yes mate, your 90 looks quality there pal.

i would obviously love a 90, who wouldnt, but i just cant stomach the initial cost of the vehicle. the cheapest ones i have seen are like 4000 upwards!

i think the disco in total as it is now has cost me about 4000 total, and its a hellalot comfier to drive down the road in! :D

we had a 04 plate 90 county in at work recently, and i jumped in it, ripped my trousers on the door catch in the process, and put the seat fully back, and my legs were still up against the blummin steering wheel, and im only 5'10" !!!

for that reason i decided i had made the right choice with my 1000 pound disco :D :D :D

as for the other thing, i try to take Mrs. offroading as often as possible, and she actually really enjoys it. it kinda makes it easier for her to understand why i can rarely afford to buy her any prezzies! OOPS! :D
Looking at the setup you got there mate i would bet there isnt many places a 90 would get that your disco wouldnt,i agree the disco a lot more comfy though,ive put bucket seats and a smaller 14" steering wheel in just to try & make it a bit more comfy,your lucky your missus will go offroading with you,mine wont even get in it(scared the crap out of her the one time she came with me:D)
hi mate

yeah tbh im very pleased with the disco, it is truly great off road, and seems to me that the onkly advantage the 90 actually has is less weight.

however the other thing is that the 90 is a purpose utility vehicle, if i bend a panel or even worse the roof in the disco then ive got a majot job on my hands, wheres the 90 just unbolts and you get a new roof for it! easy peasy!

thats why the 90 takes the top spot, but as above, as long as im careful off road, the disco earns its stripes on road cos its actually quite pleasant to drive! :D

my mrs is actually a bit of a speed freak :D

i used to have a honda civic that i did trackdays in and she absolutely loved it, she's a bit gutted i got the landy now cos its too slow, but she still likes the bumps and stuff offroading. either that or she's just easygoing, but yeah i guess either way im lucky.

she can be difficult sometimes, but she's very good when it comes to my 4 wheeled friends :D

where do you go offroading pal?

Nice one mate, looks like all the hard work has paid off :D
am toying with the idea of tree sliders, did you get yours made to measure?
Would be concerned about buying some which turn up too long due to all the chopping to fit the flexi arches..
hi mate

yeah tbh im very pleased with the disco, it is truly great off road, and seems to me that the onkly advantage the 90 actually has is less weight.

however the other thing is that the 90 is a purpose utility vehicle, if i bend a panel or even worse the roof in the disco then ive got a majot job on my hands, wheres the 90 just unbolts and you get a new roof for it! easy peasy!

thats why the 90 takes the top spot, but as above, as long as im careful off road, the disco earns its stripes on road cos its actually quite pleasant to drive! :D

my mrs is actually a bit of a speed freak :D

i used to have a honda civic that i did trackdays in and she absolutely loved it, she's a bit gutted i got the landy now cos its too slow, but she still likes the bumps and stuff offroading. either that or she's just easygoing, but yeah i guess either way im lucky.

she can be difficult sometimes, but she's very good when it comes to my 4 wheeled friends :D

where do you go offroading pal?

thats the main reason i changed to defenders,ive had 2 disco's but as you say defenders a bit easier to work on.
i offroad anywhere i can really,but a lot of mates where i live have sold up due to high number of thefts in derbyshire area,usually we go to kirton,weston coyney,holymoorside or just greenlaneing in the peak district,where do you go?
hi graham

yeah man tree sliders are a must!

my car basically lives on them when i go offroading! i dont know how i managed before i fitted them (that chequerplate is covering up a few scrapes though!)

sliders are a must mate, you can use them to turn corners, jst get your front wheels past and then turn in and you slide right round.

i got mine made to measure by an awesome lad called carl in wigan.

he advertises on ebay, we got talking, i went round to his house and he measured me up.

he makes bumpers, tank guards, you name it.

my sliders are the best ive seen, theyre bent to shape, galvanised and powder coated (so they dont rust when the powder coat scrapes off as soon as you use them) and he uses 50mm tube for the tree bars, most sliders have 30 or 35mm tube. pfffftt!! :D

he did mine for 200 cash, you might ne able to get the same deal if you talk nicely!

i'll pm you his number if you like...
thats the main reason i changed to defenders,ive had 2 disco's but as you say defenders a bit easier to work on.
i offroad anywhere i can really,but a lot of mates where i live have sold up due to high number of thefts in derbyshire area,usually we go to kirton,weston coyney,holymoorside or just greenlaneing in the peak district,where do you go?

yeah thats the other problem with defenders, they get robbed like crazy. touch wood the thieves arent nicking discos whilst theres big money defenders about.

you just gotta keep it locked up overnight and try not to leave it anywhere...

i tend to go to cown and tong because theyre closer to me you see, id like to go kirton but its a monster trek for me in a v8 doing 10mpg!

i also really want to get onto some greenlane runs, never been out laning cos i dont know how/where its done, and i live in cheshire, which is like a pancake, so i cant even explore anywhere locally :(

so i would really appreciate it if you become my friend and let me know when there's a day out planned!!

yeah thats the other problem with defenders, they get robbed like crazy. touch wood the thieves arent nicking discos whilst theres big money defenders about.

