"Ian Rawlings" <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote in message

> At my local tip, you turn up and dump something off and you can see
> the employees flogging it to someone for a quid.

We used to have that here, all above board, and to my mind it was real
recycling as the item itself got reused not just melted down. It was
effectively a swap shop with a token amount going to the operators, for
example I once got enough new stock fencing to do half of my paddock for a
fiver!. Then the liability wallers pounced on it and banned any resale on
safety grounds 8-(.


On 2006-10-28, Greg <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:

> We used to have that here, all above board, and to my mind it was real
> recycling as the item itself got reused not just melted down.

Sure but I'd rather the money went into something more useful than the
bin-man's pocket!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
In our one-third-urban, two-thirds-rural area the usual
pay-for-trade-waste rule apply, but naturally the cowboys were sneaking
in to the public tip with their Transits and/or trailers. So a rule
was brought in whereby domestic users with vans or trailers can apply
for a free permit, but it only allows you to go 6 times a year -- this
even applies to the people who buy a 3-foot-square trailer from
Halfords to go behind the Nissan Micra so they can take the grass
cuttings to the tip each week!

But here's the catch -- you can download the application forms from the
council website.... but you can only give them in in person at the
council offices right in the north (urban) part of the borough.
Mailing them is not acceptable. For those of us in the (rural) south
it's a round trip of 30-odd miles -- very eco-friendly!

So (and to bring this back on topic) it's suprising what you can get on
Freelander roof bars -- yesterday it was 3 scaffold poles and a
corrugated iron sheet. I bunged up access to the skips for quite
sometime while I untied them. With the trailer, of course, it would
only have taken me 30 seconds!

GRAEME, North Riding of Yorkshire

In message <slrnek6fqa.ljp.news06@desktop.tarcus.org.uk>
Ian Rawlings <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote:

> On 2006-10-28, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:
> > Spend half an hour watching the bloke's cabin and the activity that
> > goes on........... let's just say at one tip here it's quite obvious
> > what's going on ;-)

> At my local tip, you turn up and dump something off and you can see
> the employees flogging it to someone for a quid.

The cleanest tip I ever saw was Waterlooville, where some blokes
bought the right to run the tip. It was spotless, and doubtless
they made good money..... recycling! Everyone was happy with that.

www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
In message <Ef-dndUihOKEot7YnZ2dnUVZ8tWdnZ2d@bt.com>
"SimonJ" <me@mine.net> wrote:

> >
> > You know what *really* gets me about that story? The fact that
> > someone could pull strings so you could tip there at all!
> > Surely, it's either *no* trade waste, or *all* trade waste -
> > why do the council get special treatment? A least it explains
> > why they don't seem to live in the real world - because they
> > arn't!
> >

> Its not no trade waste, you can dump trade waste if you pay.
> In this case it seems that they eventually took the sensible way out, and
> decided that as the council paid for running the tip in the first place,
> there is no point charging themselves to tip their own waste.

Not round here - it's no trade waste at all. Commercial waste
has to be take to the commercial sites, £11.00 a bag I'm told.

And anyway, the council *should* be charged - so they really
know how much it costs, rather than some loony in suit
telling how much it *ought* to cost....

www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On 2006-10-29, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:

> The cleanest tip I ever saw was Waterlooville, where some blokes
> bought the right to run the tip. It was spotless, and doubtless
> they made good money..... recycling! Everyone was happy with that.

When the employees are paid by the council, for them to pocket cash
from selling stuff isn't right, if rubbish is going to be sold on to
the public then the money should be used for something else other than
beer money for the people who so often do their level best to enforce
the parts of the rulebook that tell you that you can't do something
while ignoring those parts that tell you that you can do it.

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
"Ian Rawlings" <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote in message

> When the employees are paid by the council, for them to pocket cash
> from selling stuff isn't right, if rubbish is going to be sold on to
> the public then the money should be used for something else other than
> beer money for the people who so often do their level best to enforce
> the parts of the rulebook that tell you that you can't do something
> while ignoring those parts that tell you that you can do it.

When the local civic amenity centre I was referring to sold stuff on they
were NOT council employees, they were a small private firm who took the
contract to run it and part of the deal was that they could sell stuff for
recycling, as I said it was totally above board and worked well. The problem
came when the health and safety brigade stuck their ore in and made it
totally impractical to sell on, so now I believe it is run by the council.


