You tossers are unbelievable! A newbie just comes on here and you insult him straight away. can you honestly justify this? I have nothing else to say to you either. Thank god there are one or two of you who have PM'd me that are friendly, and members of the human race! If being a loser means not being like you, I'd be one any day! and better to be a loser than a bloody 5 year old.

Mate, you really need to relax yourself :eek: I know quite a few peepes on here and even tho they can be a bunch of **** takers, they are a good crowd. You really have taken this way too much to heart. Trust me you are making yourself look a bit of dick.
I not biting on that one. Oh, and at least I can spell internet. :rolleyes:

Tinternet is a norfern thing, you seen any peter kay?
Who are these mysterious people that are PMing you? Imaginary friends? Tell us who they are so we can take the **** out of them. Everyone else says things in the threads not by PM.
Wrong scum bag! I'm a martial arts instructor, and have been going to the gym doing heavy weights for the last 25 years, why are you taking boxers up the tradesmans? so if you want to call me a pheado to my face, then anytime anywhere! You are a pheado, there i said it, although I don't know what it means.

I obviously made the mistake of thinking landrover folk were friendly people!! how wrong was I. Sod this, think I'll go and buy another VW, at least I know they are nice people. A vw is not a person, their camper though would suit your needs as you can lay two 8 year olds out sideways and have your cake and eat it...

If this isn how you welcome new peeps to the scene by calling them kiddie fiddlers, you should all be ashamed of yourselves! I have my own seat in the naughty corner.

Damn, i really didn't think you'd bite so quickly...are you still a little mad at me?
Wrong scum bag! I'm a martial arts instructor, and have been going to the gym doing heavy weights for the last 25 years, so if you want to call me a pheado to my face, then anytime anywhere!
LIAR! LIAR! Pants on fire-you really ought to see a phyiscian about that.....
I'm speechless! I refuse to lower myself to your levels, so I'm not biting on the insults. I don't think I was unreasonable at all in feeling insulted. As I said I can take a joke as well as the next man, but look at it from my point of view, It's practically my first post on here, I was expecting lots of 'welcome to the foum' etc 'what landy do you have?' 'can we have pics' etc, like you normally get when you first join a forum, but no straight away I get accused of being sad, a kiddie fiddler, and having no sense of humor.

Perhaps if I knew you all better, I would have known not to be insulted by it, by I,m new here, that was my first impression of the people on this forum, is that really the sort of example you want to show newbies? Was it really so hard to expect a bit of manners and made to feel welcome here? not one of you has done this. Apart from the guys that PM'd me. Call me old fashioned, but I still feel it's just bad manners and arrogance. Perhaps you are nice guys really, but thats not the impression you first give!
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Oh dear. I came on into here to find out local greenlanes to me and I stumbled upon a massive arguement!

Damnit! Ah well while I'm here, anyone know good places around surrey? I like the original poster (all those years ago!) live near boxhill (ish) and my dad has taken me greenlaning before in that area but it was ages ago and even he can't remember where!

So does anyone know? Or have a place I can read through or look at? Some sort of section where it's all listed?
Oh dear. I came on into here to find out local greenlanes to me and I stumbled upon a massive arguement!

Damnit! Ah well while I'm here, anyone know good places around surrey? I like the original poster (all those years ago!) live near boxhill (ish) and my dad has taken me greenlaning before in that area but it was ages ago and even he can't remember where!

So does anyone know? Or have a place I can read through or look at? Some sort of section where it's all listed?

All the lanes are listed in the OS maps, and the usual advice is get some of those. However the other common advice is never go out alone, which would mean you would never go anywhere, because there aren't that many organised trips in Surrey.

My advice is contact MadHatMan, he organises the most amount of newbie trips, if anything is planned he'll let you know.

My other advice is read the Herts thread, they are a great bunch of guys and they go out much more often than the Surrey lot. It could be worth going a trip with them to learn the basics, your limits, and then at least you will have a better chance if you go out alone :D

If you get stuck give us a call, although we moan when people get stuck when out alone, we love getting the chance to use our winches in anger ;)
I'm speechless! I refuse to lower myself to your levels, so I'm not biting on the insults. I don't think I was unreasonable at all in feeling insulted. As I said I can take a joke as well as the next man, but look at it from my point of view, It's practically my first post on here, I was expecting lots of 'welcome to the foum' etc 'what landy do you have?' 'can we have pics' etc, like you normally get when you first join a forum, but no straight away I get accused of being sad, a kiddie fiddler, and having no sense of humor.

Perhaps if I knew you all better, I would have known not to be insulted by it, by I,m new here, that was my first impression of the people on this forum, is that really the sort of example you want to show newbies? Was it really so hard to expect a bit of manners and made to feel welcome here? not one of you has done this. Apart from the guys that PM'd me. Call me old fashioned, but I still feel it's just bad manners and arrogance. Perhaps you are nice guys really, but thats not the impression you first give!
**** off knob.
You seem to think we should be gratefull for you coming here and adding nothing. Whinging prick who aint anywhere near as hard as ya think ya are. And my taekwondo is much stronger than your fu or wot ever grasshopper.****er.:croc:
I'm speechless! I refuse to lower myself to your levels, so I'm not biting on the insults. I don't think I was unreasonable at all in feeling insulted. As I said I can take a joke as well as the next man, but look at it from my point of view, It's practically my first post on here, I was expecting lots of 'welcome to the foum' etc 'what landy do you have?' 'can we have pics' etc, like you normally get when you first join a forum, but no straight away I get accused of being sad, a kiddie fiddler, and having no sense of humor.

Perhaps if I knew you all better, I would have known not to be insulted by it, by I,m new here, that was my first impression of the people on this forum, is that really the sort of example you want to show newbies? Was it really so hard to expect a bit of manners and made to feel welcome here? not one of you has done this. Apart from the guys that PM'd me. Call me old fashioned, but I still feel it's just bad manners and arrogance. Perhaps you are nice guys really, but thats not the impression you first give!

Lot of words for someone who's speechless;)
Sorry to interrupt.... Anyone know of some where to dispose of scrap metal in the L'head area? I have my old 19 (Complete with Hole in the bore!) and a Washing Machine to get rid of
Sorry to interrupt.... Anyone know of some where to dispose of scrap metal in the L'head area? I have my old 19 (Complete with Hole in the bore!) and a Washing Machine to get rid of

The local dump past the crematorium, straight over the roundabout and turn left, will take the washing machine, but the 19, maybe my mate Kris300tdi will be able to help you. Kris, over to you...........

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