its been half an hour and K5**** hasnt replied but has replied to others :eek: :eek:

can someone give me some money now cos i feel ignored and my world is ending :rolleyes:
not helping yourself there.
I am quite past caring at the moment! :rolleyes: You said yourself no sign of Greenie since ????
What is so hard to understand about all this? There was nothing wrong with him either when he was able to post ???? So I don't buy the Oh, he could be hurt etc.
I am quite past caring at the moment! :rolleyes: You said yourself no sign of Greenie since ????
What is so hard to understand about all this? There was nothing wrong with him either when he was able to post ???? So I don't buy the Oh, he could be hurt etc.
the point i was making(clearly wasted on you) is that he hasnt been back on here, he aint peddling his ware to others, he aint been online again to reply to your inane drivel or defend himself on the multitude of freds youve started.
Why are you posting?Thought you were leaving?Ya got ya money and have nothing to gain from us, apprently there other better forums interested in having you.
........ your editing of my post just reinforces my perception of your behaviour!

Your actions are infantile, and cowardly, you have made it the forums business by continuing your tyraid in the forum, so you deserve all you get.
........ your editing of my post just reinforces my perception of your behaviour!

Your actions are cowardly
How so, for innocently being taken in by someone off here claiming to be selling something?
Stop wasting your breath now. Sticks and stones and all that. :rolleyes:
Oh yes BTW if this was about the posting time of it. I received a Parcel posted using Royal Mail not a courier! 28/3/11 and it arrived 31/3/11! Post is pretty reliable as I buy a lot from the UK.
To the contrary, lets just say i'm now conducting my own human nature experiment.
For intelliectual gains. Brilliant. ill look forward to more of your vibrant wonderful posts regarding landrovers.
Or more wingeing.
How so, for innocently being taken in by someone off here claiming to be selling something?
Stop wasting your breath now. Sticks and stones and all that. :rolleyes:
Oh yes BTW if this was about the posting time of it. I received a Parcel posted using Royal Mail not a courier! 28/3/11 and it arrived 31/3/11! Post is pretty reliable as I buy a lot from the UK.
sticks and stones...theres an idea:D
I know what I know through what has come of this so far. You need to but out and shut up, you know nothing.

You still bleating away then scumbag.
If this is all part of of your "experiment" to see how much you can con the other good members on this forum out of then I think you've reached the limit.
Most people, myself included can't stand you anymore & I personally hope your freelander turns out to be the most unreliable one Landrover ever produced.
I didn't start this! It all could have turned out so differently. All one member had to do was reply to one simple PM with as little as Money received thanks. Which he didn't. So thank Greenie for this "whinging" thread that has spiraled out of control for not contacting me.
I didn't start this! It all could have turned out so differently. All one member had to do was reply to one simple PM with as little as Money received thanks. Which he didn't. So thank Greenie for this "whinging" thread that has spiraled out of control for not contacting me.
greenie forced you to post did he?No, didnt think so.
Whats the betting the **** even when he recieves the box denies all knowledge of it?

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