I did a long trip ( for my 110). Of the coast of Norfolk to north of Rotherham and back, with the wife on board. She noticed my casual lift of my hand to wave and the wave back. Trouble was she started a mad waving every time that got some strange looks!!

My wife just says "sad bastard" every time I do it.
Feckit, I'm getting tired of being ignored by these uptight WAG wannabes driving Disco3/4, Gaylanders & L322s. I'm only doing proper Landys from now on
got a big thumbs up from an old kid with a big beard in a left hand drive disco today so I gave him the forks.
Not had a single wave whilst driving my wife's gaylander - D2 off road with a blown HG.

That said I _did_ get a smile and head nod from a very nice sounding tub backed fender on the M60 last Friday, had big mudders on, multicoloured panels, drivers side exit exhaust and possibly a cummins engine - sounded VERY meaty.
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Can't be arsed waving at all the RRs, Gaylanders and Discos around here. No offence to them at all, but they're two-a-penny round here and I'd never get a wave back. If they're modded or they wave first I'll wave of course!
my s1 gets plenty of waves from people in fenders, I never initiate but always wave back, whilst thinking "oh do eff off" actually find it embarrassing so I wish people would stop.

Perhaps I should start giving the forks too :D

knowing my luck I would get some psycho that follows me home to knife me
I wave at defenders and series. Most often they don't wave back, with the exception of someone in a beefy 90 who always waves at me tues evening!
Just got a really good wave on my way back from getting some diesel. A man was coming the other way in a confection of chequer plate, roofracks and spotlights with a Land Rover somewhere inside it, and he waved with one hand and flashed all his lights with the other. Multitasking.
No matter how much I try I still can't bring meself to instigate waveage to gaylanderers, ewoks or newer stuff unless its a fender.

Mind you there's some miserable buggers - one lass round these parts never waves, I wave to her every morning when I pass.

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