On 2006-10-29, Greg <news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> wrote:

> When the local civic amenity centre I was referring to sold stuff on they
> were NOT council employees,

Yep, I was talking about my local tip, not yours. I've never been to
yours, at least not that I'm aware of!

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!

>> > You know what *really* gets me about that story? The fact that
>> > someone could pull strings so you could tip there at all!
>> > Surely, it's either *no* trade waste, or *all* trade waste -
>> > why do the council get special treatment? A least it explains
>> > why they don't seem to live in the real world - because they
>> > arn't!
>> >

>> Its not no trade waste, you can dump trade waste if you pay.
>> In this case it seems that they eventually took the sensible way out, and
>> decided that as the council paid for running the tip in the first place,
>> there is no point charging themselves to tip their own waste.

> Not round here - it's no trade waste at all. Commercial waste
> has to be take to the commercial sites, £11.00 a bag I'm told.
> And anyway, the council *should* be charged - so they really
> know how much it costs, rather than some loony in suit
> telling how much it *ought* to cost....

I'd rather my taxes were used for something a little more worthwhile than
paying all the administration costs and accounting costs so that a council
can pay itself some money.

Greg wrote:

|| "SimonJ" <me@mine.net> wrote in message
|| news:iPmdnX3JofW7r97YnZ2dnUVZ8qqdnZ2d@bt.com...
||| The whole point of setting up these disposal sites in the first
||| place was to stop people fly tipping, now they put so many
||| restrictions on them that many people don't bother trying to fight
||| the jobsworth attendants, and just dump the stuff in any old spot
||| they can find.
|| The long approach road to the Scarborough tip is a classic example
|| of that, turned away from the civic site people just drive over the
|| bridge and dump the stuff beside the road, it all ends up in the
|| same place but employs more council workers picking it up!.
|| Greg

I hate to spoil a good grumpy thread, but the tip nearest to me
(Pembrokeshire) has never given me a problem, never refused an item, the
guys are really helpful, and at busy times they get three of them to empty
your stuff for you double-quick and move you on. No complaints!


Take out the obvious to email me.

Richard Brookman wrote:

> I hate to spoil a good grumpy thread, but the tip nearest to me
> (Pembrokeshire) has never given me a problem, never refused an item, the
> guys are really helpful, and at busy times they get three of them to empty
> your stuff for you double-quick and move you on. No complaints!

On Saturday the local council had their 6 monthly "hazardous" materials
disposal day in my area. They set up in a carpark, you drive up with
your load of problem rubbish (waste oil, old paint, unused chemicals,
old ammunition... whatever), they unload it and then wish you a good
day. Supposedly there are limits on what quantity they will accept but
I had no problem in disposing of 120 litres of used engine oil. All in
all I was impressed with their service - no charge and I didn't have to
get out of the vehicle.

The civic amenity site at Carnaby (serving Bridlington) is absolutely
brilliant, modern facilities under cover, staff that help you unload and are
proud of their achievements (as shown by a big sign saying what percentage
recycling they are achieving), but it's a 25 mile round trip. The reason
it's so good?, because it does not come under the incompetents at North
Yorkshire County Council!.

In message <slrnek9ld1.ljp.news06@desktop.tarcus.org.uk>
Ian Rawlings <news06@tarcus.org.uk> wrote:

> On 2006-10-29, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:
> > The cleanest tip I ever saw was Waterlooville, where some blokes
> > bought the right to run the tip. It was spotless, and doubtless
> > they made good money..... recycling! Everyone was happy with that.

> When the employees are paid by the council, for them to pocket cash
> from selling stuff isn't right, if rubbish is going to be sold on to
> the public then the money should be used for something else other than
> beer money for the people who so often do their level best to enforce
> the parts of the rulebook that tell you that you can't do something
> while ignoring those parts that tell you that you can do it.

