Think it woke everybody up. Jesus that's loud. How long till the plod pull u over for that I wonder?!?!

Frankly mate, i expect never. I really don't use the car that much.

If they do, we'll have a nice chat and if they wana slap a fine on me then they're welcome, I'm happy to push my luck.

In fairness it won't get used "that" much, just occasional pnp days or street days.

If I enjoy the music I will make a proper side exit for street only and fit a flamer, might as well eh? :p
Fit a bypass valve ? Then you can run two systems on one ?


I think official terminology is cutout valve and/or yes I did think about it

However there isn't really any room for one AND if I'm honest I think that's a bit of a ponse choice

If you're gonna run open exhaust then be man and face the consequences, don't hide from the 5-0 when you see them

I'll see how I get on, might get booted off pnp sites anorl! :D
I have thought about a said valve.. I would like to keeps the sound track but not wake the entire estate when I get up early!
I wouldn't have thought so pal, exhaust system tuning is pretty much done and dusted after the down pipes afaik so whatever you do after that simply affects how much max flow you can expect

With such a short pipe after the Y piece I might expect a slight decrease in scavenging at low rpms, but I will have to wait and see how if drives

Don't expect it to affect the tuning as such, it might not be a bad idea to retune it just to see I guess

On stock heads I don't expect the rear half of the exhaust to be a deciding factor tbh.
Regards your system, i had mine made by JP in Macclesfield

Well worth it, it's perfectly done and absolutely spot on for my needs
I wouldn't have thought so pal, exhaust system tuning is pretty much done and dusted after the down pipes afaik so whatever you do after that simply affects how much max flow you can expect

With such a short pipe after the Y piece I might expect a slight decrease in scavenging at low rpms, but I will have to wait and see how if drives

Don't expect it to affect the tuning as such, it might not be a bad idea to retune it just to see I guess

On stock heads I don't expect the rear half of the exhaust to be a deciding factor tbh.

That was my thought, but on a LR I doubt it will be a critical loss :)
Be like "hmmm have I lost some performance or is the wind blowing the other way"

Looking forward to getting it on pod to see what it pulls :p
Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred :(

No parts not yet fitted, not enough money to buy new parts to fit, nothing to fettle, BORED.
Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred :(

No parts not yet fitted, not enough money to buy new parts to fit, nothing to fettle, BORED.

Know how you feel. I'd be bored ****less without my project.
Just wish I had your workspace to do it in :p

Come to think of it, It's actually the only thing I do other than work. How sad am I :eek:
Yeah I'm very lucky to have that workshop available, certainly a game changer for some jobs.

Having a project car/machine/generally a toy with an engine in is a thing which some men have and some men don't.

Those that don't will never understand the mental battle we all must make between having an apparently normal life and not getting much done with the project OR sacrificing as much as we can in order to give give give in the name of the project.

I assume it must be selfishness to an extent because at the end of the day it is a self-indulgence but it's kind of like we are enlisted by some higher power to build this project machine and it is our duty on earth to bring this machine to life.

As such, it is very difficult to make the decision between normal life "fitting in" ie clothes shopping/holidays etc in order to retain some level of normality and hobbiting yourself away in the garage with your tools and parts and emerging dirty, smelly and mentally ruined some months later having not noticed the change in season or the fact that your hair has grown past you ears with a beast machine by your side feeling like a dog with two dicks.

So as you can see, when you are in a situation where you are saving to buy parts and saving means no clothes shopping/holidays or other stuff that normal people do, it can become rather frustrating! :D

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