I find it weird that people don't wave to you in a new defender... Like for some reason because your landy new you're not really into land rovers or have just bought one to pose.

How the frick you can know that is beyond me...

Probably just experience, I've found that a wave isn't often returned from a shiny noo standard fender.

No idea why but I guess others think twice before being left hanging. I always feel a tad silly getting a blank look and ignored......speshully in the Corsa :p
Probably just experience, I've found that a wave isn't often returned from a shiny noo standard fender.

No idea why but I guess others think twice before being left hanging. I always feel a tad silly getting a blank look and ignored......speshully in the Corsa :p

Hahah maybe I should get a sticker saying my other Landy was born in 1998 or something :p

I got a wave from a jeep the other day. :eek: that was confusing.

I get stared at a lot driving my Landy but I think it's because I usually have my hair trapped in the window :D
Probably just experience, I've found that a wave isn't often returned from a shiny noo standard fender.

No idea why but I guess others think twice before being left hanging. I always feel a tad silly getting a blank look and ignored......speshully in the Corsa :p

See I love getting the blank or the "Do I know you" look but then I've always been speshul :rolleyes: :D

Hahah maybe I should get a sticker saying my other Landy was born in 1998 or something :p

I got a wave from a jeep the other day. :eek: that was confusing.

I get stared at a lot driving my Landy but I think it's because I usually have my hair trapped in the window :D

Had a wave from a Jeep a few years back now........ it totally threw my :D
I wave back to anyone now :D :D :D

I have yet to see anybody with their hair trapped in the window :eek: I guess when I do...... it will be you :p :D :D :D
New to the landy game and the random folk waving baffled me but 4 weeks in and I am waving with the best of em!

I blame the folk selling Land Rovers they needs heducating :rolleyes:

I think everyone has a duty to go to their local Land Rover dealer and put them straight ;)
Insist they instruct new buyers on their mandatory obligation to wave, flash headlights and stop to assist other Land Rover owners in distress etc :cool:

Welcome to the forum by the way shortginger :) Now pop along to the introduce your self bit and a few piccies always go down well too ;) :D :D :D
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Finally got a wave today!! Always entertaining to see the look of surprise on their faces when they see a girl human driving :lol:
Lots of Land Rovers smothered in accessories out in Wales I noticed this weekend, and lots of waving, tooting of horns in a fraternal manner and waving. I felt quite left out on the accessory front as I have no roll cage, no extra lights, don't have chrome letters saying 'LAND ROVER' across the bonnet, nor the polished aluminium aftermarket gear knobs. I was however sporting my Hi Lift jack on the back, so I wasn't entirely bereft.
Just whizzed mi Fender into Aylesbury and not just one, but 2 waves from defender owners could-knee believe it. Also these are the first miles I driven since I bought the thing on a whim, what a hoot.
Just whizzed mi Fender into Aylesbury and not just one, but 2 waves from defender owners could-knee believe it. Also these are the first miles I driven since I bought the thing on a whim, what a hoot.
I'll be sure to give you a wave too. Uncle's just bought a house in Aylesbury, so I'll be over that way a bit more. Quite picturesque if I may say so.
Lol, its hardly Henley on Thames.
I really don't see the appeal of Henley. When I see the cars queuing to get in at the weekend I want to drive past them shouting " turn around, it's sh*t and overrated!". Much prefer the countryside around Aylesbury and P. Risborough!

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