have found:)
Find that 90% of defender owners will give a wave, from my experience the following 10% generally don't bother.......owners of spankly new models and those who use them for a living.
Had always been of the opinion that there was no wave too wild :cool:

I was wrong.

Got waved to by a very enthusiastic Defender driver the other day....... both hands :eek: :eek:
My 13 year old daughter loves sitting in the front of my 95 Defender waving at other Defenders. Trouble is when we are out in my other car, she forgets she is not in the Defender and still waves! A wave between a BMW and Defender doesn't have the same effect :doh:

Ha ha. I've found myself doing the same thing when I drive my works van.

I get the look of ' wtf? Do I know you?'
Did a spot of waving this afternoon on the way from Derby to Leicester. There were several defenders about and all responded, especially one with a roof rack covered in lights just as I was coming back into town. It's all alive and well in the East Midlands.
I can report that on my daily trek up the Cynon Valley I've now achieved a wave conversion rate of 100% when in Drover. Not quite as high when I'm in the mundane, because some of my waves don't know the car.

I have a regular 'crew' of wavees and a real hardcore of 'alright'ers if the traffic is slow enough.

Life is good - I just wish this airlock would feck off.
I can report that on my daily trek up the Cynon Valley I've now achieved a wave conversion rate of 100% when in Drover. Not quite as high when I'm in the mundane, because some of my waves don't know the car.

I have a regular 'crew' of wavees and a real hardcore of 'alright'ers if the traffic is slow enough.

Life is good - I just wish this airlock would feck off.

hehe i have one regular waver, a young lad in a 90 - he flashes his lights and gives me a thumbs up, cheers me up on the way to work :D

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