Will LED lights give a good throw of light forward? I'd be looking for extremely bright with lots of 'distance' to the beam pattern.

Led's are known for being very bright bit no depth to the light.

Well the ones we have been looking at are designed to replace headlight lamps. We haven't tested them yet, it's something we're going to do before we get any serious work done. I can understand you wanting a powerful beam, we're hoping that our socket design will focus the light into quite a tight beam. My current plan is to suggest people spray the inside of the sockets with chrome effect spray - the good stuff has a mirror finish and again the abscence of heat makes this worth a try :).

We'll order some in and do some testing, and we'll show you guys some pics.

Yeah, found this short video on YouTube confirming that point.

led H4 vs H4 bulb .AVI - YouTube

Hmmm interesting. Not exactly scientific and by the sounds of it he bought cheap bulbs. However I do see his point. We'll still test some to see.

Another option open to us is to use plastic which has better heat resistance such as polycarbonate. But that is resistant up to 125 degrees C, and I don't know how hot normal lamps get.
Hmmm interesting. Not exactly scientific and by the sounds of it he bought cheap bulbs. However I do see his point. We'll still test some to see.

Another option open to us is to use plastic which has better heat resistance such as polycarbonate. But that is resistant up to 125 degrees C, and I don't know how hot normal lamps get.

A lot hotter! I've just been trying a few! Come to the conclusion that a bit more research is needed! The ones I tried are very powerful but not focused at all. They need to project further! These weren't the massive headlamp bulbs admittedly tho!
A lot hotter! I've just been trying a few! Come to the conclusion that a bit more research is needed! The ones I tried are very powerful but not focused at all. They need to project further! These weren't the massive headlamp bulbs admittedly tho!

Could the design of the socket help to focus the beam? I'd think so. Perhaps they just need more focussing than normal lamps. Methinks we need to get some drain pipe, chrome spray and a few of these buggers to try out.

I made the exact same school boy error the guy in the Vid made. I have LED sidelights in my Celica and upgraded the headlights to Cree LED's .. OMG , scariest drive to work in my life , had to use FB all the way ...
Looking forward to seeing the light pod .. The one's I've seen are 4x55w spots and around £185 excluding vat
Yep but they don't fit very well from what we've seen on here.

We're off with our thinking caps on now, we'd like to be able to show something so if the thread goes quiet it's coz we is wekin ;).
Probably very simple but of limited effectiveness. I don't even know how tough the mantec ones would be having had a good look at some pics - no disrespect to them. Currently we're investigating the possibility of using laminated composites, more expensive but far far tougher.
That looked very thin, I think the mantec ones are 8mm, at least the exhaust guard is. I suspect the hardest part would putting a bend in it.
Very true. Wayne's idea of a composite would be the way ahead I think, but like he said it would be costly. My sump guard is 4-5mm, I haven't had a real oops moment so far but it has taken a bit of a battering.
At the moment I have no idea how much a compy guard would cost, I know the rough cost of materials but until we've made some and know how long they take it's hard to nail down a price that's worth it for us. But first off we want to make sure they'll do Hippo owners proud and won't just be yet another laughing stock :rolleyes:.
At the moment I have no idea how much a compy guard would cost, I know the rough cost of materials but until we've made some and know how long they take it's hard to nail down a price that's worth it for us. But first off we want to make sure they'll do Hippo owners proud and won't just be yet another laughing stock :rolleyes:.

I agree.

We do need something that is up to the job.

IMHO 6mm would be ideal.

But after you guys have a template you could perhaps offer the guard in a range of thicknesses from 4mm upwards.

4mm would still be fairly serviceable and most folks would be able to rivet it to the front bit themselves.

You would need a hefty bender to handle 8mm right enough.

Keep at it guys - I for one am waiting to see what you come up with.

With the materials we are looking at, 4mm will be more than plenty we reckon. We're hoping that it will be a simple bolt on moulding that fits over and around the alloy frame and is then secured with bolts. That way they can be sent out on their own rather than having to be fitted to a frame in house.

The light pod is on hold until we can properly test LED bulbs, if they fail then that will have to be composite as well which will bump up the price quite a bit :(. But you get what you pay for I guess.
I agree.

We do need something that is up to the job.

IMHO 6mm would be ideal.

But after you guys have a template you could perhaps offer the guard in a range of thicknesses from 4mm upwards.

4mm would still be fairly serviceable and most folks would be able to rivet it to the front bit themselves.

You would need a hefty bender to handle 8mm right enough.

Keep at it guys - I for one am waiting to see what you come up with.


I agree 6mm ally plate should cope with all but the heaviest of knocks and 4mm just for basic protection would do if you aren't a nutter! But composites have taken my fancy, a bit of high tech bling:D

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