An axle? In the hallway? Can't say I've noticed it...

I was starting to get some stick for the boot floor and side panels in the lounge :oops:

But I admit that I never got as far as an axle in the house, engines and multiple motorbikes over the years and even had V8 heads and intakes in the dishwasher on Christmas morning one year.
I've had pistons in the dishwasher and conrods in the oven before. The axle is clean as a whistle. I need it there for a clean assembly. Too much dust and crap in my 'workshop'. Also figured when it's built me and another body only have to lift out the front door. Just got craddocks invoice through so guess they'll soon be here. Another hub to do and mudshield brackets to clean then onto the assembly. Just got to work out which way they go which I think I can (thanks to Chris for pics). Everything has new bolts minus the 12 sided numbers. Oh only setback was the dog ate one of my gaskets for stub axle but I'll just put a bead of squeeze gasket on it. Little ****er
Can't wait to see you using that grinder inside.
I had a pair of doors in the bathroom for the past few years

Used to build the looms on the sette while watching tv. Gas powered solder iron work wonders

Now I know who to hassle when the defender loom puzzles me :D

No the grinder should be in the cupboard. All my tools are by the front door..... so is my doberman :D:D:D

My Mrs is good with it all to be honest. She knows I need a decent garage/workshop and I'll probably be looking once the brexit wave is over :eek:
I really do hope it doesn't smash the house prices like that **** predicts - I'll be waiting a while if so as will lose any profit I've made!
Getting somewhere to do the rebuilds are always expensive. Do not rush to buy a house.
The first house we tried to buy had a high top van and trailer still attached in the garage. But price crept up as we tried to buy.
House We have now had planning refused for the garage so built a bigger car port.fits 3 cars & it's a Drive through. There are always ways round the planners
Always keep the mrs happy ;)
1 day the mrs will come out for a green lane with you and see why you have been happy welding.

As for the loom.... don't ask me I just guess what goes where & turn the switches on
Will never rush and my Mrs is in the property game so it will be calculated. Just not the biggest fan of current place. It's warm, clean and tidy though and I'm happy until I can get the right thing. I just don't want to lose the profit I've made on it if/when it crashes. Oh well can't worry about those things, ive got fulcrums and trailing arm bushes to think of :D:D

Mr Mrs actually said green laning looked great fun and wanted to do a pay and play day. I 'm pretty sure my motor won't be going anywhere near s pay n play when it's built o_O
Now I know who to hassle when the defender loom puzzles me :D

No the grinder should be in the cupboard. All my tools are by the front door..... so is my doberman :D:D:D

My Mrs is good with it all to be honest. She knows I need a decent garage/workshop and I'll probably be looking once the brexit wave is over :eek:
I really do hope it doesn't smash the house prices like that **** predicts - I'll be waiting a while if so as will lose any profit I've made!
the others would be cheaper too
It is but I won't worry. **** all I can do about it. Gotta enjoy life haven't we :)
I'm destined to be a renter forever unless a miracle happens, I can borrow £141,000 but there is nothing around at that price, even one bed flats have jumped by about £20k in the last year around here and are hovering around £160,000 :( Unless I want to move into the middle of a crack villa of course but even then the prices are still well over £130k :eek:
I'm destined to be a renter forever unless a miracle happens, I can borrow £141,000 but there is nothing around at that price, even one bed flats have jumped by about £20k in the last year around here and are hovering around £160,000 :( Unless I want to move into the middle of a crack villa of course but even then the prices are still well over £130k :eek:

I worked away for years living in digs. I couldn't have afforded to move back to where I grew up. My mates are paying 100k more than me for a lesser house. Get yourself over the bridge to Wales and take a job with Griffiths or costain - houses are cheap and will shoot up once tolls are out. I can get to Newport quicker than I can Bristol which is madness
I'm destined to be a renter forever unless a miracle happens, I can borrow £141,000 but there is nothing around at that price, even one bed flats have jumped by about £20k in the last year around here and are hovering around £160,000 :( Unless I want to move into the middle of a crack villa of course but even then the prices are still well over £130k :eek:
thats a shame, we bought when prices were very affordable and you had choice so were lucky as it turns out,many of us couldnt afford to be first time buyers now
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I worked away for years living in digs. I couldn't have afforded to move back to where I grew up. My mates are paying 100k more than me for a lesser house. Get yourself over the bridge to Wales and take a job with Griffiths or costain - houses are cheap and will shoot up once tolls are out. I can get to Newport quicker than I can Bristol which is madness

Saw an add for digger and dozer drivers in the mid West of Wales a few weeks back, at least houses with actual gardens and driveways are affordable there, unlike here, a 2 bed (read as a one bed with walk in wardrobe) bungalow with postage stamp parking out front and same as garden out the back sold for £300k and it was in need of complete modernization throughout, not suitable to move straight in at all, shocking!!!
thats a shame, we bought when prices were very affordable and you had choice so were lucky as it turns out,many of couldnt afford to be first time buyers now

Not when the rents are so high as to make saving the deposit unrealistic and the being priced out of the market by the BTL loons that snap up everything round here to make money on for their retirement, nice for them to have a retirement fund but it's fugged the whole housing market round here, and with the holiday home owners too, double edged sword that one, at least they're not here all week to add to the traffic but don't help house prices, and then the so called "affordable housing" being built that is starting at £260k+ is totally unrealistic for anyone living on the island on less than £60kpa :(
Saw an add for digger and dozer drivers in the mid West of Wales a few weeks back, at least houses with actual gardens and driveways are affordable there, unlike here, a 2 bed (read as a one bed with walk in wardrobe) bungalow with postage stamp parking out front and same as garden out the back sold for £300k and it was in need of complete modernization throughout, not suitable to move straight in at all, shocking!!!

Exactly what my mates is like. He's a sparky. Saved for last 4 years, stayed at his mum's doing so. Bought a 300 odd k house that could get me a nice house n workshop in the sticks. South east is madness. I nearly bought a house up near j28 of the m1 years back. Pennies in comparison. Wales is nice mate and there's work for you wherever. The biggest problem is roots - I had none really and no kids. I may move closer to my family when/if I have kids though as we have no family around. For once in the last 8 years I actually have a permanent home where I wake up each morning haha

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