"Simon Isaacs" <crgreobebhtu4k4@ogbcrajbeyq.pbz> wrote in message

> Arguement with jobsworth, police called, who take one look at barrier,

Another example of the fact the police will always turn up for these little
Hitlers, yet claim they are far too busy to turn up to a real crime such as
a burglary.

There is of course a reason for this: the government insists that every
reported incident is recorded as a crime so if they turn up at a 'crime'
like this one that they know can be immediately written off as 'solved' they
bias their clear up figures. Say they attend 9 of these and one burglary
(that they expect not to solve), their figures are 90% clear up without
actually solving a single real crime. The result is they actively seek this
type of 'crime' where they know that just turning up lets them claim a
solved 'crime', we're even hearing they're happily turning up at schools now
because the school is covering their arse by reporting every playground
incident to the police.

The state of policing in this country is a chuffing disgrace, there's no way
they should attend one of these Hitlers unless there is actually a threat of
violence, and if he makes up such a threat to get them out he should be done
for wasting police time.

On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:02:59 -0000, Greg
<news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:

> ...
> The state of policing in this country is a chuffing disgrace,

There are many that would agree, but it's worthwhile remembering that any
organisation or service that receives frequent vitriol is staffed by
ordinary folk trying to do the best given the parameters they work in.

o Microsoft
o Schools

> there's no way
> they should attend one of these Hitlers unless there is actually a
> threat of
> violence, and if he makes up such a threat to get them out he should be
> done
> for wasting police time.

Never really understood why 'police time' is any more valuable than time
belonging to anyone else.

William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
William Tasso wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:02:59 -0000, Greg
> <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:
> > ...
> > The state of policing in this country is a chuffing disgrace,

> There are many that would agree, but it's worthwhile remembering that any
> organisation or service that receives frequent vitriol is staffed by
> ordinary folk trying to do the best given the parameters they work in.

That's very true, the ordinary bobby is just as ****ed off as the
public, the problems are higher up of course. But if we say nowt then
nowt changes 8-(.

> Never really understood why 'police time' is any more valuable than time
> belonging to anyone else.

Nor why an 'assault' on a 6' bobby is treated far more seriously than
the mugging of an old lady...

Their priorities are unbelievable, a typical night shift in Scarborough
is lucky to muster 8 officers, often only 6, yet they've apparently had
a speed trap on a dark back lane for the last few nights because the
council has quietly dropped the limit to 40. It's quite obvious that
sneakily obtained speed tickets are a higher priority than the serious
disorder and vandalism that's out of control in certain parts of the


"Greg" <spam@voyager2.gotadsl.co.uk> wrote in message
> William Tasso wrote:
>> On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 00:02:59 -0000, Greg
>> <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:
>> > ...
>> > The state of policing in this country is a chuffing disgrace,

>> There are many that would agree, but it's worthwhile remembering that any
>> organisation or service that receives frequent vitriol is staffed by
>> ordinary folk trying to do the best given the parameters they work in.

> That's very true, the ordinary bobby is just as ****ed off as the
> public, the problems are higher up of course. But if we say nowt then
> nowt changes 8-(.
>> Never really understood why 'police time' is any more valuable than time
>> belonging to anyone else.

> Nor why an 'assault' on a 6' bobby is treated far more seriously than
> the mugging of an old lady...
> Their priorities are unbelievable, a typical night shift in Scarborough
> is lucky to muster 8 officers, often only 6, yet they've apparently had
> a speed trap on a dark back lane for the last few nights because the
> council has quietly dropped the limit to 40. It's quite obvious that
> sneakily obtained speed tickets are a higher priority than the serious
> disorder and vandalism that's out of control in certain parts of the
> Borough.

While it sounds daft, the North Yorkshire traffic police deployments are
nothing to do with Scarborough town police deployments and they use a
different set of coppers.

There are, on a normal day <and this was true for a couple of years ago
when I actually bothered to find it all out for reasons we don't need to go
into>, 40 uniformed police constables available for duty in Scarborough,
split into four shifts. One shift will be 'on rest day', each shift is
assumed to have one man on training and, on average, one man either sick
or on leave. That leaves eight plus a couple of sergeants and two
detectives per shift and an inspector in charge.

In the summer season another fourteen constables plus a sergeant deploy from
Northallerton for use as necessary.

There are normally two constables from the North Yorkshire traffic division
deployed in the Scarborough area at any one time.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

On Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:53:47 -0000, William Black
<william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> ...
> While it sounds daft, the North Yorkshire traffic police deployments are
> nothing to do with Scarborough town police deployments and they use a
> different set of coppers.

it does sound extremely daft. reminds me of a Financial Director whining
that he couldn't pay his bills because the money he had was 'other' money.

