Do you guys not have swapmeets where you have loads of stools that sell new and secondhand landy stuff, and you camp out over one or two nights at the swapmeet telling landy stories over a few beers? If not you don't know what your missing ;)

Saddo! - try the for sale section
I cant think of anything better than a spot of greenlaning and camping overnight with like minded people. So any info on this would be great!


£5 says this man has a beard, used to be a scout-master and now may not live within 400meters of a school.
£5 says this man has a beard, used to be a scout-master and now may not live within 400meters of a school.
Wrong scum bag! I'm a martial arts instructor, and have been going to the gym doing heavy weights for the last 25 years, so if you want to call me a pheado to my face, then anytime anywhere!

I obviously made the mistake of thinking landrover folk were friendly people!! how wrong was I. Sod this, think I'll go and buy another VW, at least I know they are nice people.

If this isn how you welcome new peeps to the scene by calling them kiddie fiddlers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves!
Wrong scum bag! I'm a martial arts instructor, and have been going to the gym doing heavy weights for the last 25 years, so if you want to call me a pheado to my face, then anytime anywhere!

I obviously made the mistake of thinking landrover folk were friendly people!! how wrong was I. Sod this, think I'll go and buy another VW, at least I know they are nice people.

If this isn how you welcome new peeps to the scene by calling them kiddie fiddlers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves!

I think someone has touched a nerve:doh:
I think someone has touched a nerve:doh:
You could say that. 4 posts, and I've so far been called a saddo, and a kiddie fiddler.:mad: And all i've basically asked is there anything social that goes on in the scene, where members on the forums get to meet up at a venue of somesort, like we do on the VW scene, is this so bad? Then going by what I've seen so far I don't think I want to socialize with anyone on here anyway! Out of curiosity are there any friendly people on this forum, or are you all complete arseholes?
think I'll go and buy another VW

Good idea, because you need a sense of humour to own a Land Rover!

P.S. Everyone gets the **** taken out of them here, and the "gayness" of your first post dictates the level of **** taking, and lets face it, your first post was way off the gay meter... So if you can't be a man and take the abuse you basically begged for, get a VW, actually don't, I like VW's, get a Hilux Surf :p
most of us would fit into both categories :rolleyes:
I dont suppose you have bothered to read any postings in the greenlaning section?

all I can say is "byeeee"
Good idea, because you need a sense of humour to own a Land Rover!

P.S. Everyone gets the **** taken out of them here, and the "gayness" of your first post dictates the level of **** taking, and lets face it, your first post was way off the gay meter... So if you can't be a man and take the abuse you basically begged for, get a VW, actually don't, I like VW's, get a Hilux Surf :p

So prey tell, whats so funny about being called a kiddie fiddler? I can take banter like most, but thats just pushing it a bit far don't you think? And gayness? **** I can almost smell the testosterone on here. What? have you got such a small dick you have to constantly prove what a man you are?

I take it you've trawled through my posts, as you obviously know I also have a surf. Why? is that so wrong and unmanly too? jeez, you so need to grow up! Just for the record I've decided to keep my surf, as it's a darn fine vehicle, a good off roader, and never let me down, it's just a bit too nice to do greenlaning in, hence the landy.

I've since recieved a P.M from a nice person on here which proves your not all tossers, so think I'll hang around for a while thanks. And the person concerned has answered my question like an adult. now was that so hard?:rolleyes:
Wrong scum bag! I'm a martial arts instructor, and have been going to the gym doing heavy weights for the last 25 years, so if you want to call me a pheado to my face, then anytime anywhere!

Surprising how every1 on the tinternet is a martial arts/karate/boxing expert. Does heavy weights, so a steroid abuser, paranoid and got practically non existent genitalia. Can't spell paedo either.
I reckon he wears sandals and those shorts that Eric Morcambe used to wear with sock suspenders, as well.
Surprising how every1 on the tinternet is a martial arts/karate/boxing expert. Does heavy weights, so a steroid abuser, paranoid and got practically non existent genitalia. Can't spell paedo either.
I reckon he wears sandals and those shorts that Eric Morcambe used to wear with sock suspenders, as well.

I not biting on that one. Oh, and at least I can spell internet. :rolleyes:
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So prey tell, whats so funny about being called a kiddie fiddler?

There is nothing funny about being a kiddie fiddler, it is however hilarious to say that a bearded man who drives a hilux surf looks like a kiddie fiddler.. If I bought a hilux surf, and grew a beard, pretty much everyone on here would say I looked like a kiddie fiddler.

Would I get upset and take it all personally ? No, because I know I am not a kiddie fiddler, and I am intelligent enough to see that people were mocking my appearance/demeanor, and not actually suggesting that I was in fact a kiddie fiddler.

However if I was a real kiddie fiddler, and someone who I either knew or did not know, suggested that I was a kiddie fiddler, I would probably **** myself and behave in exactly the way that you have behaved...

The phrases :
"thou doth protest too much"
"The truth hurts"
"Hit a nerve"
all relevant here.....

I take it you've trawled through my posts :rolleyes:

You are such a loser that I would not even bother to **** on you if you were on fire! Why would I waste my time trawling through your posts A look at the visitors to your page would confirm that I have no interest in what you have to say, unless it is posted in a thread I actually read...

I only suggested you buy a hilux surf because with it's blacked out windows and total lack of style, it is the preferred vehicle of paedophiles...

I also have a surf

What you actually have a surf ?
WaaaaHaaaaaa, you can't make this **** up...

it's just a bit too nice to do greenlaning in


have you got such a small dick you have to constantly prove what a man you are?

says the man who spent 25 years pushing weights to show everyone how tough he is ? I don't need to prove anything to anyone, for me it is enough knowing my dick is so big that I could beat someone to death with it...

And gayness? ****

We touched another nerve did we ??
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You tossers are unbelievable! A newbie just comes on here and you insult him straight away. can you honestly justify this? I have nothing else to say to you either. Thank god there are one or two of you who have PM'd me that are friendly, and members of the human race! If being a loser means not being like you, I'd be one any day! and better to be a loser than a bloody 5 year old.
You tossers are unbelievable! A newbie just comes on here and you insult him straight away. can you honestly justify this? I have nothing else to say to you either. Thank god there are one or two of you who have PM'd me that are friendly, and members of the human race! If being a loser means not being like you, I'd be one any day! and better to be a loser than a bloody 5 year old.

:D are we bonding:p
Just come and meet us - come on a couple of lanes. We are quite decent peeps really.... albeit with a peculiar sense of humour.

If you do tho - make sure yu have a CB so you can hear what we say about ya:D.
You tossers are unbelievable! A newbie just comes on here and you insult him straight away. can you honestly justify this?


Because you weren't being insulted for being a newbie, you were being insulted for being a self righteous ****er...

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