In message <eifenl$g19$>
"William Black" <> wrote:

> "beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
> > Serious question - if parking is so lucrative, why on earth
> > isn't the council doing it?

> They are.
> Half their incomes from parking fees.
> > And getting that bloody awful cafe/arcade in middle of the seafront
> > sorted out.....

> Which one?
> There are several that meet that description.

Looking in, the "servery" is on the left, with the arcade straight
on and to the right. There was more food on the floor and tables
than on the counter when we sheltered in there during a storm.
At least the 2 ten-years old rnning the place didn't actually
do their zits over the counter. It put me off Scrabrough for the 2 model railways have gone!


-- - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive

"beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
> In message <eifenl$g19$>
> "William Black" <> wrote:
>> "beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
>> > Serious question - if parking is so lucrative, why on earth
>> > isn't the council doing it?

>> They are.
>> Half their incomes from parking fees.
>> > And getting that bloody awful cafe/arcade in middle of the seafront
>> > sorted out.....

>> Which one?
>> There are several that meet that description.

> Looking in, the "servery" is on the left, with the arcade straight
> on and to the right. There was more food on the floor and tables
> than on the counter when we sheltered in there during a storm.
> At least the 2 ten-years old rnning the place didn't actually
> do their zits over the counter. It put me off Scrabrough for
> the 2 model railways have gone!

It's not my job to tell the Rank Organisation how to run their business,
and they're the people who run that monster.

The only time the locals go into the place is at Easter when they get the
new video games in, and nobody sane ever ate anything there...

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

hugh wrote:
> In message <eicjp7$h2p$1@localhost.localdomain>, GbH
> <Geoff_Hannington@IEE.ORGasm> writes
>> Badger wrote:
>>> "beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
>>>> In message <>
>>>> "Greg" <> wrote:
>>>>> "William Black" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:eial01$h1r$
>>>>>> In Filey Council employees
>>>>>>> have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village
>>>>>>> we are seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson.
>>>>>>> Sadly the cameras are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or
>>>>>>> simply don't care.
>>>>>> The camera feeds are recorded.
>>>>> A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one
>>>>> would even pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't
>>>>> know. But even if they are taped it's little use when there's no
>>>>> one to point and zoom them in on an incident, a camera recording a
>>>>> wide shot right down Westborough say is of no practical use as the
>>>>> images will not be good enough to identify anyone, they have to be
>>>>> controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing but prove
>>>>> there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take
>>>>> an image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture,
>>>>> Torchwood is a good example, but that's science fiction pure and
>>>>> simple I'm afraid.
>>>>> A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that
>>>>> there had been several incidents around town, right in the view of
>>>>> the cameras, yet they were absolutely no help to the police. I
>>>>> have yet so see any one of the camers actually move!, and that
>>>>> means people are wise to it and take little notice.
>>>>> I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a
>>>>> couple of dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it
>>>>> wasn't THEM doing the vandalising and arson in the village, some
>>>>> pointing fingers at each other and claiming they had witnesses,
>>>>> all very unpleasant. But the fact remains that we have a growing
>>>>> problem with youths congregating in gangs, apparently there are
>>>>> two rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.
>>>>> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no
>>>>> matter what spin the government put on it that just isn't
>>>>> happening 8-(.
>>>>> Greg
>>>> I'm proabably going to get into big trouble for this, but here
>>>> goes....
>>>>> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no
>>>>> matter what spin the government put on it that just isn't
>>>>> happening 8-(.
>>>> It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of
>>>> their arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where
>>>> they are or what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the
>>>> humiliation factor soon breaks up the gangs.
>>>> Flame proof suit donned.
>>> Put your flame-proof suit away mate, never a truer word said and all
>>> that. If the parents are chain-smoking lazy-arsed couch potatoes,
>>> what the hell sort of role model do the kids have to learn from? I
>>> agree we need a greater police presence on the streets and that
>>> ain't happening unless we sack a few dozen councillors and mp's and
>>> use their wages to fund the extra coppers, now there's an idea...
>>> The coulcillors and mp's remaining would then have to get their
>>> fingers out and do some ****ing work for a change!
>>> A change in the law to allow simple, workable (there's the key!)
>>> prosecution of the parents for not instilling discipline in their
>>> own would go a long way, but there's still the issue of the kids
>>> being angels at home and the parents that genuinely don't know what
>>> their "little darlings" are up to. I, personally, have my own
>>> answer. A friend of mine lives in an area that I wouldn't want to.
>>> Nowhere near as bad as some down south, but not the best place
>>> locally. Small estate, there's been incidents of bricks through
>>> windscreens, keyed paintwork and even a car torched. I made sure
>>> that the local "thugs" (uneducated, unloved, unwashed layabout
>>> kids) all knew me on sight and to talk to, and also made it common
>>> knowledge that if anyone dared to touch my motor I'd hunt them
>>> down, decapitate their limbs and make them ****ing well eat them!
>>> The one that got cheeky got a swift kick in the nuts and smack in
>>> the mouth for good measure - his mates then realised I meant what I
>>> said and everything's just fine. I'm not saying that's what should
>>> be done in every case, but it worked for me as a deterrent. Biggest
>>> problem is lack of discipline, whether it be in the home or when
>>> out, and that's where a return to National Service would come in....
>>> Badger.

>> Hmm. Train the little thugs in unarmed combat? maybe?

> Or teach them to do as they are f****** told without question, that
> their opinions do not matter one iota and they are the most
> insignificant little scroats on the planet. In other words to undo all
> the damage done by the current PC education and parenting guidelines.

Agree 100% and then some.

I'm of a certain age that I was around in the days of 'mods' and 'rockers', I can
well recall a local Sargent Plod saying they were no bother, but yer 'teddy boys',
now, they could handle themselves.

Don't say it cannot be done, rather what is needed to do it!

If the answer is offensive maybe the question was inappropriate

The fiend of my fiend is my enema!

On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:39:50 -0000, William Black
<> wrote:

> ...
> There's a license to print money for the people who get to control the
> parking in Scarborough, but, as usual, the council legal department
> have
> smudged the license...

Has it occured to anyone that roads containing a random arrangement of
parked vehicles are rarely roads that suffer from excessive speeding?

William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
In message <>, beamendsltd
<> writes
>In message <eif9pf$cu4$>
> "William Black" <> wrote:
>> "Greg" <> wrote in message
>> > On an admittedly less serious subject, there's the ongoing farce
>> > whereby the Chief Constable got rid of all but one traffic warden
>> > nearly a year ago even though the Borough is not yet able to take over
>> > parking enforcement. This has caused absolute chaos across the Borough
>> > with people parking anywhere they wish and regularly causing a town or
>> > village to gridlock. Yes I know there was a recent Police blitz on
>> > parking but no one expects that to continue as they can't possibly
>> > justify having officers regularly doing the job of wardens.

>> Well there's a reason for this.
>> The traffic wardens were actually due to be phased out by May this year and
>> the borough were due to take over responsibility for parking control under a
>> 'decriminalisation' scheme.
>> But, and it's a huge 'but', they seem to have made a complete mess of the
>> legalities of it (nothing new there...) and so none of the various
>> contractors will touch it with the proverbial barge pole.
>> There's a license to print money for the people who get to control the
>> parking in Scarborough, but, as usual, the council legal department have
>> smudged the license...

>Serious question - if parking is so lucrative, why on earth
>isn't the council doing it?
>And getting that bloody awful cafe/arcade in middle of the seafront
>sorted out.....

Well our council (Crewe) is and they openly admit they see it as a
revenue stream.

You really seem to be having a bad time up in Scarborough
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
"William Tasso" <> wrote in message

> Has it occured to anyone that roads containing a random arrangement of
> parked vehicles are rarely roads that suffer from excessive speeding?

Yes it's occurred to the road planners, there is a real issue here as
sorting out bad parking also increases speeding, on the other hand bad
parking is gridlocking towns and villages and endangering pedestrians who
have to walk down the road because of blocked pavements, there's no perfect


"William Black" <> wrote in message

> Well there's a reason for this.
> The traffic wardens were actually due to be phased out by May this year

> the borough were due to take over responsibility for parking control under

> 'decriminalisation' scheme.
> But, and it's a huge 'but', they seem to have made a complete mess of the
> legalities of it (nothing new there...) and so none of the various
> contractors will touch it with the proverbial barge pole.
> There's a license to print money for the people who get to control the
> parking in Scarborough, but, as usual, the council legal department

> smudged the license...

Although it's fashionable to blame the Borough council for this mess the
real blame lies with an ex copper with a grudge, I kid you not!. What
happened is that the Borough tried to take up decrim (as it's known
internally), just like loads of other Boroughs, and did exactly what others
did with respect to road markings and signage. Now just like other Boroughs
the markings and signage weren't 100% perfect because we're talking miles
and miles of streets and ridiculously complicated government rules, but they
signed a declaration to the government saying everything is squeaky clean.
In other Boroughs this was fine, and the Government must surely have known
there were deficiencies but as no one highlighted them they could take the
declarations on face value and pass the responsibility from the Police to
the Borough which is what they want as it frees up Police resources.

Everything was on schedule in Scarborough, so the Police thought they could
save some money by sacking their wardens BEFORE the change over was
complete, hoping no one would notice. Then along came this ex copper with a
grudge who set about using his knowledge to point out the deficiencies and
making the government aware of them so they couldn't ignore the issue. As a
result they refused to make the transfer and the Borough have been fighting
to convince the government they have corrected the problems ever since,
unfortunately this person seems to have dedicated his life to finding more
problems so the process is stalled. The Police refused to re-hire the
wardens and as they are the only ones legally able to enforce the law and
have no resources to do it it's a free for all with no end in sight.

I should point out to anyone thinking of parking in marked bays and not
paying or displaying a disc that you WILL risk a ticket as these are not in
dispute and are legally controlled by Council wardens, though the money goes
to the County apparently. It's the yellow lines that are not being enforced,
unless the Police can find some time to have another blitz which seems
unlikely given their limited resources. Also the off street parking is owned
by the Borough and legally enforced, and there is just one Police warden in
the Borough who covers Filey.

This is my understanding of the mess, and I've been at plenty of meetings
with several of the people involved.


"beamendsltd" <> wrote in message

> Serious question - if parking is so lucrative, why on earth
> isn't the council doing it?

The Borough owns all the off street car parks and makes a shed load of money
out of them, they also enforce the on street parking on behalf of the County
and I believe this subsidises the wardens. The only thing we're talking
about changing is the enforcing of illegal parking, i.e yellow lines etc,
which is currently criminal so only the Police can enforce it (with their
wardens or officers) but the Government wants it decriminalised and passed
to the local Councils to unburden the Police, and make the Councils more
money of course!.

> And getting that bloody awful cafe/arcade in middle of the seafront
> sorted out.....

Now I'm spoilt for choice on that one! :cool:


Just one point I forgot to mention about decrim, the Scarborough fiasco has
forced the government to look into simplifying it's ridiculously complicated
rules about markings and signage because there are pratts springing up all
over the country doing the same as the local one.



"Greg" <> wrote in message
> "beamendsltd" <> wrote in message
>> And getting that bloody awful cafe/arcade in middle of the seafront
>> sorted out.....

> Now I'm spoilt for choice on that one! :cool:

Me too.

The only one's I patronise are The Harbour Bar, The Anchorage Club and that
little kiosk in the middle of the North Bay.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.


"Greg" <> wrote in message

Then along came this ex copper with a
> grudge who set about using his knowledge to point out the deficiencies and
> making the government aware of them so they couldn't ignore the issue. As
> a
> result they refused to make the transfer and the Borough have been
> fighting
> to convince the government they have corrected the problems ever since,
> unfortunately this person seems to have dedicated his life to finding more
> problems so the process is stalled.

That Scarborough Council legal department can't work out what a legal road
sign looks like didn't actually come as a shock to anyone.

If you remember they put up a load of 'brown' signs pointing to tourist
features before these were legal as well, which the same gentleman brought
to their attention at the time. As he was then a serving copper they were
able to get him shut up...

