Good Job with the paint PintSize ;) I especially like the colour, you have great taste :p

Muchas, def better than it was. The bod I bought it off had his number engraved on the back among other things. Chalkboard matt black* Nice n simples! Easy to maintain......

Me Landy has a be Smoky. I'm sure the reason I feel a bit queasy is the carbon monoxide poisoning :D You should have seen the state of the air filter. This motor has seen some action :eek:
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mines off the road for a bit ive decided to do the chassis before its gets too rusty so looks like the enduro bikes gonna get a bit more use for a month
yes mattblack a great colour :)
i like this one day.....
Got an L322 and I really want to do some laning, but am a bit worried about the paintwork, can anyone reccomend any lanes that arn't very close with bushes and trees, not worried about mud etc just don't want to damage the paint.
Got an L322 and I really want to do some laning, but am a bit worried about the paintwork, can anyone reccomend any lanes that arn't very close with bushes and trees, not worried about mud etc just don't want to damage the paint.

Sorry but don't really know any lanes where you wouldn't get the odd scratch or the *my car looks like its been keyed* look i'm afraid. Don't know if anyone else has got any ideas. If you think alot of the paint on your motor, then to be honest, off roading isn't for you. Even with the milder green lanes you will get bushes and trees scraping up against the motor. A bit o' damage comes with off roading (as long as you don't end up on your side or end up missing a door or something). We call them battle scars :D
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Got an L322 and I really want to do some laning, but am a bit worried about the paintwork, can anyone reccomend any lanes that arn't very close with bushes and trees, not worried about mud etc just don't want to damage the paint.
Laning aint fer u if you mind a scratch or two :(
I'm not bothered about ones that can be polished out, it's the deep ones that go right through I'm worried about.Really want to take the L322 off road too as I've heard their meant to be good, used to have a Classic and went on the lanes around Dorking a bit, it was good fun.Just a bit more worried about damage on an L322 :)
I'm not bothered about ones that can be polished out, it's the deep ones that go right through I'm worried about.Really want to take the L322 off road too as I've heard their meant to be good, used to have a Classic and went on the lanes around Dorking a bit, it was good fun.Just a bit more worried about damage on an L322 :)

Know what you mean, but there are quite a few around that aren't very scratchy. Winter's probably your best bet though when the undergrowth will have died back a bit.

Mine got scratched quite badly last time I went out, but I think they'll all polish out when I get round to it. Prior to that I'd never had a problem with scratches on the lanes I'd been on. If you take gardening stuff with you and if you're not in a hurry, you can chop back anything that looks like it'll be too bad to get through.

I'm going to take it laning soon and hope for the best, it's currently on Goodyear Wranglers which I'm hoping will be up to the job, when is everyone next going out?.
I will go with you if you want, I know a few around hindhead that wernt too bad last time I went. Could just take some gardening stuff just encase though. I'm offshore for a while at the mo, but will be back in a week or 2!
Might join you if you get anything organised, my friend was over Hindhead way yesterday and said its very wet and muddy at the moment, especially at the bottom of the bowl!

Beacon Hill is always fun
I have only been on a couple about a month or so ago, they ran down past the youth hostle and out towards Thursley. They were really dry. Obviously its rained since but will head out soon for another look. I want to find some mud to play in!!
I'm shortly going to purchase a very nice series 111 a 20,000 miler, with a capstan winch. I want to know if there are any landy campouts, and greenlaning meets, and or swapmeets? I used to be part of the VW scene, and made many friends on the VW forum through meeting up and camping out. does this happen in the landy scene? I'm a complete novice as far as landys go, but can build a VW from scratch because I can do bodywork and spraying, so not a mechanical novice.

I cant think of anything better than a spot of greenlaning and camping overnight with like minded people. So any info on this would be great!

loads of surrey lanes - dont know of anyone that camps out tho - no need to.
Keep an eye out on the green laning section.
Do you guys not have swapmeets where you have loads of stools that sell new and secondhand landy stuff, and you camp out over one or two nights at the swapmeet telling landy stories over a few beers? If not you don't know what your missing ;)

The herts laners camping weekend sounds promising, when is it? in fact anyone have a link to that thread, save me trawling through a site I dont know? Also I'm from Dover in kent, anything happen near me does anyone know? I wish I had my vehicle when the series landys trip to france was on a couple of nmonths ago, that sort of thing really appeals to me.

Oh, and is there a series landy club at all? sorry for all the questions, but as I said a complete newbie to the scene. It's kinda exciting though. :)
Do you guys not have swapmeets where you have loads of stools that sell new and secondhand landy stuff, and you camp out over one or two nights at the swapmeet telling landy stories over a few beers? If not you don't know what your missing ;)

The herts laners camping weekend sounds promising, when is it? in fact anyone have a link to that thread, save me trawling through a site I dont know? Also I'm from Dover in kent, anything happen near me does anyone know? I wish I had my vehicle when the series landys trip to france was on a couple of nmonths ago, that sort of thing really appeals to me.

Oh, and is there a series landy club at all? sorry for all the questions, but as I said a complete newbie to the scene. It's kinda exciting though. :)
Try reading the greenlane section...easy enuff to find

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