Anyway lads so it's back in the garage for more punishment
Today's task (not got much time today) is to address a new problem.
After fitting the extended LT230 sump, it appears to be quite vulnerable.
So a transmission guard/skid is on the cards.
You can buy them, terrafirma are probably the favorite, but there are no pics online as they must not be that popular.
However, what with custom crossmember because custom exhaust, extended sump, X-brake etc etc I'm thinking best option is so make something.
Or at least, make a template and have my local fabrication firm knock something up.
I'd like it to be something like 8mm aluminium for weight saving but I reckon cost will make it 4 or 5mm steel in the end.
Will see about having it galvanised though so it'll be a proper job.
Just some basic folding to do after cutting out on the plasma I think.
Carefully placed holes for exhaust cooling and maybe transfer case drain methinks
Here's a pic of the issue: