After an hour with the pressure washer, I now have half of salisbury plain on my driveway... The Nagger is going to s**t frisbees when she sees it....!!!
Ive just taken mine to the jetwash to clean the chassi... what a fokin pain of a day today has been.

to be honest I think Im going to sell my Defender... had enough of it, the joy and pleasure of driving through the mud doesnt out balance the pain that is to live with it anymore....
dont get that thrill factor anymore... some might have even noticed that towards the end I was going around the mud as i couldnt be bothered anymore...

and today, all this pressure washing and ****.... bah, can't be bothered anymore.
What a great day.
Thank you all that sorted it out.
Thanks s71 for leading us in to the unknown:D
Thank you 110w for cake yum:D I only managed a piece of lemon cake:Cry: no choccy for me, think ratty ate it all:lol:
Thanks for all the stuff I was given, dunno what I am gonna do with a set of springs and some locks...ebay:lol:
Twas a really good day and i had lots of fun.
Cheers for un sticking me sibble88 :D

I was my 90 earlier in the garage and made a right mess of the place:eek: :bolt:

I didnt over heat on the way home, mind you it might of been a bit warmer in the cab if I had:lol:
I averaged 15.9mpg that day:eek:
Only took a couple of pics as was too busy navigating....To be fair vaggy being pulled out by sible wasnt the only one to get stuck there :D no one made it through !


Ha ha Win:D:D
ha ha after

2nd casualty


3rd, difflockers no help

Which one of ya was Nigbo, spotted ya bike:hysterically_laughi
JP - maybe yu just need to relax, not do the serioous muddy stuff and just enjoy a day laning with good company. It can be just as good..... onistly.;)
[JP];1896484 said:
Ive just taken mine to the jetwash to clean the chassi... what a fokin pain of a day today has been.

to be honest I think Im going to sell my Defender... had enough of it, the joy and pleasure of driving through the mud doesnt out balance the pain that is to live with it anymore....
dont get that thrill factor anymore... some might have even noticed that towards the end I was going around the mud as i couldnt be bothered anymore...

and today, all this pressure washing and ****.... bah, can't be bothered anymore.

JP - maybe yu just need to relax, not do the serioous muddy stuff and just enjoy a day laning with good company. It can be just as good..... onistly.;)

I gotta agree.

I spent the day trying to avoid splashing mud up the sides of my landy cos I can no longer use the pressure washer at work to clean it and can't get it close enough to the house to do it either.

That all went up the swanny once I followed BaggyJim into dafts hole though.:eek:

It isn't about who can get the furthest or who's got the biggest wheels. It's about having a nice gentle drive with good company.:)
I gotta agree.

I spent the day trying to avoid splashing mud up the sides of my landy cos I can no longer use the pressure washer at work to clean it and can't get it close enough to the house to do it either.

That all went up the swanny once I followed BaggyJim into dafts hole though.:eek:

It isn't about who can get the furthest or who's got the biggest wheels. It's about having a nice gentle drive with good company.:)
I couldnt agree more. I was lucky as all of my group were decent people with a sense of humour :D they needed it with my navigational skills :eek:
i went with Boomer and yup - some of the lanes were a bit staid - but I think I can say for all in his group - we had a bloody good day out and would do it again tomorrow.
JP volunteer on the chippy run - it aint technically demanding, - a gaylander can and has done it - but if its half as good as last time you (and your family) will still be talking about it in 3 years time - and you wont have to repair yo motor after.
What goes up must also come down.
Drink to much have a hangover, to much mud play and you got a lotta pressure washing.
As whenever I have had to much to drink and feeling bad the next day and utter the famous words "I'll never drink again"
But you always do :D:D
I managed to not fill my rad up with mud, despite the dirty vehicle the next day, I had a great time and had fun with lots of cool cats (sorry I will never use that phrase ever again) and it was well worth it:D:D
Thanks for all the stuff I was given, dunno what I am gonna do with a set of springs and some locks...ebay:lol:

You gotta give thum springs to Trewey remember? :doh: They int yours! :D

I gotta agree. It isn't about who can get the furthest or who's got the biggest wheels. It's about having a nice gentle drive with good company.:)

X2, I like laning for the company and the views. Yes its good fun to be a kid and splash a lil mud sometimes too.

The cleaning does irritate me. and the replacing broken bits, i prefer fitting shiny new stuff. :D
Agree with MHM and Ratty ,the lanes we did wouldnt have been the most challenging in the world ,bit wetter would of made them interesting, and it was a days green laning with friends not a demolition derby at a pay and play site, i built my landy from an old farmers hack and whilst enjoy finding what its capable of doing i dont want to rebuild it after every outing, so you make the most of a fun friendly day out and get home happy
Spent 5 hours (3 on the rad) cleaning the disco this morning - got a drive covered in Salisbury's finest gloop :)

Now off to edit the video, looks like I have some great landy-getting-muddy shots :D
only just got a chance to get on the laptop.... what a day! Big thanks to the organisers, Mud-4-it and wiltshire landy man for leading our group!

Had a bit of a hiccup on the way home with half of salisbury plains being in my airbox and my air filter looking like a mud pie! Managed to clean it out with some raspberry flavoured sparkling water and limp it to a local halfords just off the a303... jetwashed the engine bay out somewhere near there too... alternators kicking right off though and the battery is flat as a pancake today! Just waiting for a mate to jump start me so I can get back from the missus' gaff and i'll give it a proper clean out... cracking day out, see you all at the next one!!!

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