Green un could be hurt ,in hospital, deed :eek: or landid a big un
Too true ming, time is all we were asking for,....... but some people are that wound up and up there own arses they are incapable of giving anyone the benifit of the far as i'm concerned greenie is a top bloke it's just that some pair of twots have decided to act like women and have a hissy fit.
If Ming says hes alright take it as spoken until we're proved wrong, but I don't know if i'll believe this guy if he says it's not turned up........i'm feeling slighty played.....maybe but dont no
What a real prize you've turned out to be. Two members on here have actually gone out of their way for you big style with one offering a free box & the other actually covering off any possible (though in reality non existent) loss & you're still making little digs.
People like you really make me sick!

Party Monkey & mjrimmer - You're both true gents & I would like to seriously thank you on behalf of the tw@t who it would appear takes & takes but offers nothing but wingeing. It's good to see that people like you do still exist, but I do wish the "recipient" had been more worthy.

Good health to you both.
Thanks for your remark, in reality it would'nt have cost me anything as it's a unit i will never use again, the true gent is part monkey who has put his hand in his pocket........ somthing just doesn't smell right about this whole thing.........i have this nagging feeling we've all been worsrt if it pans out that way greenie has k5's address and you know how we all lke spain at this time of year.:violent:
If Ming says hes alright take it as spoken until we're proved wrong, but I don't know if i'll believe this guy if he says it's not turned up........i'm feeling slighty played.....maybe but dont no
If the item turns up then money will be sent back! But as it is no contact from Greenie!!! Which was the most important thing!
I had offered my unit to k5**** if greenies didn't show, so now to keep my word it should really belong to you..The unit is good I just i felt it over works the injectors and fuel pump so i stopped using it, so it's just laying around attracting dust. I have no paper work for it, but someone on here should be able to provide it.
If you pm me your address I'll send it to you and you can sell it to recoup your losses or use the money as you see fit, or if you'd rather i'll e-bay it and donate the funds where ever you choose.

Regards, MJR

Very much appreciate the offer mate but no need to send me the box. It's entirely up to you want to do with it. Ebaying for charity gets my vote but reckon it would be worth hanging on until everything else gets sorted.
Party Monkey & mjrimmer - You're both true gents & I would like to seriously thank you on behalf of the tw@t who it would appear takes & takes but offers nothing but wingeing. It's good to see that people like you do still exist, but I do wish the "recipient" had been more worthy.

Good health to you both.

Thanks for this and also to the others that seconded it. :)
If the item turns up then money will be sent back! But as it is no contact from Greenie!!! Which was the most important thing!

There you go again, moaning & whingeing despite the fact you've lost hee-haw.

You really are one total snivelling waste of space!!!

Do us all a favour & buy yourself a Nissan Micra next time & go find some Nissan forum.
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but I don't know if i'll believe this guy if he says it's not turned up........i'm feeling slighty played.....maybe but dont no
I think you will be needing to eat your words later on. ;) I have no need to lie. I am just not like that. Been on many forums and have had nothing like this happen before. :eek:
There you go again, moaning & whingeing despite the fact you've lost hee-haw.

You really are one total snivelling waste of space!!!
Back at you!:blabla: I have lost nothing. I am giving this some time and then next step will be higher authorities that will give a ****.
After that don't worry! I will be off. I am not staying where people condone the conning of people ie. Fraud! Plenty of other decent law abiding Land Rover sites.
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Back at you!:blabla: I have lost nothing. I am giving this some time and then next step will be higher authorities that will give a ****.
After that don't worry! I will be off. I am not staying where people condone the conning of people ie. Fraud! Plenty of other decent law abiding Land Rover sites.
you have acted disgracefully. I suspect you'll not be missed.
I think you will be needing to eat your words later on. ;) I have no need to lie. I am just not like that. Been on many forums and have had nothing like this happen before. :eek:

What? never had another member pay you the money to cover any perceived potential losses & another one offering you a free box. I'll bet nothing like that has ever happened to you before.:crazy:
you have acted disgracefully. I suspect you'll not be missed.
NO! You have all acted badly trying to cover things up. :mad: Acting like this situation is normal. God it's like driving into one of these freaky Villages here where nobody knows anything about a crime and won't say anything.
NO! You have all acted badly trying to cover things up. :mad: Acting like this situation is normal. God it's like driving into one of these freaky Villages here where nobody knows anything about a crime and won't say anything.
how have i covered anything up?Its been less than a fortnight and youve taken money off a uninvolved third party to resolve your issue.Thats ****ING generous on party monkeys part.
Back at you!:blabla: I have lost nothing. I am giving this some time and then next step will be higher authorities that will give a ****.
After that don't worry! I will be off. I am not staying where people condone the conning of people ie. Fraud! Plenty of other decent law abiding Land Rover sites.

Your right, you have lost nothing. You have your money back whatever happens by folk trying to shut you up.

You have had members on here running around offering you money or tuning boxes if it doesnt turn up but yet you still find something to whine about and no mention of thanks to the members concerned (sorry a quick note of thanks to PM while still managing to make out you are so hard done by).

So if you go to the authorities are you still going to refund the money to Party Monkey?

you have had 2 great offers from gents (Party Monkey & mjrimmer) on here who dont even know you or greenie and yet you still slate the members of this forum.

I really hope the box turns up soon and you have to come back on and apologise. Personally I dont think you will, if it does turn up I hope you pay Party Monkey his money back and then I suspect you will just quietly fook orf from the site after making such a fuss.
NO! You have all acted badly trying to cover things up. :mad: Acting like this situation is normal. God it's like driving into one of these freaky Villages here where nobody knows anything about a crime and won't say anything. disgust me, the sooner you're gone the better!

You should really look in the mirror and take stock of the person you have become!

This situation is not normal, however your conduct in this matter leaves alot to be desired, you acted out of greed and selfishness, by accepting a generous offer, that most decent human beings would have politely declined, with good grace, you didnt, and that speaks volumes about the person you are.

It shows that you lack good morals, and were only concerned that you get your precious 'part'.

You have shown me your true colours, I am sickened by your behaviour.

Kudos to Party Monkey for his efforts. Shame on you!!
.......I disgust myself sometimes, the sooner I STFU the better!

I should really look in the mirror and take stock of the person I have become!

This situation is not normal,

Kudos to Party Monkey for his efforts. Shame on us for ganging up on an innocent party who just wanted a reassuring answer to a PM and then all he got was ????
I know what I know through what has come of this so far. You need to but out and shut up, you know nothing.

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