Not when the rents are so high as to make saving the deposit unrealistic and the being priced out of the market by the BTL loons that snap up everything round here to make money on for their retirement, nice for them to have a retirement fund but it's fugged the whole housing market round here, and with the holiday home owners too, double edged sword that one, at least they're not here all week to add to the traffic but don't help house prices, and then the so called "affordable housing" being built that is starting at £260k+ is totally unrealistic for anyone living on the island on less than £60kpa :(
rents reflect house prices and thats been the case for a long while its the multiple of wage needed now, our first house was 2 1/2 x my annual wage it would be 6 or 7 now
Exactly what my mates is like. He's a sparky. Saved for last 4 years, stayed at his mum's doing so. Bought a 300 odd k house that could get me a nice house n workshop in the sticks. South east is madness. I nearly bought a house up near j28 of the m1 years back. Pennies in comparison. Wales is nice mate and there's work for you wherever. The biggest problem is roots - I had none really and no kids. I may move closer to my family when/if I have kids though as we have no family around. For once in the last 8 years I actually have a permanent home where I wake up each morning haha

Easy for me to get work, wherever I land, but would need property big enough for kids etc,.

Ah, sorry, didn't realise.

Not really advertised it but not out of choice, circumstances and all that, and now weeks away from the pitter patter of little feet means I have a whole lot more to think about in the event of a future move :eek::rolleyes:
Just went to tell the dog off for digging and then realised he was playing croquet down the lawn with a hedgehog :eek:

If you need space for kids this will do...

What you have said above is exactly why people get priced out of an area. I moved area by choice but I wouldn't have stood a chance. All you'll end up with is the lucky ones and city boys I think. As soon as someone can commute to London from a place the standard working man gets priced out. Bath seems to have its own micro economy too
I have a solution anyways. Move over these ways and we can sort you a nice job and house. Then in return you can do the dirty work on the disco and save me the fun bits :D
@Hicap phill I finally got the door off. I left my drill at home again so ended up wrestling with the thing. Luckily it was dead so I could treat it badly. Do you know what kind of money she will need per door?

A share bag of rust chips fell out of the bulkhead. Very close to lifting now but was held up by piping. Sprayed the slave with a coat of oil so I can disconnect more easily on next visit hopefully. I think there's about 4 bolts and that union then lift.
Is it possible to torque up with one of these box spanner hub nut Jobs? Must be a trick?! I don't know why I didn't just by a ****ing socket instead of this


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