you just gotta keep it locked up overnight and try not to leave it anywhere...

i tend to go to cown and tong because theyre closer to me you see, id like to go kirton but its a monster trek for me in a v8 doing 10mpg!

i also really want to get onto some greenlane runs, never been out laning cos i dont know how/where its done, and i live in cheshire, which is like a pancake, so i cant even explore anywhere locally :(

so i would really appreciate it if you become my friend and let me know when there's a day out planned!!

yeh will do,the peak district got some great lanes,especially around castleton and derwent snake pass etc alot of the commen ones(stanegde edge,chaplegate,chinnley steps etc) are all in this area and not to far from each other and the best thing is they free,not done much laneing for a while now but i'll give you a shout next time we all have run out
yeh will do,the peak district got some great lanes,especially around castleton and derwent snake pass etc alot of the commen ones(stanegde edge,chaplegate,chinnley steps etc) are all in this area and not to far from each other and the best thing is they free,not done much laneing for a while now but i'll give you a shout next time we all have run out

that'd be brill pal, thanks :D

p.s. im not wierd or scary looking :)
gee, thanks mate! :)

just type in this item number into ebay, they are the ones i bought


REALLY impressed with them, much better than i thought they would be, they fit VERY well!

and they arrived quick too! :D

Nice 1. Thanks for that, I see he also does a Camo spare wheel cover :D
thanks to you both Dom & Mike!

Hey puppy, does he do a 33" spare wheel cover???!!! :D

nah, just kidding! the seat covers are great though, defo a good buy!

they also help youy slide on and off the seat, which makes ebtering/leaving the vehicle far easier :D
Good lad!! A commercial would look even better!! :D

(although the visibility is handy when offroading)
Where did you get the plastic wheel arches from and how much were they ? Same question about the winch and winch bumper
I love it! what suspension set-up you got? If you could write me a list off all the parts that will do fine lol. Hope mine turns out to look that good!
hi guys

the wheel arches were bought new second hand off ebay. a guy never fitted them.

paid £122 i think.

they are on ebay though, theyre about 150 new. thats what the guy i bought them from paid. theyre good quality. here's the item number for mine, they do a 75mm version but mine are 50s


the winch was bought from autolift uk in bradford, paid £318 for it delivered. seems like a good winch. the brake has started making a bit of a rattle when winching out, but im gonna wait til nearer the end of the warranty period cos before i remove it cos i wana use it and it still works fine, but if i can get it repaired next year then thats a bonus.

the bumper i bought off ebay, i gave £155 for it. i think it might be a britpart, but tbh im not sure, but it certainly is of excellent quality and very sturdy. i have been told that it is a very good bumper, someone told me it was probably over £300 when new.

the suspension kit i fitted was the 3" lift kit from MM4x4. cos about £350 ish i think. i also bought QT3 radius arms and Britpart cranked trailing arms from them, and a polybush kit. the whole lot cost just over £700 delivered, it is a very complete kit and it fitted very well. just had to sand down the rear arms a bit as they wouldnt fit into the new bushes! :D

must recommend MM4x4 aswell tbh, i snapped a damper and it was replaced no probs. really good guys down there.

i cant give you a complete list of parts jamie, it would take all day :D

Bloody good looking motor that, mate. Even got a land anchor!

If I ever get stuck somewhere I hope you're passing!

Excuse my ignorance, but I've always wondered what those pointy things are on wheel nuts......
hi paul, cheers for the comments pal.

yeah, the ground anchor is a bloody handy piece of kit. i kept getting stuck places where there were no trees! one day me and a mate were in a bit of a situation, so i called myself ray mears and he called himself bear grylls. we went out for supplies, and returned with a sturdy fencing stake, a slab of concrete and a rock.

we hammered the stake 4 feet into the ground, beat the slab down on top of it, and then fastened the winch around it. we managed to slowly pull the vehicle out with it :D

but it was such an effort i then bought a ground anchor! :D

the things on the nuts are called 'checkpoints'

you fit them on in a pattern, and then if any of your nuts start to undo you can see that one of them has gone out of the pattern.

i thought for a tenner it might save my bacon one day :D

hi graham

yeah man tree sliders are a must!

my car basically lives on them when i go offroading! i dont know how i managed before i fitted them (that chequerplate is covering up a few scrapes though!)

sliders are a must mate, you can use them to turn corners, jst get your front wheels past and then turn in and you slide right round.

i got mine made to measure by an awesome lad called carl in wigan.

he advertises on ebay, we got talking, i went round to his house and he measured me up.

he makes bumpers, tank guards, you name it.

my sliders are the best ive seen, theyre bent to shape, galvanised and powder coated (so they dont rust when the powder coat scrapes off as soon as you use them) and he uses 50mm tube for the tree bars, most sliders have 30 or 35mm tube. pfffftt!! :D

he did mine for 200 cash, you might ne able to get the same deal if you talk nicely!

i'll pm you his number if you like...

cheers wouldn't mind getting contact details, I spoke with a guy who advertised bespoke sliders on eBay some time ago - said he would make me some in box section with built in jack holes, might be the same fella.
Would probably have to be after chrimbo now though..

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