**** off knob.
You seem to think we should be gratefull for you coming here and adding nothing. Whinging prick who aint anywhere near as hard as ya think ya are. And my taekwondo is much stronger than your fu or wot ever grasshopper.****er.:croc:
You've hardly given me chance to contribute! And you should be grateful for new people coming into the scene, if they didn't it surley would eventually die out wouldnt it? and I wonder what some of you would have HONESTLY thought of the welcome I got when you first got into it? Even you die hards were newbies once eh? you might want to remember that.

And I never boasted about being hard, if you have the key to martial arts you don't need too, also it's just not done, if you practice taekwondo you should know this.

I mearly pointed out that steriotyping people by what they put on forums is often mistaken, and in my case couldn't be further from the truth. i.e. 'bearded ex scoutmaster who prob isn't allowed to be near kids'. Wouldnt you be a tad insulted by that? :rolleyes:

I don't give in to bad manners and arrogance by idiots who think they have the god given right to insult people for no reason when they don't know them. I never started this, but I won't be bullied into shutting up until you get it! Wouldn't the world be a better place if people just admit when they are out of order.
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You've hardly given me chance to contribute! And you should be grateful for new people coming into the scene, if they didn't it surley would eventually die out wouldnt it? and I wonder what some of you would have HONESTLY thought of the welcome I got when you first got into it? Even you die hards were newbies once eh? you might want to remember that.

And I never boasted about being hard, if you have the key to martial arts you don't need too, also it's just not done, if you practice taekwondo you should know this.

I mearly pointed out that steriotyping people by what they put on forums is often mistaken, and in my case couldn't be further from the truth. i.e. 'bearded ex scoutmaster who is prob isn't allowed to be near kids'. Wouldnt you be a tad insulted by that? :rolleyes:

I don't give in to bad manners and arrogance by idiots who think they have the god given right to insult people for no reason when they don't know them. I never started this, but I won't be bullied into shutting up until you get it! Wouldn't the world be a better place if people just admit when they are out of order.

We all have a common interest on here and the thing is, you really are making too much of these comments. Blimey, you think you've got problems, i'm a five foot nothing female and I used to drive a Jap! Y'see when you can have a laugh at yourself then you'll find that it's not as bad as you think. Offroading isn't for the faint hearted anyhoo. If you can't take a bit o' **** taking then I don't hold out much hope for you offroad. I've taken on allsorts of cross-axel and car destroying stuff and like I said I'm a female..........
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We all have a common interest on here and the thing is, you are making a big thing out of this. Blimey, you think you've got problems, i'm a five foot nothing female and I used to drive a Jap!
Yes we do. all the more reason to be nice don't you think? and I still do drive a jap. What is this thing about jap 4x4's and landys anyway? :lol: Am I missing something here? as one of my daily hacks is a toyota surf. I think it looks kinda cool, and never lets me down, it's my daily driver and too nice to use for off roading, this is why I want a landy. Are jap 4x4's and landys bitter rivals or something? why not have the best of both worlds if you can? :)
:lol: hows ya doin? :D

Yep I'm good. Am loving being in Surrey. Do you know I can't be asked with London that much now, I is a Surreyite!
Been busy with Smoky the Landy in me spare time as she was a bit of a mess when I got her. Hoping to go out with the Hertfordshire lot on Monday :D

How's you been?
Yep I'm good. Am loving being in Surrey. Do you know I can't be asked with London that much now, I is a Surreyite!
Been busy with Smoky the Landy in me spare time as she was a bit of a mess when I got her. Hoping to go out with the Hertfordshire lot on Monday :D

How's you been?

I is good thanks... overworked and underpaid :( ;)
I'm speechless! I refuse to lower myself to your levels, so I'm not biting on the insults. I don't think I was unreasonable at all in feeling insulted. As I said I can take a joke as well as the next man, but look at it from my point of view, It's practically my first post on here, I was expecting lots of 'welcome to the foum' etc 'what landy do you have?' 'can we have pics' etc, like you normally get when you first join a forum, but no straight away I get accused of being sad, a kiddie fiddler, and having no sense of humor.

Perhaps if I knew you all better, I would have known not to be insulted by it, by I,m new here, that was my first impression of the people on this forum, is that really the sort of example you want to show newbies? Was it really so hard to expect a bit of manners and made to feel welcome here? not one of you has done this. Apart from the guys that PM'd me. Call me old fashioned, but I still feel it's just bad manners and arrogance. Perhaps you are nice guys really, but thats not the impression you first give!

:welcome: to LZ... what landy do you have... can we have pics...:D :D
Yes we do. all the more reason to be nice don't you think? and I still do drive a jap. What is this thing about jap 4x4's and landys anyway? :lol: Am I missing something here? as one of my daily hacks is a toyota surf. I think it looks kinda cool, and never lets me down, it's my daily driver and too nice to use for off roading, this is why I want a landy. Are jap 4x4's and landys bitter rivals or something? why not have the best of both worlds if you can? :)

It's a British thing, Japs against the brits and sorry but, this is Landyzone!;) As some of the bods on here will tell you, I had the only offroad converted Rav in Surrey (probably anywhere else for that matter). I eventually killed it at Whaddon, hence the reason for offroad no2, Smoky the Landy! Jap motors are reliable, only probs is the price of parts, not good for offroading! £94 for a speed sensor?! Wot's with covering everything in sensors anyhoo? I like a bit of mechanics!
It's a British thing, Japs against the brits and sorry but, this is Landyzone!;) As some of the bods on here will tell you, I had the only offroad converted Rav in Surrey (probably anywhere else for that matter). I eventually killed it at Whaddon, hence the reason for offroad no2, Smoky the Landy! Jap motors are reliable, only probs is the price of parts, not good for offroading! £94 for a speed sensor?! Wot's with covering everything in sensors anyhoo? I like a bit of mechanics!

Ok fair enough, I can understand this is a landy forum, so you don't want to go talking about other vehicles too much. saying that you do have a for sale section for other 4x4's, so to a certain extent they must be tolerated. Besides, I've got 3k saved for a landy which I plan to get as soon as I get back from holiday in 5 weeks time.

I should of had one by now, but someone beat me too it by minutes by the time I decided to go for it. I'm gutted, as it was a very nice 1980 series 3 only done 20,000 gen miles, and had a capstan winch. it was ex coastguard which explains the low miles. only thing that put me off was it was petrol, I really want a diesel.

But wished i went for it now, I could have converted it to gas myself like I did my classic VW. As for the japs, yes agree parts new can be dear, but on the 'surf forum' you can get loads of secondhand stuff real cheap, with loads of helpful advice. Oh, and the people are welcoming and friendly. ;)
We all have a common interest on here and the thing is, you really are making too much of these comments. Blimey, you think you've got problems, i'm a five foot nothing female and I used to drive a Jap! Y'see when you can have a laugh at yourself then you'll find that it's not as bad as you think. Offroading isn't for the faint hearted anyhoo. If you can't take a bit o' **** taking then I don't hold out much hope for you offroad. I've taken on allsorts of cross-axel and car destroying stuff and like I said I'm a female..........

Well for what it's worth I don,t want to do serious offroading, I have a disabled wife that wants to come with me, so it'll be gental greenlaning I'll be into. I don't feel the need to prove my manhood by seeing how deep in mud I can get
Well for what it's worth I don,t want to do serious offroading, I have a disabled wife that wants to come with me, so it'll be genitial greenlaning I'll be into. I don't feel the need to prove my manhood by seeing how deep in mud I can get

:eek: what kinda green lanin is that :confused: :D
The local dump past the crematorium, straight over the roundabout and turn left, will take the washing machine, but the 19, maybe my mate Kris300tdi will be able to help you. Kris, over to you...........

The dump would probably take both (Although i don't know how i would get the 19J to the scrap metal bin! :D They take old engine oil aswell which is handy :)) , but my 110 is a van (Apparently...) so i need a permit. Have not really looked into it tbh. I know for a fact it will not fit under the height bars!

Have you got any pics of your new landy? I will wave if i see you about :)
it was ex coastguard which explains the low miles. and the amazing amount of rust from having spent it's life by the sea with all that salt Corroding it away.. . ;)

Aye ya have to think about problems like that before ya splash out. Oh and £3k for a series is stupid money If you've got that much to spend get a decent one. Not some rattly unreliable heap of **** series Bone shaker.. :rolleyes:
Well for what it's worth I don,t want to do serious offroading, I have a disabled wife that wants to come with me, so it'll be gental greenlaning I'll be into. I don't feel the need to prove my manhood by seeing how deep in mud I can get

Plenty of green lanes to be had round Surrey that won't be too bad for your other half. You do get the occasional bit of *I want to prove how big my dick is* behaviour but that doesn't apply to me as I haven't got one of those (when I last looked), but I enjoy all the mud and stuff too. Why should the men have all the fun that's what I say!
Aye ya have to think about problems like that before ya splash out. Oh and £3k for a series is stupid money If you've got that much to spend get a decent one. Not some rattly unreliable heap of **** series Bone shaker.. :rolleyes:
From what I've seen you cant get anything decent other than a series for 3k. I'd be pleased to be proved wrong though if you know of anything decent in the way of a defender that hasn't been to the moon and back, and has more holes in the chassis than a swiss cheese! :)

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