I always wave at peeps...........

Usually from my Hyundai I30 ;) - it gets em all confused.... but some DO wave back :)
No matter how much I try I still can't bring meself to instigate waveage to gaylanderers, ewoks or newer stuff unless its a fender.

Mind you there's some miserable buggers - one lass round these parts never waves, I wave to her every morning when I pass.

It only works if she's in a motor at the time - waving at any passing girl will get you a reputation:p
maybe she thinks you are after a shag :D

waving is one thing but its when I am attempting to work on the s1 people passing try to stop to chat and I try to be polite whilst thinking why don't you take a running back flip and #### right off. I've got a 110 they usually say, heard that said lots of times but the only 2 110's round here are both gardeners working trucks.

Mind you a fit gardneress - who did have a 110 - stopped to chat the other day so naturally I had plenty of time, pity it was half term so the wife was off work. :D
Not sure what protocol is on this one but on Sunday I got a wave from a woman who I know has a defender but she was driving a little mg convertible, when I meeting her in her defender we also do the "wave" but she waved from the mg on Sunday and well I didn't wave back....feeling guilty.
I ride bikes as well as drive a Landy. I've recently taken to waving at both, completely disregarding what I'm driving/riding at the time. It's funny to watch the confusion :D
I waved at a young bloke in a 110 with Yes stickers in the rear windows and a saltire flying from his CB antenna, but I was behind him and he didn't see me!
a young bloke with yes stickers, yes were around when I was young, are they making a comeback for the young people of today
a young bloke with yes stickers, yes were around when I was young, are they making a comeback for the young people of today

This sort of thing..... some of you might guess who it was!

i dont wave to anyone, but mainly as i`m an old misery - so some say, but my orange lz sticker on my roof above the windscreen waves for me...
i got a wave off a guy in a red 90 last night in whitehaven. I only waved back because he waved first.

Always let your wave partner arrive before you do.
They seem to be quite sociable around Hebden Bridge, as I always seem to get a wave :)

before anyone else starts,
is that because the seas rough....
or is it a good dogging site....

not got a clue where hebden bridge is.... :rolleyes:

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