Just thought I would remind everybody what started this thread. Isn't it
amazing how topics can lead themselves as Chinese whispers. LOL.
> This article has landed in my inbox from another motor club I frequent....
> a short article in this month's MG Enthusiast magazine.
> "A Lancashire Rover specialist in Preston has been found guilty of
> keeping controlled waste on his premises without a waste management licence"
> "This is yet another case of British authorities applying European
> legislation to the letter instead of using common sense".
> "While the absurdity of this was discussed in court the jury still
> decided to favour of the Environmental Agency (EA) and found Terry
> Brown of the Freckleton Rover Centre guilty"- he received the minimum
> fine of £500 and fortunately did not receive the bill of £12,500 towards
> the EA legal costs.
> This obviously has wide reaching implications to those in the club who
> keep partly dismantled MGs on their premises.
> Brief advice that might mitigate any claim against them -
> -Keep premises as tidy as possible
> -keep vehicles under cover if possible
> -it will not apply to vehicles with an MOT
> -If MOT expired - keep vehicle as complete as possible - wheels on -
> tyres inflated - -notice in windscreen saying ' DVLA registered/SORN
> declared'.
> No guarantee against some jobsworth official but it may help.
> Don't upset your local curtain twitcher!!!!!!!!!!

Grant (Landnurse)

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