> ...
> There are normally two constables from the North Yorkshire traffic
> division
> deployed in the Scarborough area at any one time.

Is that a punishment detail? What did they do do deserve that? scnr

William Tasso

Land Rover - 110 V8
Discovery - V8
William Black wrote:

> While it sounds daft, the North Yorkshire traffic police deployments are
> nothing to do with Scarborough town police deployments and they use a
> different set of coppers.

I didn't know that but it sounds reasonable, or as reasonable as local
government ever gets!, since roads outside of Scarborough itself are
the responsibility of the County Council.

> That leaves eight plus a couple of sergeants and two
> detectives per shift and an inspector in charge.

Yes, 8 uniformed officers available to attend incidents is my
understanding of the typical position, occasionally falling to as
little as 6 if there's a lot of illness/absence.

Add to that the fact that a single incident can have the officers in
the station doing piles of government dictated paperwork for the rest
of their shift and there can be as few as 4 out on the streets.

That's not the coverage that most people would consider sufficient for
an area the size of this 8-(, but as you say it's not the officer's
fault. People are understandably asking why we can't have significantly
more when the chief constable has something over 70 million quid of our
taxes stashed away...

> In the summer season another fourteen constables plus a sergeant deploy from
> Northallerton for use as necessary.

Considering that the population can go ub by someting like 50% at peak
season it just isn't enough unfortunately.

> There are normally two constables from the North Yorkshire traffic division
> deployed in the Scarborough area at any one time.

I can't really see that dividing them up into traffic and non-traffic
makes much sense in a rural area, where there are motorways yes, but
around here is seems a bit restrictive.


"Greg" <spam@voyager2.gotadsl.co.uk> wrote in message
> William Black wrote:

>> In the summer season another fourteen constables plus a sergeant deploy
>> from
>> Northallerton for use as necessary.

> Considering that the population can go ub by someting like 50% at peak
> season it just isn't enough unfortunately.

Well there hasn't been a serious public order problem in Scarborough town
center since the cameras went in a decade or more ago.

>> There are normally two constables from the North Yorkshire traffic
>> division
>> deployed in the Scarborough area at any one time.

> I can't really see that dividing them up into traffic and non-traffic
> makes much sense in a rural area, where there are motorways yes, but
> around here is seems a bit restrictive.

It has a lot more to do with police internal politics than anything else.
Traffic police officers are routinely loathed by the rest of the police
service who usually refer to them as 'The Black Rats'.

Traffic cops are about the only part of the police service who can be relied
on to treat the rest of the police in exactly the same way as they treat the

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

William Black wrote:

> Well there hasn't been a serious public order problem in Scarborough town
> center since the cameras went in a decade or more ago.

I suppose it depends how you define serious, it can get quite ugly at
night when the drink has been flowing and there have been several cases
of foreign students being beaten senseless in broad daylight in
apparent racial attacks on the seafront. In Filey Council employees
have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we are
seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the cameras
are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.



"Greg" <spam@voyager2.gotadsl.co.uk> wrote in message
> William Black wrote:
>> Well there hasn't been a serious public order problem in Scarborough town
>> center since the cameras went in a decade or more ago.

> I suppose it depends how you define serious, it can get quite ugly at
> night when the drink has been flowing and there have been several cases
> of foreign students being beaten senseless in broad daylight in
> apparent racial attacks on the seafront.

There have been, over the past decade, a number of meaningless attacks on
the sea front at Scarborough.

Usually in about the same place.

Within fifty meters of the gates onto the quayside.

What's going on is unknown and nobody I know is inclined to speculate.

In Filey Council employees
> have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we are
> seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the cameras
> are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.

The camera feeds are recorded.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

"William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message

> In Filey Council employees
> > have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we are
> > seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the cameras
> > are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.

> The camera feeds are recorded.

A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one would even
pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't know. But even if they
are taped it's little use when there's no one to point and zoom them in on
an incident, a camera recording a wide shot right down Westborough say is of
no practical use as the images will not be good enough to identify anyone,
they have to be controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing but
prove there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take an
image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture, Torchwood is a good
example, but that's science fiction pure and simple I'm afraid.

