Sorry Dave:eek::D

As it was sunny today I had my window down which allows for the arm out the window wave. Not quite sure I have mastered the technique yet:rolleyes: but I did get a wave back from a 110 along with a gawp- then again that might be my singing:D

Tother day I was being followed by a prepped 90 and as I turned off right thought I'd give them a wave out the window.....

probably would've looked cooler if I hadn't smacked me hand on me overhanging roof :doh::eek:
Had loads of waves over the last week, but all from the tratter and modified disco brigade. Still never see one from D3/4 RRS/L322 F1/F2 brigade.
Had loads of waves over the last week, but all from the tratter and modified disco brigade. Still never see one from D3/4 RRS/L322 F1/F2 brigade.

Plus one on that. deffo seems to be a Rubicon running between D2 / P38, Defender models and earlier on one side and D3/L322/F1/F2/Epuke models onward on the other.

Although having said that I'm finding the wave-ratio falls exponentially the newer the Defender.... Perhaps we should introduce a number-plate-age-limit wave etiquette.... I'm on a 52 plate so as long as we don't implement a cutoff before 2003 I'm happy :)
Although having said that I'm finding the wave-ratio falls exponentially the newer the Defender.... Perhaps we should introduce a number-plate-age-limit wave etiquette.... I'm on a 52 plate so as long as we don't implement a cutoff before 2003 I'm happy :)

No cut off :mad:

Persistance pays off.

Actually had an unprompted wave from a Lady in a D3 yesterday ......

and I was in the doris's FL2 :eek: :D :D :D
Had an enthusiastic wave from a late model P38 this morning, then got totally blanked from a commuter 90 - P reg too surprisingly
One thing I have noticed is that if I wave no matter the state of my car in my area 95% of the time I get a wave back. Though when i'm out laning in Salisbury or Wales 95% of the time I never get a wave back!
I do always wave or give a little roof top flash of light if I get a wave and I is in Wales anorl.

I also stop and help people if I've got time - yesterday it was a couple of lovely old ladies trying to cross the road near a massive puddle during a big downpour. Just slewed Drover into the middle of the road, hazards on, hopped out and offered to help them cross - got rewarded with a kiss on the cheek and a load of tooting from impatient barstewards in ickkle euro shopping trolleys -the kiss and the look on their faces when a semi-modded disco just held up the traffic was epic!
Saw a pimped out fender earlier super off road spec got closer and there was a fit blonde girl driving it, wasn't older than 20, gave her a massive wave and smile(wouldn't be the only thing iD give her) she looked at me like wtf, forgot I was on my bike.
So what do you do when you wave...but the other landy driver isn't looking...did this in the middle of a set of lights this morning! I usually have a second attempt;)
I knew he hadn't seen me -then his mate poked him ,pointed to me-just as I was making a second wave attempt. This made me laugh, so he also got a big cheesy grin and slightly stupid giggly wave:D
The trouble I have is remembering not to wave when I'm not driving my Landy, otherwise I get some very strange looks!
Oh yeah i do it when ive borrowed my brothers fiesta, people look at like im mad.

Not so much when i borrow the L322 Range Rover, yet still odd.
So what do you do when you wave...but the other landy driver isn't looking...did this in the middle of a set of lights this morning! I usually have a second attempt;)
I knew he hadn't seen me -then his mate poked him ,pointed to me-just as I was making a second wave attempt. This made me laugh, so he also got a big cheesy grin and slightly stupid giggly wave:D

The trouble I have is remembering not to wave when I'm not driving my Landy, otherwise I get some very strange looks!

Oh yeah i do it when ive borrowed my brothers fiesta, people look at like im mad.

Not so much when i borrow the L322 Range Rover, yet still odd.

Wave anyway ;) :D :D
I did a long trip ( for my 110). Of the coast of Norfolk to north of Rotherham and back, with the wife on board. She noticed my casual lift of my hand to wave and the wave back. Trouble was she started a mad waving every time that got some strange looks!!
Dead chuffed - had a wave from a pretty standard looking series on the way home just now and he instigated the wave.


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