It was reasonably obvious that at some point this rather cavalier attitude
to the legalities of street furniture would catch up with them, especially
as they'd been 'pulled up' for it earlier and had managed to get the problem
to 'disappear.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

Greg wrote:
> "William Tasso" <> wrote in message
>>Has it occured to anyone that roads containing a random arrangement of
>>parked vehicles are rarely roads that suffer from excessive speeding?

> Yes it's occurred to the road planners

Their solution, though, is a less than perfect replication of a parked
car and in the majority are far too inconspicuous.

I dread coming across on of these low level obstructions that jut out
into the road in the dark, wet and on unfamiliar territory. Most
people look down a long straight road and these obstructions just do
not stand out nor are they expected - neither they nor the signs are
usually adequately illuminated.

It's obvious that contact has been made with many of these 'features'
but I've never seen reports of damage or injury or worse connected
with them - what's being hidden?
"William Black" <> wrote in message

> It was reasonably obvious that at some point this rather cavalier attitude
> to the legalities of street furniture would catch up with them,

> as they'd been 'pulled up' for it earlier and had managed to get the

> to 'disappear.

My understanding of it is that their attitude was no different to all the
other Councils faced with an absolutely over the top set of government
regulations. To give you a specific example of how ridiculous they are, if
one of the utilities digs a trench which cuts a pair of yellow lines for
just a few inches, then reinstates the tarmac leaving a slight gap, then the
WHOLE of those lines become invalid until they're repainted. Consider that
the government has issued licenses to loads of utility companies to dig
roads without asking anyone's permission, add an old set of utilities that
need constant attention, and tell me how the council is supposed to ensure
every one of tens of miles of lines is always continuous?.

The Government are well aware of the impossible situation they've created
and are in the process of sorting out the marking regulations, lets face it
there's no way someone can argue they didn't know it was illegal to park
just because 6 inches out of 10 feet of lines under their car are missing,
it's just a loophole. They turned a blind eye for every other Borough
because if they hadn't there would have been no decrim anywhere in the

Unfortunately this self appointed 'champion of the motorist' has made that
impossible in Scarborough, with the result that the town regularly grid
locks because some <insert preferred expletive> thinks he can park on a
double yellow and blocks a main street to save himself walking more than a
few yards. The same happens every day in this village, they literally stop
in front of the shop they want even though there's a parking space a few
yards away, and a bus or lorry can't get past so the village stops until
they come out.

So please don't blame the Council for not raising taxes to employ more staff
to try and cope with the impossible regulations that are going to be changed
anyway, while the primary culprit struts around showing how clever he is,
and the Police management pat themselves on the back for jumping the gun to
add to the £70 million they've stashed away, and claim they're doing us a
favour by having a clampdown!.

"Dougal" <> wrote in message

> Their solution, though, is a less than perfect replication of a parked
> car and in the majority are far too inconspicuous.
> I dread coming across on of these low level obstructions that jut out
> into the road in the dark, wet and on unfamiliar territory. Most
> people look down a long straight road and these obstructions just do
> not stand out nor are they expected - neither they nor the signs are
> usually adequately illuminated.
> It's obvious that contact has been made with many of these 'features'
> but I've never seen reports of damage or injury or worse connected
> with them - what's being hidden?

Well to play devil's advocate, the only thing being hidden is people
speeding through villages and streets and knocking people down!. We've had
sets of 'cushons' in this village for several years and they are constantly
criticised, yet the accident statistics from the years before and after are
in the public domain and show a large reduction, so much so that it's fairly
safe to say that there are between one and two children alive now who
wouldn't have been. Yes they've had their problems, the early ones were
badly made and broke up so have been recently rebuilt, yes we've got
problems with idiots parking half way across them, but they do slow cars
down. Of course I could point out that the only cars they don't slow down
are large 4x4's who race through them with glee thus tarring us all with the
same brush, but that's another story.

Whatever the councils do is criticised, but the bottom line is that people
are seriously speeding. I'm not talking about 35 in a 30 zone, oh no, not
long ago we had one on Filey Road going so fast that when he lost it he was
launched into the air and literally flew OVER a garden wall and through the
side of a house set right back from the road!.

So please tell me how we save lives without getting criticised by motorists,
because I know a lot of Councillors who would dearly like to know...