A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that there had
been several incidents around town, right in the view of the cameras, yet
they were absolutely no help to the police. I have yet so see any one of the
camers actually move!, and that means people are wise to it and take little

I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a couple of
dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it wasn't THEM doing the
vandalising and arson in the village, some pointing fingers at each other
and claiming they had witnesses, all very unpleasant. But the fact remains
that we have a growing problem with youths congregating in gangs, apparently
there are two rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.

There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter what
spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.


Greg wrote:
> "William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:eial01$h1r$2@news.freedom2surf.net...
>> In Filey Council employees

> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter what
> spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.
> Greg

Simple solution - just pipe some Des O'Connor music loudly in the areas that the
youths inhabit. No-one in their right minds will linger in the face of an
assault like that.

Or is that cruel & inhumane treatment?


"Reverse the polarity and invert the particle flux!"
"You mean put the batteries in the other way?"
-Star Trek (any of them)
"Duracell Bunny" <karen_oz@hotmail.com> wrote in message

> Simple solution - just pipe some Des O'Connor music loudly in the areas

that the
> youths inhabit. No-one in their right minds will linger in the face of an
> assault like that.
> Or is that cruel & inhumane treatment?

Who cares if it's inhuman, they act like animals anyway!, we need to do
something, their latest vandalism is to hack saw through the bottom of a
lamp post and fell it, presumably because it illuminates a particular area
they are using and don't want to be observed. Sadly none of the sods was
electrocuted doing this 8-(

Greg wrote:
> "Duracell Bunny" <karen_oz@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:454930fe$1@news.comindico.com.au...
>> Simple solution - just pipe some Des O'Connor music loudly in the areas

> that the
>> youths inhabit. No-one in their right minds will linger in the face of an
>> assault like that.
>> Or is that cruel & inhumane treatment?

> Who cares if it's inhuman, they act like animals anyway!, we need to do
> something, their latest vandalism is to hack saw through the bottom of a
> lamp post and fell it, presumably because it illuminates a particular area
> they are using and don't want to be observed. Sadly none of the sods was
> electrocuted doing this 8-(
> Greg

The youth community support centre I work for as sysadmin is always being
vandalised - by the very youths we are here to support & help. Our
communications link is always being vandalised - we surrounded it in steel. So
they set fire to it. So we moved it on the roof. They somehow tore the thing
off, and while on the roof stuffed up all the air conditioning heat exchangers
(vital in this climate). Sometimes I wonder why we bother, but we do make a big
difference to those that rely on our services, it's the usual small % that
spoils it for others.


"Reverse the polarity and invert the particle flux!"
"You mean put the batteries in the other way?"
-Star Trek (any of them)
In message <AIednWnblfNstdTYRVnytg@pipex.net>
"Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:

> "William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:eial01$h1r$2@news.freedom2surf.net...
> > In Filey Council employees
> > > have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we are
> > > seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the cameras
> > > are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.

> >
> > The camera feeds are recorded.

> A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one would even
> pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't know. But even if they
> are taped it's little use when there's no one to point and zoom them in on
> an incident, a camera recording a wide shot right down Westborough say is of
> no practical use as the images will not be good enough to identify anyone,
> they have to be controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing but
> prove there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take an
> image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture, Torchwood is a good
> example, but that's science fiction pure and simple I'm afraid.
> A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that there had
> been several incidents around town, right in the view of the cameras, yet
> they were absolutely no help to the police. I have yet so see any one of the
> camers actually move!, and that means people are wise to it and take little
> notice.
> I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a couple of
> dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it wasn't THEM doing the
> vandalising and arson in the village, some pointing fingers at each other
> and claiming they had witnesses, all very unpleasant. But the fact remains
> that we have a growing problem with youths congregating in gangs, apparently
> there are two rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.
> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter what
> spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.
> Greg

I'm proabably going to get into big trouble for this, but here goes....

> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter what
> spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.

It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of their
arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where they are or
what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the humiliation factor
soon breaks up the gangs.

Flame proof suit donned.


www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On 2006-11-02, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:

> Flame proof suit donned.

Not even the beeb disagrees with you on that one;


Selected quotes;

"Britain's youth are among the most badly behaved in Europe, a study
by a think-tank has suggested. Nick Pearce, from IPPR, said these
figures pointed to an "increasing disconnect" between children and
adults. He said youngsters were learning how to behave from one
another instead of from adults."

Mind you given the behaviour of some of the adults I've met ;-)

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!

beamendsltd wrote:

> It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of their
> arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where they are or
> what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the humiliation factor
> soon breaks up the gangs.

