i do think that someone on a proper green lane thats stuck or by roadside yes ,but where that was well ,if it were me out on my own in my 90 i would have turned around at the top and came back . its not even a track with big drop to the drivers side , im not knocking the op but well what the hell was you doing up there like that and the guy doesnt have any car insurance i just checked so we risked alot s677bgt on ask mid not insured so thats the last post on this as im quite annoyed that brian was put in that position and its lucky my mate has all the gear as he does off road events and races often his wife his son and he was there fair play till 1230 last night ive got him a very big bottle of whisky for helping me as he knows how much i love my landy , look him up on f b short circuit racing anyway ill shut up lol
i do think that someone on a proper green lane thats stuck or by roadside yes ,but where that was well ,if it were me out on my own in my 90 i would have turned around at the to and came back . its not even a track with big drope to the drivers side , im not knocking the op but well what the hell was you doing upthere like that and the guy doesnt have any car insurance i just checked so we risked alot s677bgt on ask mid not insured so thats the last post on this as im quite annoyed that brian was put in that position and its lucky my mate has all the gear as he does off road events and races often his wifr his son and he was there fair play till 1230 last night ive got him a very big bottle of whisky for helping me as he knows how much i love my landy , anyway ill shut up lol

That was probably a pack horse trail or drove road originally. Or maybe just a track for someone to check and feed sheep.

Not built with heavy vehicles in mind, especially vehicles with road tyres.
I'll be driving a 44t wagon of beer tomorrow, can I come to :p
It's a kind offer but the practicalities of driving such a heavy vehicle up a steep slope with a sheer drop ont one side may be a problem. Yer'll need something much lighter like a Freelander, preferably on road tyres, to be able to get anywhere near the location of the Honda crv. :p
Take a step back MHM.
Look at what happened.

People signing up for LZIR is irrelevant if they don't turn up. The help offered is a good thing, what happened last night was not. It's not being critical, its being honest. There are good points being raised on the MO thread, read them. I would be very concerned if i was responsible for sending people out and they came back with damage or injury -last night they had both.
I am reading the MO thread and haven’t commented deliberately. A lot of the points are good. Some have already been considered or covered.
No-one is responsible for “sending people out and they came back with damage or injury “
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There might be a number of new members to LZ, but it does pain me somewhat that some of them just want or need assistance and once we've "pulled their nuts out of the fire" they vanish again back into the areas of t'interweb where I fear to tread, Farcebook, Snapnumpty or wherever. It would be nice if after we've contributed to their lives if they would stick around and contribute a bit to the forum.
This is not the correct thread for this.
If you, or anyone else can find a way to stop this, brilliant. Please let us know.

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