Apparently the cushions in this village the devils work, they've smashed
loads of cars, damaged the foundations of houses and regularly bounce people
out of their beds! Obviously the illegally lowered, blue lit, un-silenced
chav wagons should be able to race around streets that are as smooth as
Silverstone, the cowboy builders should be able to blame the cracks that
open up in their dodgy repairs on someone else, and I'll leave the bouncing
beds to your imagination :cool:.



"Greg" <> wrote in message
> "William Black" <> wrote in message
> news:eihmrs$vff$
>> It was reasonably obvious that at some point this rather cavalier
>> attitude
>> to the legalities of street furniture would catch up with them,

> especially
>> as they'd been 'pulled up' for it earlier and had managed to get the

> problem
>> to 'disappear.

> My understanding of it is that their attitude was no different to all the
> other Councils faced with an absolutely over the top set of government
> regulations.

My information is that Scarborough Council made a habit of doing stuff like
this and managed to offend someone who was then a serving police officer.

They managed to shut him up.

When he retired he decided to make an example of them, possibly because
he'd been upset at the way he'd been 'shut up' the first time.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

Greg wrote:

> So please tell me how we save lives without getting criticised by motorists,
> because I know a lot of Councillors who would dearly like to know...

Try the new Dutch system, where they remove ALL road furniture. Try
getting councillors to save money, instead of making a great show of
"saving money" by cutting the best front line, public facing services,
so that it annoys the voters rather than firing the excess of
bureaucrats with their nice juicy pensions.

William Black <> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:
>> The youth community support centre I work for as sysadmin is always
>> being vandalised - by the very youths we are here to support & help.
>> Our communications link is always being vandalised - we surrounded
>> it in steel. So they set fire to it. So we moved it on the roof.
>> They somehow tore the thing off, and while on the roof stuffed up
>> all the air conditioning heat exchangers (vital in this climate).
>> Sometimes I wonder why we bother,

> Because if they weren't doing it to you they'd be doing it to some
> poor granny.
> The Youth Service isn't there for the nice well behaved kids, it's to
> attract the evil little bastards away from more vulnerable targets.
> If they're attacking you then you're actually doing something right.
> Try talking to one of the professional youth workers and find out what
> he/she/it thinks of your gear being vandalised.

Whilst I see your point it is wholly unacceptable.

IMHO they should be being taught a trade such as Brick laying, then they can
help build some Prison walls or something useful.

My job is becomming quite mundane in so much as it can be like working on a
Till in the quickimart, same faces coming through all the time with the
occasional odd new face.

Lee D

"William Black" <> wrote in message

> My information is that Scarborough Council made a habit of doing stuff

> this and managed to offend someone who was then a serving police officer.
> They managed to shut him up.
> When he retired he decided to make an example of them, possibly because
> he'd been upset at the way he'd been 'shut up' the first time.

So the whole Borough suffers because he's got a grudge against some
individuals who may not even work there any more, yes that's a wonderful
public spirited attitude isn't it.



"Greg" <> wrote in message
> "William Black" <> wrote in message
> news:eiip2o$m6r$
>> My information is that Scarborough Council made a habit of doing stuff

> like
>> this and managed to offend someone who was then a serving police officer.
>> They managed to shut him up.
>> When he retired he decided to make an example of them, possibly because
>> he'd been upset at the way he'd been 'shut up' the first time.

> So the whole Borough suffers because he's got a grudge against some
> individuals who may not even work there any more, yes that's a wonderful
> public spirited attitude isn't it.

Retired public servants are not noted for their charitable thoughts towards
their previous employers.

I'm afraid it's something we'll have to live with.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

Greg <> uttered summat worrerz funny about:
> I know someone who took the same approach, forgetting of course that
> the yobs all had dads too (admitedly not all their own of course!) who
> didn't take kindly to it so put all his house windows through. His
> reaction was to draft in his mates to intimidate them, and so it
> escalated. I think the latest count is 3 sets of windows and a torched
> car with no end in sight, hardly setting a good example to the youths
> is it...
> Greg

I think I know that bloke wasis name.... Bush in'it?

Lee D


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