I agree with you up to a point, but the government has tied the hand of
parents to the point that they literally can't lay a hand on them an
the kids know it. I know someone with a teenage girl totally out of
control, the police won't help, social services make ludicrous
suggestions but basically won't help, if the parents try to do
something she goes to the police who arrest THEM!. She finally got
fined for something but as she's under age it's the parents who have to
pay the fine or be arrested, now that's a real deterent for her...

The bottom line is that the only effective thing the government can do
is put more police out their and back them up with a court system that
hends out meaningful punishments. Unfortunately they've done exactly
the opposite on purely financial grounds, far too few police and
totally ineffective punishments so they don't heve to pay for more
prisons. The result is that youth knows the chances of being caught are
slim,and even if they are the punishments are so weak they've become a
badge of office in the gangs so they actively seek them.


"beamendsltd" <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote in message
> In message <AIednWnblfNstdTYRVnytg@pipex.net>
> "Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:
> > "William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> > news:eial01$h1r$2@news.freedom2surf.net...
> >
> > > In Filey Council employees
> > > > have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we

> > > > seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the

> > > > are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.
> > >
> > > The camera feeds are recorded.

> >
> > A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one would

> > pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't know. But even if

> > are taped it's little use when there's no one to point and zoom them in

> > an incident, a camera recording a wide shot right down Westborough say

is of
> > no practical use as the images will not be good enough to identify

> > they have to be controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing

> > prove there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take

> > image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture, Torchwood is a

> > example, but that's science fiction pure and simple I'm afraid.
> >
> > A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that there

> > been several incidents around town, right in the view of the cameras,

> > they were absolutely no help to the police. I have yet so see any one of

> > camers actually move!, and that means people are wise to it and take

> > notice.
> >
> > I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a

couple of
> > dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it wasn't THEM doing

> > vandalising and arson in the village, some pointing fingers at each

> > and claiming they had witnesses, all very unpleasant. But the fact

> > that we have a growing problem with youths congregating in gangs,

> > there are two rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.
> >
> > There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter

> > spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.
> >
> > Greg
> >
> >

> I'm proabably going to get into big trouble for this, but here goes....
> > There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter

> > spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.

> It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of their
> arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where they are or
> what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the humiliation factor
> soon breaks up the gangs.
> Flame proof suit donned.

Put your flame-proof suit away mate, never a truer word said and all that.
If the parents are chain-smoking lazy-arsed couch potatoes, what the hell
sort of role model do the kids have to learn from? I agree we need a greater
police presence on the streets and that ain't happening unless we sack a few
dozen councillors and mp's and use their wages to fund the extra coppers,
now there's an idea... The coulcillors and mp's remaining would then have to
get their fingers out and do some ****ing work for a change!
A change in the law to allow simple, workable (there's the key!) prosecution
of the parents for not instilling discipline in their own would go a long
way, but there's still the issue of the kids being angels at home and the
parents that genuinely don't know what their "little darlings" are up to.
I, personally, have my own answer. A friend of mine lives in an area that I
wouldn't want to. Nowhere near as bad as some down south, but not the best
place locally. Small estate, there's been incidents of bricks through
windscreens, keyed paintwork and even a car torched. I made sure that the
local "thugs" (uneducated, unloved, unwashed layabout kids) all knew me on
sight and to talk to, and also made it common knowledge that if anyone dared
to touch my motor I'd hunt them down, decapitate their limbs and make them
****ing well eat them! The one that got cheeky got a swift kick in the nuts
and smack in the mouth for good measure - his mates then realised I meant
what I said and everything's just fine. I'm not saying that's what should be
done in every case, but it worked for me as a deterrent. Biggest problem is
lack of discipline, whether it be in the home or when out, and that's where
a return to National Service would come in....


"Duracell Bunny" <karen_oz@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Greg wrote:
>> "Duracell Bunny" <karen_oz@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:454930fe$1@news.comindico.com.au...
>>> Simple solution - just pipe some Des O'Connor music loudly in the areas

>> that the
>>> youths inhabit. No-one in their right minds will linger in the face of
>>> an
>>> assault like that.
>>> Or is that cruel & inhumane treatment?

