no he didnt, you chose to post.Alot.
Si hes posting PMs!!!!!!!:eek:
Your just taking this attitude because your ****ed with this post! So am I! I have better things to do than answer you lot back.
He chose not to answer 1! count it 1 simple PM. That is when I started to worry that something was up. Stupidly I thought someone might try and help from here with a contact number or something. But I all got back was abuse from you lot. :blabla: Now tell me that is right?
Your just taking this attitude because your ****ed with this post!Yes, thats exactly why me n everyone else apart from you are ****ed. So am I! I have better things to do than answer you lot back. Id be surprised they way ya have carried on
He chose not to answer 1! count it 1 simple PM. That is when I started to worry that something was up and post **** like it was going out of fashion.Still ya got ya piost count up. Stupidly I thought someone might try and help from here with a contact number or something. People have traied to help, by telling ya to have PATIENCE. But its fallen on deaf ears. Everything is reolved, by and outsider and not even 2 weeks has passed. Better than ****ing debehams that is . But I all got back was abuse from you lot.You are too stupid to realise that the advice was in the abuse, that advice was patience. :blabla: Now tell me that is right?Im all for it.
Common sense in red
Posting a PM of ????
rules is rules
Yes he did actually but not replying. I would have dealt with it with PM's but for the lack of an answer. Only replying with this...

Look up Greenies posting on: 'A1 Brakers..Crapppp!!!'(sic) in September 2008.

Would you buy a used Roverron from this man? (Apologies to the Kennedy presidential campaign)
Look up Greenies posting on: 'A1 Brakers..Crapppp!!!'(sic) in September 2008.

Would you buy a used Roverron from this man? (Apologies to the Kennedy presidential campaign)

Totally different situation IMO.... greenie bought window from a braker.... however K 5ive has bought the box from a member of this forum..:D
Isn't it about time someone who knows Greenie got him to comment...its all a bit silly now. Lets hear the other side of the story.
wtf i go away out for the weekend and all hell breaks loose lol well it was already pretty slack but still....Kwhateveryyercallyerselfican'tbearsedtoscrollup wipe yer ****flaps and stop bitching about everyone on here 'covering up' or whatever bollocks you are spouting you are making yourself sound like a conspiracy theorist you know the ones they wear tinfoil hats............

posting PMs used to be an instant banning offence seems like mr Si an Ratty are letting you get away with it...i wouldn't

greenie isn't a business he is a private individual please remember that when you are slagging him off! and after 2 days you were saying you had been ripped off and was a fraud etc etc
wtf i go away out for the weekend and all hell breaks loose lol well it was already pretty slack but still....Kwhateveryyercallyerselfican'tbearsedtoscrollup wipe yer ****flaps and stop bitching about everyone on here 'covering up' or whatever bollocks you are spouting you are making yourself sound like a conspiracy theorist you know the ones they wear tinfoil hats............

posting PMs used to be an instant banning offence seems like mr Si an Ratty are letting you get away with it...i wouldn't

greenie isn't a business he is a private individual please remember that when you are slagging him off! and after 2 days you were saying you had been ripped off and was a fraud etc etc

Afraid you won't get through to old El Stupido. I tried early on in the hope that he was just a little selfish & thoughtless & maybe could be persuaded to think of others for once & give Greenie a bit of time to come through before stamping his feet crying "me me me".
Unfortunately I missed the fact that his selfishness is driven by pure greed & you won't ever get through to **** like that.
Anyone else noticed this in k5ive's siggy?

What a novel idea, Trolls running a Forum!
Have to be welcome somewhere I suppose.

Whinging fooker thinks he's running the forum and trust me, cunts like him int welcome anywhere:mad:
Greenie still aint signed on since the ????? pm
He don't need to be signed in to be watching this though. :)

K 5ive, what was the ????? e-mail a response to exactly?

Some of us look in and post weekly, even daily but Greenie on the other hand can go months without looking in. He's one of those that tends to contribute when he has an active thread himself and then he goes quiet till the next problem. Nothing wrong with that, plenty of people do the same. It could be, and I suspect it is, that he's done his business here, sent off the module and hasn't been back cos he's not aware there is an issue. So much will depend on how often he turns on his PC.
I'm pretty sure if he goes back to the start of the thread, there's a few people tried to re-assure him, and give greenie a chance to post it and reply, he didn't and is now tarring everyone with the same brush!
The only thing that is certain about this thread, k5ive is a knobhead!
spoke to greeny and he says K 5ives a ****

We know that:D
Here's a thought K5ive said he sent the money by paypal and it's gone outta his account, but did he send it to the right account? Might be why greenie PM'd '??????' to him.
I'm pretty sure if he goes back to the start of the thread, there's a few people tried to re-assure him, and give greenie a chance to post it and reply, he didn't and is now tarring everyone with the same brush!
The only thing that is certain about this thread, k5ive is a knobhead!

I forgot another certainty, there are some right gents on here!!
We know that:D
Here's a thought K5ive said he sent the money by paypal and it's gone outta his account, but did he send it to the right account? Might be why greenie PM'd '??????' to him.

Wouldn't that make k5ive look like a right dick?!! Sending the money to the wrong account, then slagging off greenie for the lack of PM's!

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