aye but hes still got some fooker elses money that he should never have taken :mad:

True, and I don't agree with it being taken, but it's between the 2 parties involved.
But he would get so much stick for it, more so than he's already had!!
K 5ive - yer in the wrong fer taking someone elses money, to cover your own potentual losses. Thats if you do loose out. Thats something you should pay back regardless of you loosing out or not. If you can't see the point in this, then you don't have any morals.

You could have stopped all this happening yourself by paying DHL £15 to collect your parcel from greenie, and deliver it to you direct. From UK to a Euro country they do next day delivery. I use this at work all the time. Sorry, but before 10am won't normally be possible in a foreign country.

Do the right thing and give his money back. Thats a disgraceful thing to do to a fellow LR driver. Hang yer(self) head in shame, after you've paid back the money of course. hopefully someone on here who's helpful will contact greenie to let him know you have a problem.
Folks - apologies for posting this so late in the day but have only just got home....

K 5ive has returned the money to me, ( earlier today but I've been away from the computer) So in all fairness to him, that's all sorted between me and him, as he no longer has any of my cash.

I still think he's a knob for the way he's reacted generally but fair play, he has returned the money I offered

Once this is sorted then I will make a donation to the forum and the charities mentioned before in previous post. Greeni too if he promises to teach me carp fishing :)
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Folks - apologies for posting this so late in the day but have only just got home....

K 5ive has returned the money to me, ( earlier today but I've been away from the computer) So in all fairness to him, that's all sorted between me and him, as he no longer has any of my cash.

I still think he's a knob for the way he's reacted generally but fair play, he has returned the money I offered

Once this is sorted then I will make a donation to the forum and the charities mentioned before in previous post. Greeni too if he promises to teach me carp fishing :)

Well, FINALLY, however "in all fairness to him" he should never have taken it in the first place. Glad you've got your cash back.
I suspect that he'll probably get his box quite soon if he's not already got it & will quietly shuffle off to some other forum who may or may not tolerate his tantrums.
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Folks - apologies for posting this so late in the day but have only just got home....

K 5ive has returned the money to me, ( earlier today but I've been away from the computer) So in all fairness to him, that's all sorted between me and him, as he no longer has any of my cash.

I still think he's a knob for the way he's reacted generally but fair play, he has returned the money I offered

Once this is sorted then I will make a donation to the forum and the charities mentioned before in previous post. Greeni too if he promises to teach me carp fishing :)

Well, that's fair enough, but like it's been said, he shouldn't have taken it in the first place. I think it should be left for now, see what happens. I don't think he will comment and say he's received it, and sorry to greenie, but he returned the money so let's see.
:confused::confused::confused: Can sumwun explain all this as i'm all confused an carn't be bofferd to read the whole lot :confused::confused::confused:
:confused::confused::confused: Can sumwun explain all this as i'm all confused an carn't be bofferd to read the whole lot :confused::confused::confused:
yeah, Greenie wants to sell his box thingy.Newbie(k5) wants to buy it.Newbie paypals 85 notes over to greenie.About 40 hrs later newbie starts to moan that his got no response. 48 hours later newbie has this and 2 other threads with many posts on saying his been defrauded, robbed, done over etc etc. LZ tell him his a plonker.Rinse, repeat.We say greenie seems ok, doubt hes done a master crime. Newbie really kicks off saying we're defending crime/funding terrorism/kitten killing.The party monkey offers to pay newbie the money just to shut him up. Newbie takes the money. Somebody else offers to send his box thingy to wingeing newbie(soz i forgot who). Lz generally show disgust, apprently newbie refunds the money sent to him by party monkey. Its been 13 days since original funds were sent and the box aint turned up in spain yet.
yeah, Greenie wants to sell his box thingy.Newbie(k5) wants to buy it.Newbie paypals 85 notes over to greenie.About 40 hrs later newbie starts to moan that his got no response. 48 hours later newbie has this and 2 other threads with many posts on saying his been defrauded, robbed, done over etc etc. LZ tell him his a plonker.Rinse, repeat.We say greenie seems ok, doubt hes done a master crime. Newbie really kicks off saying we're defending crime/funding terrorism/kitten killing.The party monkey offers to pay newbie the money just to shut him up. Newbie takes the money. Somebody else offers to send his box thingy to wingeing newbie(soz i forgot who). Lz generally show disgust, apprently newbie refunds the money sent to him by party monkey. Its been 13 days since original funds were sent and the box aint turned up in spain yet.

That just about sums it up!
Well its all sorted i'm happy to say.

Today, K5spasser received a box with two fluffy kittens, Rover and Ron. They were dead but this doesn't void the sellers obligations as they were purring like a kitten when he suffocated them with sellotape.

All's well that ends well. Burp.
so he got them........... i would now like him to publicly apologise to greenie then the rest of the forum for being a massive thundercunt! that goes for his little buddy that said greenie was a thief too

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