>> Who cares if it's inhuman, they act like animals anyway!, we need to do
>> something, their latest vandalism is to hack saw through the bottom of a
>> lamp post and fell it, presumably because it illuminates a particular
>> area
>> they are using and don't want to be observed. Sadly none of the sods was
>> electrocuted doing this 8-(
>> Greg

> The youth community support centre I work for as sysadmin is always being
> vandalised - by the very youths we are here to support & help. Our
> communications link is always being vandalised - we surrounded it in
> steel. So they set fire to it. So we moved it on the roof. They somehow
> tore the thing off, and while on the roof stuffed up all the air
> conditioning heat exchangers (vital in this climate). Sometimes I wonder
> why we bother,

Because if they weren't doing it to you they'd be doing it to some poor

The Youth Service isn't there for the nice well behaved kids, it's to
attract the evil little bastards away from more vulnerable targets.

If they're attacking you then you're actually doing something right.

Try talking to one of the professional youth workers and find out what
he/she/it thinks of your gear being vandalised.

William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.

Badger wrote:
> "beamendsltd" <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote in message
> news:e1f6607f4e%beamendsltd@btconnect.com...
>> In message <AIednWnblfNstdTYRVnytg@pipex.net>
>> "Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:
>>> "William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
>>> news:eial01$h1r$2@news.freedom2surf.net...
>>>> In Filey Council employees
>>>>> have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village
>>>>> we are seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly
>>>>> the cameras are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply
>>>>> don't care.
>>>> The camera feeds are recorded.
>>> A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one
>>> would even pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't
>>> know. But even if they are taped it's little use when there's no
>>> one to point and zoom them in on an incident, a camera recording a
>>> wide shot right down Westborough say is of no practical use as the
>>> images will not be good enough to identify anyone, they have to be
>>> controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing but prove
>>> there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take an
>>> image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture, Torchwood is
>>> a good example, but that's science fiction pure and simple I'm
>>> afraid.
>>> A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that
>>> there had been several incidents around town, right in the view of
>>> the cameras, yet they were absolutely no help to the police. I have
>>> yet so see any one of the camers actually move!, and that means
>>> people are wise to it and take little notice.
>>> I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a
>>> couple of dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it
>>> wasn't THEM doing the vandalising and arson in the village, some
>>> pointing fingers at each other and claiming they had witnesses, all
>>> very unpleasant. But the fact remains that we have a growing
>>> problem with youths congregating in gangs, apparently there are two
>>> rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.
>>> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no
>>> matter what spin the government put on it that just isn't happening
>>> 8-(.
>>> Greg

>> I'm proabably going to get into big trouble for this, but here
>> goes....
>>> There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no
>>> matter what spin the government put on it that just isn't happening
>>> 8-(.

>> It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of their
>> arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where they are or
>> what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the humiliation factor
>> soon breaks up the gangs.
>> Flame proof suit donned.

> Put your flame-proof suit away mate, never a truer word said and all
> that. If the parents are chain-smoking lazy-arsed couch potatoes,
> what the hell sort of role model do the kids have to learn from? I
> agree we need a greater police presence on the streets and that ain't
> happening unless we sack a few dozen councillors and mp's and use
> their wages to fund the extra coppers, now there's an idea... The
> coulcillors and mp's remaining would then have to get their fingers
> out and do some ****ing work for a change!
> A change in the law to allow simple, workable (there's the key!)
> prosecution of the parents for not instilling discipline in their own
> would go a long way, but there's still the issue of the kids being
> angels at home and the parents that genuinely don't know what their
> "little darlings" are up to. I, personally, have my own answer. A
> friend of mine lives in an area that I wouldn't want to. Nowhere near
> as bad as some down south, but not the best place locally. Small
> estate, there's been incidents of bricks through windscreens, keyed
> paintwork and even a car torched. I made sure that the local "thugs"
> (uneducated, unloved, unwashed layabout kids) all knew me on sight
> and to talk to, and also made it common knowledge that if anyone
> dared to touch my motor I'd hunt them down, decapitate their limbs
> and make them ****ing well eat them! The one that got cheeky got a
> swift kick in the nuts and smack in the mouth for good measure - his
> mates then realised I meant what I said and everything's just fine.
> I'm not saying that's what should be done in every case, but it
> worked for me as a deterrent. Biggest problem is lack of discipline,
> whether it be in the home or when out, and that's where a return to
> National Service would come in....
> Badger.

Hmm. Train the little thugs in unarmed combat? maybe?

Don't say it cannot be done, rather what is needed to do it!

If the answer is offensive maybe the question was inappropriate

The fiend of my fiend is my enema!