They weren't council employess - as I said they had bought the
"rights" to run the tip as they saw fit - and did a far better
job (in all respects, but especially recycling) than any council
tip I've been to.


www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
In message <ANidnQYOfdZkZ9nYnZ2dnUVZ8qOdnZ2d@bt.com>
"SimonJ" <me@mine.net> wrote:

> >> > You know what *really* gets me about that story? The fact that
> >> > someone could pull strings so you could tip there at all!
> >> > Surely, it's either *no* trade waste, or *all* trade waste -
> >> > why do the council get special treatment? A least it explains
> >> > why they don't seem to live in the real world - because they
> >> > arn't!
> >> >
> >> Its not no trade waste, you can dump trade waste if you pay.
> >> In this case it seems that they eventually took the sensible way out, and
> >> decided that as the council paid for running the tip in the first place,
> >> there is no point charging themselves to tip their own waste.
> >>
> >>

> >
> > Not round here - it's no trade waste at all. Commercial waste
> > has to be take to the commercial sites, £11.00 a bag I'm told.
> >
> > And anyway, the council *should* be charged - so they really
> > know how much it costs, rather than some loony in suit
> > telling how much it *ought* to cost....
> >
> >

> I'd rather my taxes were used for something a little more worthwhile than
> paying all the administration costs and accounting costs so that a council
> can pay itself some money.

They have "internal markets" for everything else these days! Which
is a total waste, I agree.

www.beamends-lrspares.co.uk sales@beamends-lrspares.co.uk
www.radioparadise.com - Good Music, No Vine
Lib Dems - Townies keeping comedy alive
On 2006-10-30, beamendsltd <beamendsltd@btconnect.com> wrote:

> They weren't council employess - as I said they had bought the
> "rights" to run the tip as they saw fit

Aargh, I give up! You're the second person to think I was talking
about your tip and not mine ;-)

Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!

On 29-Oct-2006, EMB <embtwo@gmail.com> wrote:

> no problem in disposing of 120 litres of used engine oil

120 litres!!! What the hell do you drive? a Terex juggernaught?? heheh
In message <wdadnVL0oKh1gt7YnZ2dnUVZ8tWdnZ2d@pipex.net>, Greg
<news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> writes
>"Austin Shackles" <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote in message
>> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

>Same stupid attitude around here, if you borrow a commercial vehicle to take
>your domestic rubbish to the tip they argue with you and end up calling with
>the police, take the same stuff in 5 car boot fulls and it's ok, except that
>you make 5 times more pollution doing the 20 mile round trip 5 times. The
>really annoying thing is that the police will indeed turn out to support
>these little Hitlers, yet often won't for someone who has been burgled,
>again down to the fact that they can chalk it up as a solved case which
>dilutes the figures for the inevitably unsolved burglaries.

Take a hardtop and it's a commercial vehicle, a CSW is an estate.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 21:10:46 +0000, hugh <hugh@[]> scribbled
the following nonsense:

>In message <wdadnVL0oKh1gt7YnZ2dnUVZ8tWdnZ2d@pipex.net>, Greg
><news@SPAM123voyager2.nildram.co.uk> writes
>>"Austin Shackles" <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote in message
>>> And they wonder why people fly-tip...

>>Same stupid attitude around here, if you borrow a commercial vehicle to take
>>your domestic rubbish to the tip they argue with you and end up calling with
>>the police, take the same stuff in 5 car boot fulls and it's ok, except that
>>you make 5 times more pollution doing the 20 mile round trip 5 times. The
>>really annoying thing is that the police will indeed turn out to support
>>these little Hitlers, yet often won't for someone who has been burgled,
>>again down to the fact that they can chalk it up as a solved case which
>>dilutes the figures for the inevitably unsolved burglaries.

>Take a hardtop and it's a commercial vehicle, a CSW is an estate.

hard arguement with jobsworths here, drove in, and once you are in,
there is a one way system, with a height barrier of 2.0m, which my
disco wouldn't fit under, by about 12 inches..... Gets out tape
measure which I keep in glove box to find the barrier is 1.7 m high.
Arguement with jobsworth, police called, who take one look at barrier,
tape measure and height display on drivers sun visor, told me to turn
round, and then helped me to unload all my rubbish across the
entrance, so it had to be cleared by the jobsworth before any more
vehicles could access, I was the third person that day, and the 10th
of the week to have the police called. Couple of weeks later local
paper caries an article about the height barriers being removed after
they were found to have been altered with by persons unknown and
caused several thousands of damage to a 4x4 vehicle which was within
the height restriction displayed...... Said jobsworth has apparently
been sacked....

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
Simon Isaacs wrote:
Said jobsworth has apparently
> been sacked....

Truly a heart warming story, lots of human interest, and revenge.


Steve Taylor wrote:

|| Simon Isaacs wrote:
|| Said jobsworth has apparently
||| been sacked....
|| Truly a heart warming story, lots of human interest, and revenge.
|| :)
|| Steve

Yup, made my day too.


Take out the obvious to email me.


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