Passed another Classic on the way home today..... he waived cheerily and flashed his lights ! ......... maybe he was breaking down ? :D
I seen a Disco 1 overtake another D1 on a crawler lane the other week, as he pulled along side i could see him waving away at the other one, not sure the the guy being overtaken was aware of this tradition hahaha. I went to wave, then i realised i was in the Seat Exeo and not my Disco...
don't know about waving, now I am driving tiltless in the s1, people start talking to me at the traffic lights, seems even a tatty s1 like mine sparks interest, sadly none of the people have been young and fit :D
In the D2, most others I wave at give a bemused look at me, slightly modified ones with spot lights, snorkels or roof lights are obviously enthusiasts and return the wave. Got a big wave and smile from a young guy in Ballymena on Tuesday in a red 90 with LED lightbar.
When the sun's out it seems like it's better waving weather. The past couple of days I've been driving around and done a lot of reciprocal waving with people who look like they're enthusiasts. With windows down, there's a lot of waving arms extended outside the vehicle too.
Still not seen another landy. Just going to start looking in the mirror and waving at myself
out in the s1 tonight and got waved at by a fit looking blonde in a grey fender near mortlake station :D, pity her car was full of young kids though
Getting a wave on the way to work always makes me smile. Sadly I have found that drivers of new Defenders; anyone wearing a suit; and commercial vehicles never wave back. Getting flashed at with a big light bar is also fab on the way home from work! Thankyou to everyone who returns my wave!! I feel I must apologise to the S1 which I overtook the other day and has since never returned my wave. Clearly I have committted some sort of Land rover crime. :(
Getting a wave on the way to work always makes me smile. Sadly I have found that drivers of new Defenders; anyone wearing a suit; and commercial vehicles never wave back. Getting flashed at with a big light bar is also fab on the way home from work! Thankyou to everyone who returns my wave!! I feel I must apologise to the S1 which I overtook the other day and has since never returned my wave. Clearly I have committted some sort of Land rover crime. :(

It's totally the other way around... Any defender that's older than 10 years never waves at a puma...
Getting a wave on the way to work always makes me smile. Sadly I have found that drivers of new Defenders; anyone wearing a suit; and commercial vehicles never wave back. Getting flashed at with a big light bar is also fab on the way home from work! Thankyou to everyone who returns my wave!! I feel I must apologise to the S1 which I overtook the other day and has since never returned my wave. Clearly I have committted some sort of Land rover crime. :(

It's totally the other way around... Any defender that's older than 10 years never waves at a puma...

Wave and grin anyway :D :D :D

They'll all give in eventually :D and if they don't? Who's problem is it? Not yours thats for sure ;)
I've come to the following conclusion regarding having 'The Wave' returned.

Range Rover 0%
Freelander 2%
Defender (New style Reg) 50%
Defender (Old style Reg) 85%
Series 95%.
I drive a series so it's a bit biased in my favour. I'm sure it's different for the fender drivers. Given up on the first 3 categories to save energy[emoji112]. But I still get the odd one or two new defenders catch me out and initiate a wave. Emergency 'hand out of window' usually makes up for it as the go by. [emoji12]
There's a bloke in a mint looking blue P38 who gives me a big wave most mornings on the way to work - usually cross paths nr Midgley on my way to the M1 out of Hudders.
Very new Land Rovers do not, 1 brand new Disco 4 does everytime (belongs to managers wife), The Dakar if around never misses me (workmate and friend)

Apart from that Series D1 D2, coilers, and pre trannie Defenders wave, only 1 D3/4 apart from the first
I find it weird that people don't wave to you in a new defender... Like for some reason because your landy new you're not really into land rovers or have just bought one to pose.

How the frick you can know that is beyond me...

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