In message <3aidnQv1IufIItTYRVnyjw@bt.com>
"Badger" <brianhatton@btinternet.com> wrote:

> "beamendsltd" <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote in message
> news:e1f6607f4e%beamendsltd@btconnect.com...
> > In message <AIednWnblfNstdTYRVnytg@pipex.net>
> > "Greg" <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > > "William Black" <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> > > news:eial01$h1r$2@news.freedom2surf.net...
> > >
> > > > In Filey Council employees
> > > > > have recently been stoned by groups of yobs, and in this village we

> are
> > > > > seeing a steady increase in yob vandalism and arson. Sadly the

> cameras
> > > > > are rarely manned, and the yobs know it, or simply don't care.
> > > >
> > > > The camera feeds are recorded.
> > >
> > > A while ago we were told that that they weren't because no one would

> even
> > > pay for the tapes!, quite how true that was I don't know. But even if

> they
> > > are taped it's little use when there's no one to point and zoom them in

> on
> > > an incident, a camera recording a wide shot right down Westborough say

> is of
> > > no practical use as the images will not be good enough to identify

> anyone,
> > > they have to be controlled to get identifiable pictures so do nothing

> but
> > > prove there was an incident. Popular TV has it that they can just take

> an
> > > image and 'enhance' it until they get a good picture, Torchwood is a

> good
> > > example, but that's science fiction pure and simple I'm afraid.
> > >
> > > A few weeks ago I was told personally by a County Councillor that there

> had
> > > been several incidents around town, right in the view of the cameras,

> yet
> > > they were absolutely no help to the police. I have yet so see any one of

> the
> > > camers actually move!, and that means people are wise to it and take

> little
> > > notice.
> > >
> > > I've just come from a rather heated Council meeting where we had a

> couple of
> > > dozen youths and a few parents all claiming that it wasn't THEM doing

> the
> > > vandalising and arson in the village, some pointing fingers at each

> other
> > > and claiming they had witnesses, all very unpleasant. But the fact

> remains
> > > that we have a growing problem with youths congregating in gangs,

> apparently
> > > there are two rival gangs here, fighting, vadalising and starting fires.
> > >
> > > There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter

> what
> > > spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.
> > >
> > > Greg
> > >
> > >

> >
> > I'm proabably going to get into big trouble for this, but here goes....
> >
> > > There's only one workable solution, more police presence, but no matter

> what
> > > spin the government put on it that just isn't happening 8-(.

> >
> > It's not the Police - it's the *parent(s)*. They need to get of their
> > arses and go and find their kids if they don't know where they are or
> > what they are doing. Apart from anything else, the humiliation factor
> > soon breaks up the gangs.
> >
> > Flame proof suit donned.

> Put your flame-proof suit away mate, never a truer word said and all that.
> If the parents are chain-smoking lazy-arsed couch potatoes, what the hell
> sort of role model do the kids have to learn from? I agree we need a greater
> police presence on the streets and that ain't happening unless we sack a few
> dozen councillors and mp's and use their wages to fund the extra coppers,
> now there's an idea... The coulcillors and mp's remaining would then have to
> get their fingers out and do some ****ing work for a change!
> A change in the law to allow simple, workable (there's the key!) prosecution
> of the parents for not instilling discipline in their own would go a long
> way, but there's still the issue of the kids being angels at home and the
> parents that genuinely don't know what their "little darlings" are up to.
> I, personally, have my own answer. A friend of mine lives in an area that I
> wouldn't want to. Nowhere near as bad as some down south, but not the best
> place locally. Small estate, there's been incidents of bricks through
> windscreens, keyed paintwork and even a car torched. I made sure that the
> local "thugs" (uneducated, unloved, unwashed layabout kids) all knew me on
> sight and to talk to, and also made it common knowledge that if anyone dared
> to touch my motor I'd hunt them down, decapitate their limbs and make them
> ****ing well eat them! The one that got cheeky got a swift kick in the nuts
> and smack in the mouth for good measure - his mates then realised I meant
> what I said and everything's just fine. I'm not saying that's what should be
> done in every case, but it worked for me as a deterrent. Biggest problem is
> lack of discipline, whether it be in the home or when out, and that's where
> a return to National Service would come in....
> Badger.

Interestingly, I'd always thought the "National Service" idea was
a load of "It were better in them days" stuff - until I watched
the Bad Boys (I think it was called) where they did indeed do
a Boot Camp routine on a group of yobs. It was remarkable watching
the change come over them, and those that stayed were transformed -
even becoming proud of their "uniform". It would be interesting
if they did a follow up to see if the change was permenant, or
even permanentish.

Trouble is, it would cost too much, and we all like low taxes :-(
The Army, quite rightly, wouldn't be the right place in this
day and age I don't think - unless some sort of Not Quite TA
was formed.

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